Limited Run Vader stunt sabers kits! Barbican, Severed hand and ANH square shroud version

Romans Empire clamps with slothfurnace cards! Getting prepared and excited!
Hey guys,
this is going to be a quick update but I wanted to let you know that everything is still moving forward as I haven't updated in a while.

I finished the previous steps discussed before, milling the sides of the shrouds, that was a long time consuming step! I also did the main opperations on the long alu cores for the Severed hand version.

I have moved today to a step I was slightly worried to start for a while, turning down and sanding the body tubes to their final states, it is slightly complicated, time consuming and sometimes a bit random to get a perfect finish on a long tube like this on a small lathe like mine, so I was fearing this as it wasn't super easy when I did the prototypes, it started a bit rough this morning, but I have now found a good setup with a different turning tool and a few slight adjustment and I am now very happy with the result and slightly less concerned about doing the following 80 tubes!

here are a few photos of a finished tube, nothing like seeing this with your own eyes, but at least, this gives an idea :)
cheers all!


so, it turns out you can still cut yourself pretty badly with aluminium...
I was pretty confident last night with those tubes, then, this morning, I cut my thumb kind of deep with a shaving on the 3rd tube! I will have to rethink again how to go about this!
I'm having no luck with this run!
working on it guys! I'm doing my best to get it all done as soon as possible, stay with me in the meantime, thank you :)
Personally I think you should make sure your thumb is healing first before you try working on the tubes again.
Don't rush and hurt yourself again.
thank you :) so I did a bit of admin stuff this afternoon instead and it turns out my website doesn't work anymore after an update! damnit!

oh, and I have been on this for 3 hours but now that I post this, it looks like I possibly just fixed it! lol!
Hey there,
Another quick update,

my thumb healed nicelly by the way, it was an impressive wound because it was bleeding a lot, but after a couple days with honey, it ended up healing nicelly on its own :)

I have started removing material for the step on the back of the shrouds :)

hey there :)

so, day before yesterday was another of those days I couldn't work, we had a problem with one of our dogs, so additionally to caring for her, bringing her to the vet, I spent the whole day doing as much grass clearing as possible all around the house in case her problem was related to this. the land around the farm is huge to take care off, my father is law is over 80 now and there is a lot to do. In the summer, we have a lot of bad grass with stuff that clings to the dogs hair and eventually wound them, sometimes badly. The vet is not sure of what happened this time, but in case it was related, I went crazy on the grass everywhere I could.

today however was a good day of work and I managed to move forward on 28 shrouds. Hopefully I can do the same tomorrow and that will be it for that time consuming step :)

sorry again for the delay on the run, life really has a tendency to get in the way, especially in the summer here, but I'm trying to power through all of this as much as possible and move forward every day :) Even the day before yesterday, just for the sake of saying I worked on the run a little, I went to the workshop in the evening to do 2 shrouds and feel a little less bad about the day! :)
cheers all
Hello there,
I have made very good progress today on the shrouds, managed to finish the previous time consuming step on the last shrouds and did the first rounded cut on 50 shrouds already. I'll finish this on the rest of the shrouds tomorrow and move on to the other side with the angled rounded cut.


Hello guys,
I am on a good progress streak these days and managed to finish all the rounded cuts on both sides of the shrouds :)
there are only 3 machining opperations left on the square shrouds finaly!
I think I'll be cutting the front slopes on the square shrouds tomorrow :)



hey guys!
alright, let's continue with the good progress and update rithm, today was a big milestone for the square shroud version and the run, I have cut the forward slope on the square shrouds and started milling them clean.
Tomorrow I'll finish this and cut the 4 round corners on the square part. Then, the square shrouds will be finished!

