Done / Completed Luke / Vader ANH shared stunt saber kit

This run is now available publicly on the website!

Considering the big success the motorized sabers got for the pre-release, being sold out under an hour, I have ordered 15 other motors to convert a second batch of kits to motorized (about a dozen or so, 15 motors is for safety).
this means two things:
- I have reduced the stock of kits and marked the motorized sabers as "back soon!". People interested in kits are welcomed to get one now of course

- It will probably take a couple of weeks for me to receive the new batch of motors, so I'll need people to be patient with me, nothing I can do here. However, I'll get to work as soon as i receive the motors

Thank you all for your interest in my work!

back soon.jpg
Hello there,
I am catching up slowly with all the orders, I have prepared all the orders from Saturday without custom requests.

will label them now and ship tomorrow morning. Then will work on the custom requests and later orders.
Thank you all for your patience :)
Hello there,

I'm finally caught up with shipping all orders (except for 1 that was a bit bigger and complex)

All parts for the next batch of motorized sabers are on the way.

Important information for the next batch:
There will be a dozen or so motorized sabers depending on how smooth the batch of motors runs. The price will increase slightly to 215€ as I had to source new parts and order more material with shipping costs and they were more expensive this time around. Not much I can do about this, sorry. i think this is still a very affordable offering for what it is :)
For now, the rest of the options are still available on the website, there will be a few changes for those as well when the new batch is released.
- advanced kits will be removed, I haven't sold any, doesn't seem it was a good option after all, they will be converted to motorized sabers.
- base kits will increase to 85€ as they will have a stainless steel rod included this time as I think it makes more sense.

There are still 16 people from the interest list that haven't ordered. I'm hoping most of you guys are waiting for the new motorized sabers and not just ghosting me :) please get in touch soon if you can no longer order, I would appreciate it. Feel free to let me know if you are waiting for a motorized saber as well, that will help me get a better sense of number. thanks :)

Those that already ordered, thank you again and I really hope you'll like the sabers when you receive them, the first few in Europe and UK will arrive soon I think :)
cheers all!
Look what came with the mail today - the missing piece of my ANH Special Effects motorized lightsaber collection! And I love it! Just finished adding T-tracks and the clamp plus one of my golf club blades (Folmer red button and Graflex lens eye on it’s way from Roman). This thing is running so smoothly, almost too silent .

Thank you so much eethan for this opportunity to finally own one of my most favorite movie props of all time!


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Look what came with the mail today - the missing piece of my ANH Special Effects motorized lightsaber collection! And I love it! Just finished adding T-tracks and the clamp plus one of my golf club blades (Folmer red button and Graflex lens eye on it’s way from Roman). This thing is running so smoothly, almost too silent .

Thank you so much eethan for this opportunity to finally own one of my most favorite movie props of all time!
Oh thank you so much Tom, it means a lot coming from you and I'm so glad you are happy with the saber!
Thank you :)
Hi, just came across this via a friend. Assumes these are all sold. If anything’s left would love to know.
Hi, all kit versions are still available on my website,
Motorized versions will be back as soon as I receive the new batch of motors in a couple weeks I hope.
Received mine today and could not wait to put it together! This is such a fantastic hilt. So well made and insanely cool when you hit that switch and see that rod spin! I can't wait to add a blade to it. I just wanted to hop on here quickly to share some pics and once again give a huge thank you to eethan for all the incredible effort he's put into this project.

Received mine today and could not wait to put it together! This is such a fantastic hilt. So well made and insanely cool when you hit that switch and see that rod spin! I can't wait to add a blade to it. I just wanted to hop on here quickly to share some pics and once again give a huge thank you to eethan for all the incredible effort he's put into this project. View attachment 1831573View attachment 1831574
View attachment 1831575
thank you so much for your kind word! I'm so glad you like the saber :)
nice photos since earlier! thanks for sharing! And I see you now added the bear tab, looking really awesome!
I don't see the video on my end, but it could just be on my end.
look at me being back in production and posting several messages a day, sorry guys, can't help it!

packaging was crazy on that order! last time, the motors were just thrown into a box, this time they were wrapped into two layers of bubble wrap with tape in a cross patern around it and then inside the white bubble wrap envelope! took me 30 minutes to get to all the motors! but they certainly couldn't get damaged during shipping.

all 15 of them run smoothly!

For the second batch, I had to order a few additional switches. First time, they came from china for 50cents a piece, this time I had to source them from amazon for much more, they are exactly the same (pretty much the only switch currently available), but on amazon, there were all those bad comments that the switches broke at the first push because the bottom was coming out! I never experienced this on the run and they might have made them stronger now, but now that I saw those comments, I got worried, so I welded all switches with my soldering iron, that should make them much stronger. I hope the assembled kits I already made will hold!
I recommand people that got DIY kits do the same with theirs I guess. I wore a mask, be carefull when doing stuff like this please, we don't know what this plastic is and how bad it can be for your lungs.

cheers all
So, for the motor we need one with a 25mm outer diameter, 12V, and 620 RPM's?
Is that right?
that is correct, sorry, I was not really allowed to discuss the actual numbers in public so that is why I have been a bit discrete about it.
Hello there,

I'm still waiting for a bit of material, aluminium tube, stainless steel rod, heat shrink tubing, but I'm doing all that I can in the meantime to be ready as soon as everything is on hand.

New batch of battery packs is finished, wires almost finished, waiting for the white heat shrink tubing

and I'm converting the last 6 motor ready kits I had in stock to motorized already and will do the rest when I receive the aluminium tube to do the motor spacer rings i'm missing.

give me just a few more days and everything will be back in stock ;-)
cheers all