Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser closing?

I watched Jenny's Rise of Skywalker video. That was amazing. :)

Whether you agree or disagree with her, I have found that her takes and analysis of these Hollywood/Entertainment topics to be well thought out and well described. She does her homework. She doesn't come across as bitter or angry, but more... disappointed with the obvious foibles of these productions.

Michael French at RetroBlasting (NohandLuke here at TheRPF) is a BIG Indiana Jones (and classic Star Wars) fan and occasional cosplayer. He knows the character inside-out, and does his research. Despite the fact that his "Dial of Destiny" YouTube deconstruction was also 4 hours long, he REALLY explained and gave detailed reasons WHY he felt the movie didn't work, on multiple character and story levels. And did so in an entertaining way, with solid production values.
My favorite line from that video:

"When does he release the Snokes into the world? Do they start out that shriveled, or does he wait for them to get as shriveled as possible? ... like a pickle."

Her deadpan line of "Wow. Finn is really bad at object permanence."
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I skimmed the video, watching bits of the 4hrs on my 1 hr lunch so... Most of the videos I've seen ring true, for the most part, so I don't doubt the veracity of her claims. My takeaways?

First, and most obviously, the cost. As Star Wars fans we've been conditioned to pay way too much for things we like/want. But the price for this is far and above way too much. It's comparable to an ocean cruise, and that's what it should cost, not nearly three times as much. Unsustainable business model? That's no excuse for the consumer bearing the burden of Disney's financial ineptitude.

Second, much of what you get from Starcruiser you were supposed to get from the Galaxy's Edge. Instead, what we got is a glorified shopping mall with a Star Wars theme and an overpriced experience center.

Finally, that app that may or may not work, and isn't that good when it does... Let me clue you tech savvy folks in on a little secret. Apps may be easy and convenient, but ultimately are a cost cutting substitute for actual customer service. (Once we roll out the app, we can cut manpower by 30 percent!). Even if the app isn't taking your money, data, or identity outright, you're still being scammed.

Obviously there's more to it than just that, but the way it was implemented, Starcruiser was doomed to fail.
Finally finished the video. Took me several days watching in shifts to make it through four hour video, but the fact that I actually watched the whole thing says a lot. I've seen actual Star Wars shows that I didn't enjoy as much as this video. Going to definitely check out more of her content.

For the hotel/park the one thing I'll add is she was 100% spot on about the terrible marketing. Case in point: I didn't go. Even though I own a Han Solo costume, I have a lightsaber collection, the photo above my mantle is Darth Vader (signed by David Prowse). I love immersive experiences, I go to cons, AND I go to Disney world every year. I should've been a slam dunk, easy money. They honestly should've been able to just go ahead and factor my money into the original accounting. I should've been enough of a slam dunk that I'm surprised someone from Disney didn't call to ask why I hadn't booked yet and make sure I was OK.

and they couldn't sell me. Everything I saw made me doubt whether I would have fun and absolutely certain my wife would flat out refuse to waste two vacation days on it and make me take someone else. I still would've been willing to just take a friend AND eat the cost for both of us, but everything they released just made me think it would be cheesy.

This video mostly confirmed those suspicions.
Some of these points have probably already been made in previous posts, so apologies if I'm just covering the same ground. For myself, I have no interest in a sequel trilogy experience. I grew up with the originals, love the prequels despite their issues, and appreciate Rogue One and Andor for what they add to the lore. If I were to even consider dropping that amount of money, it would be for an original trilogy experience. And I think that's true in a lot of cases. The people with the disposable income for this at this point in time are people who grew up with the original trilogy. It still irks me that they have a full size Falcon there, but it has the rectangular dish. I think the Florida exhibit lends itself quite well to a Yavin type of experience to start. I don't think you can do a Tatooine immersion when you always run the risk of an afternoon rain. I think it was just poor planning from the outset from time period to location.
Some of these points have probably already been made in previous posts, so apologies if I'm just covering the same ground. For myself, I have no interest in a sequel trilogy experience. I grew up with the originals, love the prequels despite their issues, and appreciate Rogue One and Andor for what they add to the lore. If I were to even consider dropping that amount of money, it would be for an original trilogy experience. And I think that's true in a lot of cases. The people with the disposable income for this at this point in time are people who grew up with the original trilogy. It still irks me that they have a full size Falcon there, but it has the rectangular dish. I think the Florida exhibit lends itself quite well to a Yavin type of experience to start. I don't think you can do a Tatooine immersion when you always run the risk of an afternoon rain. I think it was just poor planning from the outset from time period to location.
Disney has said that they ultimately decided not to set Galaxy’s Edge during the OT because they know how detail-oriented the fan base is and that it would have been heavily criticized no matter what they did with it.

While I think that’s a bit of a cop out, just reading a few threads here on the good ol’ RPF and I totally understand where they’re coming from. :lol:

My favorite line from that video:

"When does he release the Snokes into the world? Do they start out that shriveled, or does he wait for them to get as shriveled as possible? ... like a pickle."

I always thought that the “Snokes” were actually Sea Monkeys that Harold Q Palpatine had ordered from the back of a comic book advertisement, grew in a water tank, and later released into the galaxy…

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"Rather than embrace a new future, rather than pave the way for a new imagination, Communicore Hall reminds us of the future we already arrived at, a future that many now probably wish they could have escaped from, and into the fantasy worlds once dreamt long ago."

Well said.

Ann Morrow Johnson, Lead Creative Behind Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, Leaves Disney Imagineering to Join Bob Weis at Gensler

Johnson was the Global Head of Creative Development for Imagineering. She led many projects, including the creation of Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser.

