Interest Star trek picard season3 leather jackets!

I find this odd. You compare Rikers, Jacks and Shaws and they all seem to be different. Jacks seems to be really off set like LaForges and Datas, Rikers seems to almost be completely aligned in a straight line and Shaws is somewhere in between.

Sorry just noticed this. The angle of this diaginal seems to be lined up with the bottom edge of the starfleet badge. If you put a badge on your current version it wouldn't line up if you see what I mean. Please shout me down if im wrong.

Sorry just noticed this. The angle of this diaginal seems to be lined up with the bottom edge of the starfleet badge. If you put a badge on your current version it wouldn't line up if you see what I mean. Please shout me down if im wrong.

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I agree. It seems likely starfleet would design even badges and uniforms to line up. You can see with your inlay where the angle of the "lapel" should be. Jameel Ur and Zlurpo i think hes correct
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Sorry just noticed this. The angle of this diaginal seems to be lined up with the bottom edge of the starfleet badge. If you put a badge on your current version it wouldn't line up if you see what I mean. Please shout me down if im wrong.

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You are right, I have to work on some tweaks including back design too.
I'm waiting for my delta pattren, as I received it, I'll redo my sample that would be final sample.
However,Guys your suggestion and criticism highly welcomed, that help me to develop a most screen accurate jackets.