An Unexpected Journey. Another Tie Bomber Build Thread.

As always you guys inspire me to do it right.

Pulled out another one of my front nose pieces that I made with closed ends.

Into the lathe to turn the back side out to enlarge the openings to set the Junyo parts


Carefully extract the old nose cone from the body and dremel out the Junyo parts as I do not have extras.

Then Break a nose cone on the lathe. . Good thing I had two

below is the extraction, the explosion and the good piece.


Pain in the butt but built it out to an acceptable level. Glue on some styrene, sand to fit, glue in. Rinse and repeat.


Not glued on yet but it will do.


Moving on…
Some more progress. Had a heck of a time with the mandibles. Call it fat finger or whatever but in holding it down in place i had two of three split down the middle. (The truth is i have no feeling on two finger tips on one had so i fumble alot...) Frustrating but that means i get to fix it.

Below is the first failed attempt and above it the success. I of course sanded off the extra glue before i mounted it. You can just make out the support i added behind the break for strength.


Mandibles, side clips and bomber nose mounted. Some chips there from surgery but that will fade away later.


Started on the wing spar supports. Carve, sand, test. Mix and repeat. Only worked on one for now.


Test fitting... The top tip broke off. I will add that back later.


A few questions.

On the wing spar supports. One side of the donor part has "wing ribs" extending out at the two openings and the other side of that same part does not. (Those ribs went to the bottom half of the donor part that you cut off. Did you guys scab onto the part these "wing ribs" to make it symmetrical from the top? (You can see the three wings in the above image.

Again on a TB interior. What have you all done of anything? Been looking at 3D files to Tie Fighters and Tie Bombers but i do not want to buy an whole kit set for just the interior. Also reached out to eagle1 about his awesome interior. He scratch built his which i am OK doing for all but the pilot and seat.

What do you guys use for fine application of super glue? I have a small tip on my bottle but it still flows way too much. I have seen guys use brushes but seems like the brush would be a one time use. I primarily use CA glue for assy.

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For the wing ribs, I put the ribs in front and the smooth side to the back. I think that's what the filming model had.

Interior, I didn't do one. The real model doesn't have one.

For CA application, I normaly pool some in a container (bottom end of an upturned espresso cup) and use a toothpick or a T-pin to apply the glue.

Here's a few snaps of my Bomber build from wayyyy back. I added a cockpit for my own pleasure. Taken from a camera back in the day, so picture quality not the best!

Thank you Stu for the images. As i gather my inspiration your work will be one of the guides as i now for certain that i want a cockpit to fill the void.