Johnson joins Gensler as Design Director and Global Entertainment Leader. She’s partnering with Lexi Barry as co-leader of Gensler’s Entertainment and Experience Design Practice.

Johnson joins former Walt Disney Imagineering President Bob Weis, who became Gensler’s Entertainment Leader last year after 42 years with The Walt Disney Company.
Weis said in Gensler’s press release, “Ann Morrow Johnson is the creative leader the Gensler Entertainment Practice needs at this moment as we continue to see exciting growth and momentum. Her extensive global experience in immersive experience design and storytelling, coupled with a solid foundation in development strategy and architecture makes her one of the industry’s most sought-after leaders. As Gensler continues to influence the world with innovative design, I am confident that Ann Morrow will be an integral part of our future success.”
Disney has said that they ultimately decided not to set Galaxy’s Edge during the OT because they know how detail-oriented the fan base is and that it would have been heavily criticized no matter what they did with it.

While I think that’s a bit of a cop out, just reading a few threads here on the good ol’ RPF and I totally understand where they’re coming from. :lol:


I'm not buying that story for their reasoning.

The centerpiece of Galaxy's Edge is an elaborate Millennium Falcon ride with a huge exterior prop out front. The ride & the prop have technical changes (and outright goofs) all over it. Disney expected the public & fans to love it anyway and that's what happened.
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I'm not buying that story for their reasoning.

The centerpiece of Galaxy's Edge is an elaborate Millennium Falcon ride with a huge exterior prop out front. The ride & the prop have technical changes (and outright goofs) all over it. Disney expected the public & fans to love it anyway and that's what happened.
Would anyone outside this site even know what’s wrong? Would I!?

Anyway, thought this was funny…

The guy who owns the “Scum and Villainy cantina” in LA went to galaxies edge…. And loved it

He seems pretty mad about the 4 hour vid - tho he didn’t watch, but Kev Smith watched all 4 hours on the can…

Starts at 2:03:37

Hilarious that she got kev smith watching all 4 hours on the can

Who didn’t watch it!?!?!?

Bad take from JC, and the few comments on it were pretty funny in that so many people have watched all 4 hours.

I'm not buying that story for their reasoning.

The centerpiece of Galaxy's Edge is an elaborate Millennium Falcon ride with a huge exterior prop out front. The ride & the prop have technical changes (and outright goofs) all over it. Disney expected the public & fans to love it anyway and that's what happened.
I believe that. They thought their success was a given and wanted to build a huge multimedia thing around baatu as well. The ship was going to show up throught different movies and series, etc. Then the st got released and all those plans just went poof.

Considering they are clling the rey movie ep X, the did not learn their lessons very well.
I'm not buying that story for their reasoning.

The centerpiece of Galaxy's Edge is an elaborate Millennium Falcon ride with a huge exterior prop out front. The ride & the prop have technical changes (and outright goofs) all over it. Disney expected the public & fans to love it anyway and that's what happened.
Just IMHO, but having the Falcon there is very different than setting all of GE on an established planet like Tatooine. Furthermore, they went with the sequel trilogy Falcon so all of us OT nuts couldn’t nitpick it apart :lol:

While I would have loved it if GE was somewhere recognizable, I can certainly understand Disney’s point of view.

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I don't think their choice (to make GE an all-new place) was totally stupid. It has advantages. I just think a more direct OT theme would have been better.

And I think if SW had always been a Disney franchise there wouldn't have been a debate. The parks are covered in stuff that is themed very specifically to DISNEY movies that are 30, 50, and 70 years old. They only got reluctant about older material when it came to SW.
I'm not buying that story for their reasoning.

The centerpiece of Galaxy's Edge is an elaborate Millennium Falcon ride with a huge exterior prop out front. The ride & the prop have technical changes (and outright goofs) all over it. Disney expected the public & fans to love it anyway and that's what happened.

Yet... the Smuggler's Run area at Disneyland and Disney's Hollywood Studios is set up to STRONGLY remind you of Docking Bay 94 from ANH, pure and simple. BUT... it's the ST Falcon, for sure.

FWIW: The two Millennium Falcons at the two U.S. Disney parks/resorts are still the most accurate full scale (OK, argue with me at 95% scale, fine) Falcon replicas ever made.

Disney decided on a generic, as yet unseen location (Batuu / Galaxy's Edge) to give them some wiggle room for storytelling and not be locked into one specific OT or PT location. But in so doing, they set it in the ST timeline, therefore locking it into a specific location and story line (Rey running around, Kylo Ren and First Order troopers marching around, etc)

They have "bent" those rules recently by having the Mandalorian/Grogu, Boba Fett and Fennec Shand as meet and greet characters (they are immediate post ROTJ timeline, not ST timeline).
I'm still hopeful they'll do some seasonal rebrand/resettings of GE, not much redressing needed, to have OT characters and stormtroopers running around at some point. The Falcon could have a round radar dish installed, and the newer-than-OT ships could have propaganda posters installed describing them as THE FUTURE of the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, etc, for recruiting purposes. Join now to be the among the first to pilot the new enhanced T-70 X-wing! Got tech skills? Join the Empire and design amazing new fighters like the TIE Echelon! Easy rebrand and reset.

Plus just give us all the smugglers, droids and background characters that were promised to make it an immersive experience. Maybe have immersive days where only bounders and cosplayers are allowed in. The fan clubs would definitely rise to the occasion, as we've seen with the special SW Nights.