You take risks with jokes and fine, that one didn't land. Oh well. I'm not Bill Burr. I'm just fed up with people getting so bent out of shape over nothing. It's my own fault for wading back into these discussions. I should know better by now. Modern fandom, along with modern culture, is obsessed with victimization and crusading for vain causes. It's sucked all the joy out of entertainment because there's no escaping either one.

It's been at least a decade since I've had a productive conversation about Star Wars. At this point, all I have left is to laugh at the whole thing.

"If my life wasn't funny, it would just be true, and that would be unacceptable."

-Carrie Fisher
I think the bigger point is you seem to be slamming something you haven’t actually seen.
I think the bigger point is you seem to be slamming something you haven’t actually seen.

Do I need to watch the show in order to make a joke about it? Or is it possible some of you can't handle any form of criticism, even as simple as one sentence made in jest.

In case you hadn't noticed, I'm not the only one mocking it either.
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I'm not watching any new SW, but I did notice there's a Wookiee Jedi in this show. I've always wondered why Lucas would always veto Wookiee Jedi in the Prequels. Several concepts were done and the artists said Lucas would say it was good art, but no. He always made a point of saying how the Wookiees look like animals, but are smart and advanced. Yet for some reason he didn't think they could be Jedi. Yeah they are in the old EU and Clone Wars, but I've always wondered why. The only thing I could think of is that he thought they would be confused with Chewie or the other Wookiees in ROTS.
For some reason every Wookie except Chewie just looks not right to me. I have no idea why.

That’s a great observation, touched on by Adam Savage in this video…there was a uniquensss to Peter Mayhew, that carried over to Chewbacca, that may make other Wookie players look “not quite right” in your mind’s eye:

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In animated, there's Gungi from Clone Wars and Bad Batch - which I'm finishing up Season 3 of now and digging.

Looks like guy whom I posted about previously has his video privated. But, he apparently went on stream with Echo Base Network. I guess he was telling the truth about being former LucasFilms Animation.

Additional Edit: RT Acolyte audience rating now at 14%. This is nuts.
There's rumors that RT is going to lock it so the score doesn't fall any farther, which they have done. If all the accusations of review bombing were true, and if it was truly a good show, that score would have started to rise. All the people who loved it would start making it go up. I don't think there's any hope for this franchise if they constantly refuse to learn from their mistakes and don't put the story first.