Tombstone Val Kilmer / Doc Holliday Costume

Doc Holliday’s Duster Update 5-4-24

Pockets and pocket locations is making Elaine see double and she doesn’t even drink……

The duster is really coming together quite nicely, but it’s time for Elaine to take a couple of days off, as she has really been putting in the hours on this duster. Elaine will jump back on this project starting Monday, so in the meantime I will go over some things about the duster to show you what has been taking place.

As I have mentioned before, this duster is being made off of photos, as I still haven’t been invited to Val Kilmer’s house to check out his collection of the Tombstone wardrobe. Making garments from photos is a very tricky task, as you have to deal with optical illusions caused by the camera. This is where Elaine and myself kept having issues with the pockets on the duster. You see, the pockets run on angles which makes it very hard to see there actual size and location, but at the end of the day and after having Elaine make several different pockets, I would say we are as close as we are ever going to get it, unless Val invites us over to his place

The adjustment belt (or this is what I call it) on the back of the duster and the adjustment tab on the back split have been made. These will be installed on Monday after Elaine’s rest.

On a side note, this duster is taller than my dear friend Elaine, which has caused her some grief man handling this thing. I think she said there is something like 7 to 7 1/2 yards of fabric in this duster, and this is for my size as we both think other dusters will be even larger as this lunger isn’t really that big of a guy (I’m the same size as Val).

In the photo below I am showing a pocket with another pocket flap. You will notice that the pocket has a button on it as this is how the original duster is, but in the movie these bottom pockets were never buttoned close, and the same goes for it when the original duster went to auction (the duster did not sell at the auction). I just wanted to point this out as when the duster gets displayed we will not be buttoning up the two lower pockets, as we want to show it as like the auction photos.

When I talked to Elaine last night, she said that we were both CRAZY for doing this, and I told her she was absolutely positively right There are reasons that this has never been done before and I am a guy that loves a good challenge


Sorry for being late with these photos as I was hoping to have them posted last night, but unfortunately storms wreaked havoc on my internet last night.

So, these will be the last sneak peak photos of the duster, as the next time you see it will be when it is completely finished and in my studio.

Remember, this is obviously an unfinished garment, but I think you all can picture in your head how this bad boy is going to turn out

Makes you kind of wish you would have bought one of those scarves doesn’t?

After reading through this great thread, I was able to find your website and place an order for a Doc Holliday "vendetta scarf" and the red "Wyatt's scarf". I'm most excited to add to these items to my collection, and look forward to purchasing the "Rio Bravo" vest when it becomes available. Thank you, John Holliday, and the rest of you great folks for helping me pursue these screen accurate items.
After reading through this great thread, I was able to find your website and place an order for a Doc Holliday "vendetta scarf" and the red "Wyatt's scarf". I'm most excited to add to these items to my collection, and look forward to purchasing the "Rio Bravo" vest when it becomes available. Thank you, John Holliday, and the rest of you great folks for helping me pursue these screen accurate items.
Thank You so much for your business Edmund Barbossa :love: We take GREAT PRIDE in what we do, and we try to match everything as close to the movie/tv items as we possibly can. The vest is being perfected as I write this comment, as we go through several prototypes before the actual item is made :)
That is a great accomplishment of cinematic haberdashery!
A question, if I may, what types of knots are you using for Doc's scarf?
I just received my scarf (as well as Wyatt's neckerchief) from your fine webstore yesterday, and both items are even better in person than I had hoped for! Many thanks to you and Elaine for such quality wares!
That is a great accomplishment of cinematic haberdashery!
A question, if I may, what types of knots are you using for Doc's scarf?
I just received my scarf (as well as Wyatt's neckerchief) from your fine webstore yesterday, and both items are even better in person than I had hoped for! Many thanks to you and Elaine for such quality wares!
Well, first off, I would just like to thank you for your purchases, Edmund. I really enjoy doing the study on all these items and the searching for the fabrics and Elaine really enjoys making them, although it drives us a little more insane each time we start a new project.......... LOL As for the type of knot I am using to tie the scarf, I believe it is called a square knot???
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Well that outfit is the cat's meow for sure:cool::cool:(y)(y):love::love: A few years on the saddle with that costume and it's going to be even better with the wear and tear(y)(y)(y)
Well that outfit is the cat's meow for sure:cool::cool:(y)(y):love::love: A few years on the saddle with that costume and it's going to be even better with the wear and tear(y)(y)(y)
A few sketchy days at a re-enactment, some blurry memories of a card game, being drug behind your horse on the third attempt at the vendetta ride, and finding yourself crossing the river without a horse and that not being your scene..... and a few days waking up at noon in the water trough on main street... you will be nice and weathered. But I also think the first good 120 degree day on the dusty streets and sweating to near coma will help. I am so excited to see this in action. Like joberg said, now we need the mileage. Kudos to you for this great effort and for making it available to us.
Ooooh, almost forgot. My merch arrived and I am a bit dazzled. These scarves and ties are so many, many hours of research and yes, I totally do have a frame of reference to understand the level of effort that goes into creating something of this detail. I have caught myself staring when I was actually, actively showing it to someone else. Just stopped mid presentation and stared.
Ooooh, almost forgot. My merch arrived and I am a bit dazzled. These scarves and ties are so many, many hours of research and yes, I totally do have a frame of reference to understand the level of effort that goes into creating something of this detail. I have caught myself staring when I was actually, actively showing it to someone else. Just stopped mid presentation and stared.
Well Brother, I really don't know where to start as that was quite the write up, so I guess I will start off with a BIG THANK YOU! :) I have had a LOT of fun working on this stuff, even though it can drive me crazy at times :p I want to thank you personally for placing an order with us as we really appreciate it very much. One cool thing about the duster is it VERY LIGHTWEIGHT and is made of 100% cotton. When I did my photo shoot I got really hot as the black jacket I had under the duster was think and heavy, so we are going to my the movie correct jacket and when we do, it will be made of a summer weight fabric so this won't happen again.