I know that there's been a lot of discussion regarding the coat finishes/details, especially concerning the collar and the "waxing".
Don't forget that
every movie costume is transformed (wear and tear) with many types of tricks by the costume designer and his/her team.
The "used look"; that is: the way the hero coat "falls" on the actor body is all about the techniques those designers have honed along the years and most of them have secret techniques used to achieve that final hero look. I'm sure you're familiar with the use of tea, coffee, sandpaper, shoe-polish, alcohol, wax, paint, etc...
I agree that many of you don't want the "new from the factory coat". I understand perfectly
What the majority wants is the screen-used coat seen in the movie.
Question: let's imagine, for a minute, that K has worn that coat, everyday for 10 years.
Where are the areas that would be "worn" all the time? Sleeves (elbows in particular) with some color change when they rub the side of the coat (so the sides have to look worn also, or have a "shine" (color change also), creasing at the elbow level, worn edges of the sleeves.
The closing of the coat: perspiration and the acid/grease of your finger will mark and dilute the color in those areas. So button hole/magnets placements will show that wear and tear.
The back of the coat: (the seat especially). You sit on various surfaces, you crease the coat (sleeves, mid-section). Sometimes the coat is on a hanger, sometimes on the back of a chair...sometimes thrown on some other surface.
Collar: same thing: hair grease/perspiration, handling of the collar/buckle, with the hands...etc
And, finally: the environment! Rain, pollution, smoke...the cherry on the "transformation layered cake" has to be considered also!
I really appreciate the work/effort that many known members of this particular thread have done for months researching the amount of pics/details of that particular coat.
But I think, that in the end, the wearer will
make the coat
his own by wearing it, everyday in any type of environment.
Eager to see the next updates
and let's see the "before" and "after" pictures of one coat after 10 years of wear