I'll be posting another update tomorrow I think to update on the overall progress of the run, timing and explainations on how the release will work, with first the square shroud version, then the rest of the run. People that wanted just a square shroud version, please be on the look out for that update as it will be important for you :)


Hi guys,

as promised, here is a more administrative update on the run, sorry for the long message,

As explained before, I have prioritized the Square shroud version as those are slightly simpler and have less greeblies. I'll be putting a few of those for sale before the rest for the people on the run that are only signed up for the Square shroud version or for other people from the run that want to get those early in a first package if they prefer. :) work continues on the rest when those are released, no pause, just made sure to work in a way that those get finished first :)

So, The square shrouds sabers are close to finished, I can't say exactly when they will be finished as life and work have been pretty unreliable this summer, but they are close, next week or the week after for sure.

Since interest on that run has been pretty big and the sabers are limited, I don't want people on the list to miss out. To make sure of that, I will be putting the sabers on a private category on my website that will only be visible to the registered customers I put in a special VIP group for this run. No one else will have access to it, you can be sure you will get the sabers you signed up for, no worries at all!

In order to make this happen, i'll need the persons from this run that are not yet registered on my website to do so, add their shipping address to their account as well and send me a PM here with their real name so I can associate your real name and account here and add you to the VIP list.
This looks slightly complex but this is the best secure way I found and it just requires a very simple PM :)

For now, It's only important that the people for the square shroud sign up, the rest can still wait, I will tag here all people that signed up for just a square shroud saber so they get a notification and know what they need to do and that the sabers are close to release :)

I have: Boba Flint Cantina_Dude Diego86 djedi Slave1 Ron Edraven99
(a few of you are already registered, please don't create a new account ;-) )

If someone that is on the list for several sabers but is interested to get the square shroud ealier, this is also possible and you can do the same, register on the website and send me a PM with your name and letting me know you want in early on the square shrouds.

This is only for square shroud saber kits! finished assembled sabers will all come with the main run in September.

Regarding the other two sabers
, I'm estimating I have still around 15 days of machining left with the last ops on the shrouds for those versions, body tubes and specific greeblies. Then a bit more time as well to assemble and paint the few sabers i'll be selling finished. So, we are looking at around end of September for the big release.

In general, once again, I'm sorry for the slight delay for this run, it is my biggest run yet and summer is never my best period with work and it has been no exception this year again. Trust me, it's not that I'm taking summer hollidays or anything, I wish! I haven't been on hollidays or even a week end or day off for 4 years :) It's just a lot of stuff that get in the way all the time. In the winter, i'm super cold in the workshop but I can work with that! Just bad luck for that run, but it's almost done :) (and I'm super happy with all the parts, all of them, really!)

thank you all for your interest in this run, your patience and your support for my work. I'm working hard to finish those as soon as possible and I hope the two releases will go smoothly for everyone. For any question or concerns, don't hesitate to send me a PM, I'm always there to answer and try my best to make sure you have smooth experience here!
cheers all :)
Hey there,
Just spent 23 hours without electricity.... There was a lot of wind and we had 5 short cuts the two days before, but it turns out someone apparently stole 50m of cable !!! What the heck, some people are really crazy, it's so tiring...

I remember DaveP saying on his latest run that it seemed the universe was against his run, I personally think this every run, it's exhausting... Someone stealing the electric cable or 2 full weeks of thunderstorms or all the rest of the crazy stuff that happened these last 4 months is never something you imagine will happen when you start a run!

Anyways, this is almost done now and I'm really looking forward to this run being finished and you guys receiving the sabers :)
Back to it full steam tomorrow I hope!

Hey there,

I finished the square shrouds completely and I think they really look awesome :)
I spent the afternoon carefully sanding all edges with 600grit and I filed and sanded the front end curve of the shrouds as can be seen in the references of the Barbican, makes the ends look less sharp and more accurate :)

I am really happy with my machining on this run, pushed things even further this time, I have managed to keep all parts safe and carefully stored all the time, I didn't make any mistake, didn't drop any part, didn't do any dents and there isn't really any scratches on the shrouds! which is quite an achievement with aluminium! I really hope you guys will like my work on those :)




Alright, so before releasing those, I have a few things left, finishing the damn body tubes without cutting more fingers, printing the activation boxes and cutting all the small grips that go near the shrouds, and that's it :) soon! then, back to work as efficiently as possible on all the rest before the big release of all the sabers!

I hope you like the shrouds :)
cheers guys