Limited Run Vader stunt sabers kits! Barbican, Severed hand and ANH square shroud version

Hey there, quick update, almost there with the square shrouds sabers, sorry life really is extra difficult with us lately and my wife health is worrying us a lot so things are slow.

Here is a quick video, if it works, of how my small workshop is drowned in parts!

Excellent Soundtrack!
That was actually funny because it's just what I was listening too at this moment, when I saw the video afterwards and heard the guitar solo "climaxing" on the paper towel clad aluminium tube, made me laugh a bit, like this was the highlight of the video :lol:
Hello guys,

here are the finished Square shroud tubes. I have glued the end caps with E6000 as well as attached the cores for everyone. It just made sense to do it as it's a bit annoying to do and it will be easier to pack in 1 part instead of 3 :)

the WIP finished square shroud sabers, I have decided to put a few on the website when I open the sales for the square shroud people only. Just made more sense than explain, alright for the people that are only on the list for a square shroud kit, for the people that want a finished square shroud, you'll have to wait for the main run to be released.
There are 7 people on the list for just a square shroud, 35 square shroud in total, and 10 will be assembled, so i'll just put 3 finished saber with 7 kits and see where this goes :)

now, this is not a tutorial or anything, this is just how I attach grips that have no screws to be able to attach the 7 of them in one go and not have to do one grip per day or something.
I carve a bit the glue channel to get a better contact, attach 3 small pieces of thin VHB tape and put E6000 glue in between the tape. The tape holds the grip firmly while the glue dries and it's rather quick to put together. I don't know, it's just my technique :)


oh yeah, and I generaly put tape or rubber bands to be even safer, even though E6000 doesn't really need pressure.

cheers all!
Hello there,

today, i did all the little brass brackets that go into the activation box,
first I had to detach them from the etched plaque:


I created a pressing jig on the milling machine as those are difficult to bend correctly with pliers:

and here we go!


now, I also worked on the activation boxes themselves, I'm sanding each side flat then I added a polishing step on the polishing wheel (because i'm crazy and I care :)) to make it look like injection molded plastic as much as possible. I hope you guys will like it, I can't spend an hour on each part, but I think they look pretty good like this already :) To me, the most screen-accurate result will still be with a coat of gloss black paint, but this gives the option to some people to leave them as is if they like it :)



I think Julie did a video of me bending the brass parts, maybe she'll post it as well.
cheers all!
Hello there,

today, i did all the little brass brackets that go into the activation box,
first I had to detach them from the etched plaque:
View attachment 1744197
View attachment 1744198

I created a pressing jig on the milling machine as those are difficult to bend correctly with pliers:
View attachment 1744199
and here we go!
View attachment 1744200
View attachment 1744201

now, I also worked on the activation boxes themselves, I'm sanding each side flat then I added a polishing step on the polishing wheel (because i'm crazy and I care :)) to make it look like injection molded plastic as much as possible. I hope you guys will like it, I can't spend an hour on each part, but I think they look pretty good like this already :) To me, the most screen-accurate result will still be with a coat of gloss black paint, but this gives the option to some people to leave them as is if they like it :)
View attachment 1744209
View attachment 1744211
View attachment 1744213

I think Julie did a video of me bending the brass parts, maybe she'll post it as well.
cheers all!
I love seeing the progress, jig, and custom tools made to make these

Totally amazed by the craftsmanship
hey there,

Removed the tapes on the grips, milled and attached the bubbles, turned the clamps around as their were the wrong side...! and attached the short grips under the emiters :)


Now it's just basically painting the shrouds that is left, but we are trying to find the best solution for this, painting is never easy... hopefully this works out and doesn't take too long either.
Are the square shroud kits ready to ship then?

Just don't want to miss an ordering post.
They are ready but I'm waiting for the finished sabers to put both on the website at the same time. If you are sure you want a kit though, you can PM me and I'll send you an invoice through the website :)

Edit: should also mention that my wife has been working on painting the shrouds, she has done several tests and finally had an awesome result with thinned Tamiya semi gloss black. I had to order more paint and varnish but those should be done quickly, and, I'm super happy with the validated tests :)

Edit2: paint was received an hour after this message. Very efficient shop. so we will be able to move on this this week end :)
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I put in to order all three kits - do I order the square shroud kit when you announce it, then the other two when ready? Really don't want to miss my window, lol.
I put in to order all three kits - do I order the square shroud kit when you announce it, then the other two when ready? Really don't want to miss my window, lol.
It's as you prefer. For now I'm reaching out only to the people on the list that wanted only the square shroud. But people that want several sabers are free to get their square shroud first if they don't mind the shipping costs. In this case, one saber will cost 16.25€ to ship.

I'm sorry for the overall delay on the project, life really got in the way this time

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