I've Bandai-ed about the idea of writing a Y-Wing fighter essay for a long time, but it's such a Harrow-ing experience and the more I've delved into it the Harrier it's gotten. In my Hummel opinion, the real problem is knowing where to start, which always leaves me up in the Air. Fix your mind on this, because while it's a magnificent Enterprise it's also a Heller lot of parts you'll need and, Tamiya eye, it's something of a jaw-dropping Revell-ation.
Buying all the original kits, to be honest, is kind of a Hase! Gawa head and do it anyway, because original nurnies (correct spelling, n.b.) are much better than resin-cast greeblies (wrong term, dufus). Soon it gets to be like swatting away Mosquitoes, because the list just keeps on growing, and soon your dreams are haunted by all the Phantom nurnies you have yet to acquire. Don't be Shiden, just start searching for stuff on Ebay, swap meets, Yardley sales, and model club events. Pretty soon you'll be so addicted that wild Mustangs couldn't drag you away from it.
You'll want to buy international airfare at least once, because some models are cheaper to find locally in Japan or England rather than paying for shipping. Watch your head -- don't let some Transatlantic Clipper trim your wallet so much that you pay astronomical prices; remember, you're not buying a V-2 Rocket to make a trip to Saturn. V is for victory according to Churchill, and you'll meet guys and gals with names like Gepard, Leopold, Matilda, all real Bulldog types. You'll meet military brass like Msrs. Sherman, Sheridan, and Scharnhorst You'll meet Germans named Hetzer, Hanomag, Fruehauf, Kettenkrad, and Heinkel. Oh, and Herr Stug is a nice old man, but his great grandson, Stug IV -- he's a thug. You'll meet really really old guys who could easily be Centurions, as well as really lightweight guys who look like 25 Pounders. If you go to Japan to save on shipping be sure to say hello to Msrs. Fujimi, Nichimo, Hyuga, and be sure to try the raw cow meat, I believe they call it Musashi. Don't be embarrassed if you can't pronounce their names -- you say Tomato, I say Yamato. When you bow to say thank you, be sure to use the phrase "Domo wari gato, Carro Armato." From there, why not make a short visit to some southeast Asian jungles to see all the Tigers, Panthers and Leopards -- I've heard one of them is a Royal or King of some type.
Too much travel can stress you out, so be sure to sit in the Lotus position at least 72 Delightful times. Your L'Eggs should be tucked up underneath you -- and be sure to do this with enough shade to stay cool -- wear a Hood -- because the Heat Sinks many in that part of the world.
How much will all this cost you? Well let's just say that by the end of it, your wife is going to hire a PayHauler to haul your paycheck directly into her account because she's lost all trust in your whimpering little mantra, "Just one more..." When you hear these words, "I'm tired of your Scammel!!! We had M577 in the account, which was Bf109 in German currency, and now we're down to 1/24 of that!" you know you've hit the reasonable limit, and your nice little Anzio Annie may put you into a full Nelson -- either way, there'll be no Essex for you for weeks and you'll Sea Lab results in about a month. Making her a nice cup of tea with Devonshire clotted cream might help her not to Bristol so much, but don't let her take the Beaufighter out of you. Chances are she'll let you value your Y-Wing knowledge in the doghouse, where you'll really learn what's your Kenworth. Sorry old boy, but Shinanos as much as you, and your once-secret knowledge is not so "Nitto!" anymore, now it's just silly trivia from an old movie in her opinion. Once the Hornet stings have subsided and the Hurricane passes by, lift your head and ask the gods, "Y oh Y did I ever start this Wing?" The stars may twinkle in Mauretania, but you'll never see the Aurora borealis again. Whatever you do, don't Karl me for the answer, Karl Morser instead.
Meanwhile, please swing by the garage studio next Friday night, I'm having Morgan, Plus 8 other guys come over (I think you'll like 'em a lot, these are 8rad guys). And John -- who thinks he's a Player, who thinks he's Special, well let's just say he's been uninvited.
Just knock Otaki on the door 51 times and listen for Nakajima Kate to ask you the secret question, "Howitzer goin'?" to which you give the secret reply, "Buffalo Schwimmwagen!" Don't ask me what it means, some Wankel at the Rotary club told me it years ago...