Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser closing?

I watched and saved a bunch of videos about the Galactic Starcruiser. I can't believe I missed out and it's closed. I just never assumed it would close because it's Star Wars. There are a lot of negative posts here about it. But the concept although they didn't go 100% is a good if not great one.

Perhaps people here have forgotten already since there haven't been posts in a month. I can link or post some videos / articles if people want to see what I was checking out.

But in the end, to me Galactic Starcruiser seemed like an attempt at close to the Holodeck. And I think that's what most of us here who like Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. would like to experience. I got the feeling of the old Terminator 2 3D at Universal, another experience which I can't believe is closed, while watching and reading about Starcruiser.

I hope they just do more tweaks or build on what they've started. Because they seemed to be like 90% or so there. And they could continue it and perhaps 5 or 10 years from now the experience will really be incredible.
Other than the Falcon, the set-piece vehicles you can see are ST stuff -- an X-wing and an A-wing. I've only been twice (albeit on the same trip), but there were a fair number of relics of the OT scattered about -- smaller things, at least.

That and there are FO Stormtroopers walking around and occasionally you'll see Kylo Ren or Rey.
Disney's Fort Wilderness Campground has the well loved Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical review dinner show.

Disney should just make the Galactic Star Cruiser a dinner show..
Starcruiser never should have closed. So many ideas they could still do. I'm sure it was a business decision more than anything else. Part of me thinks that the people at the top of Disney were never fully committed to the project. For example, a few Starcruiser Tour videos show the drive to the location and you can see the back of Galaxy's Edge and the Starcruiser building. Which defeats the immersion and is such as easy thing to design around. But they didn't.
Yeah, walking around Disneyland scanning crates doesn't exactly sound like a premier Star Wars experience to me.

I was reading the comments on that video, and someone mentioned "Secret Cinema". Never heard of it so I checked it out. Looks way cooler than whatever the starcruiser was trying to do. A lot cheaper too. £70.

I just wonder how things would have gone if the Galactic Starcruiser had been a “Bothan Spies” adventure (between ESB and ROTJ), with classic characters and scenarios, would it have been more successful?

For that matter, if the setting of Galaxy’s Edge was Mos Eisley, complete with a replica of the Cantina, Docking Bay 94, etc. what would attendance be like?
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I'll download and watch / listen to that 4 hour youtube video. I never heard of her before but she somehow has a lot of subscribers. Still I think far too many people are negative on the Galactic Starcruiser. I'm not going to give free ideas but like the one I mentioned above was easy and obvious.

I still wish I was able to go on a voyage as I see some people calling it. I just hope Disney takes what they learned with the Starcruiser and expand on it. Because the overall idea was solid.
Wow its really amazing to see how bad her experience was, like every part of it failed. And she's clearly trying to be positive about it.

it's also quite astonishing how such a large corporation fumbled the marketing so badly.
I just wonder how things would have gone if the Galactic Starcruiser had been “Bothan Spies” adventure (between ESB and ROTJ), with classic characters and scenarios, would it have been more successful?

For that matter, if the setting of Galaxy’s Edge was Mos Eisley, complete with a replica of the Cantina, Docking Bay 94, etc. what would attendance be like?
If they kept the price the same, I'd say that it wouldn't have done much better. It may have lasted a few months longer but it ultimately would have still failed. The problem, if you ask me, wasn't the setting, it was the price and the general lack of repeatability. It was horrendously expensive and it was kind of a one and done. So, unless you have tots of money to spare and really, really enjoyed your time there most people aren't going to go back because nothing will have really changed and even if you choose to support the other side the ending will still be the same. All that setting it during the OT would have done would have been to postpone the inevitable and have more disappointed fans who couldn't save the money in time to go before it closed.