Kosh Play

Please guesss the J Geil's Band song

Tried by guide
Then tried by hand
And then tried dremeling alone
Then filed and filed
And so it goes
Made it look real good
Fi-ling out the grooves
It's gonna make me cry
I've had it clean
And smooth as a rink
One thing for sure

File Greens
yeah yeah
File Greens


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I was talked into using Dragonskin for the molds.

Why? Becauae half the mold has to SSSSQQQUUUEEEZE through the center hole on the side vents. Not like Zoot suit side vents, either.

Looks very Alien eggs slime and robot blood.
Looks faintly dirty, but in any case professional.
Keep up the progress !
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Looks faintly dirty, but in any case professional.
Keep up the progress !
Without proper support, you mold can go from Sigourney Weaver to Kelly LeBrock.
Awlays run a test before using the pricey stuff


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So, both vents use about 4 oz of mold.

I used Task 16 for tge vents

I mixed two big globs on a stiring stick of each flesh pigment to get a color match I was happy with. A total of four globs.

I am happy with


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Aw Heck! Make some out of Eco-flex Near Clear. Added a video so you can see the compressibility of Eco flex vs rigidity of Task 16

Hmmm, I thought compressibility was a word. The squishiness! Aw crap! Squishiness isn't a word either


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Working on

Wait for it...


I didn't name this piece before, my error.

I have many ideas on how to complete this piece. It is a slow process. Cover the bottom area with tape and foil then apply --YOU GUESSED IT!-- Free Form Air. I am making it much deeper than what you see on the reference pics, because it is ribbed, and I am debating how to do the rib part.

Two gripes about the FreeForm Air stuff. If you mix alot of it, it hardens if not used IMMEDIATELY. So, you end up with hardened nuggets in the center of a glob! So, get gloves, grab equal, workable handfulls of each component, mix, sculpt, then New gloves and repeat. Adding small portions to the collar at a time.

The non-visible portion beneath the FreeForm AIr, the portion that is out of sight, on the inside/bottom, is a mix of tape and foil and paper. I will prolly coat the visible base with some xtc 3D with Aluminum powder when complete. I want the collar to have some strength. I want room for lights in there, just in case I want to.

But this has been a sssllloowww process. If you really want step by step pics, I can provide, but it is like watching paint dry.

The center hole is where my head is gonna fit. I just used a bunch of pics for reference and made the center hole out of tongue blades and paper, then cut out the center to make sure my head could fit. The center hole is currently flat, but will become more 3D in the future. I marked where the collar will contact my shoulders. To wear this thing for more than a few minutes, I need to make it follow the wearer's body contour, or the pressure point will feel like a Vulcan nerve pinch after wearing it for a few min..


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I love this! Was considering something like this probably 20 years ago, but never would have even gotten half as far as you have. Looking great!

The project has many parts with different skill sets, so I fit this in with other projects.

Half of me wants it done yesterday, but half of me wants my first attempt to be my only required attempt.

And alot of the pieces, once started, need a proper amount of time and attention before I can attend to another part.

If you get the desire, GO FOR IT!
We aren't getting younger. It would be fun to see another Kosh at a convention.
The project has many parts with different skill sets, so I fit this in with other projects.

Half of me wants it done yesterday, but half of me wants my first attempt to be my only required attempt.

And alot of the pieces, once started, need a proper amount of time and attention before I can attend to another part.

If you get the desire, GO FOR IT!
We aren't getting younger. It would be fun to see another Kosh at a convention.

Oh, that was pre marriage, 5 kids and building a house. I've gotten out of costuming and honestly collecting props/replicas basically. I stick around to see all the great stuff though and the funny memes thread that has been going on since then. hahaha
Oh, that was pre marriage, 5 kids and building a house. I've gotten out of costuming and honestly collecting props/replicas basically. I stick around to see all the great stuff though and the funny memes thread that has been going on since then. hahaha
Get the kids involved!

You want to see a four year old sit still for an hour? Make them a Green Lantern mask.

Have them sculpt a heart out of clay, then make arrows with heart tips for Valentines day.

get them a short scals bass and teach them the three notes of the blues...now you have a band!

It can start frustrating, but when they get it, they will come up with ideas that will somwtimes make you cry because it was so clever.

Oh, they can also come up with bad ideas that waste material, but I am guilty of that as well.
Costuming never gets old and certainly isn’t age-bound; fund/time-bound at best
Go nuts (I did:p)
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Finally had time to do the front of the shoulder thingie...er, pauldrons.

I forgot to mention earlier that there appears to be more than one set, and they are not the same!

Using 2 sided tape, I positioned them from the rear to recreate the slightly uneven look.

Placed plastic wrap at the contact points and sculpted away.
This is a base layer, because I wanted to set up the pauldrons to fit perfectly on the main frame.

After it sets, I will sand, touch up, and sand until I am happy with the look, then coat with brown pigmented XTC 3D.

I want them to be removable, so debating how I wanna do that.


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I really want have a bolt go through each. Velcro would be in addition to another attachment method.
Magnets are also an idea.

I know velcro can be pretty strong, but I wouldnt rely solely on it.

I have an Adam Strange helmet, and magnets lock it into place
Summer has been busy with life.

I have also been very picky about the shoulder stuff.

Sanding, adding FreeForm Air, sanding again.

I finally got the shoulder pauldrons to where I felt a layer of XTC to protect the outside was worthy. Still trying to decide how to attach them, but I like the details. I used a flesh tone on them, it seems like they look like pinkish bone during the series, but DarkPope's pics they look brown.


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Acultpes the Greens outnif free form air, and pretty much guestimated the 13 grooves. Drew them in Sharpie then filed the grooves into the greens.
Next, since they were not straight (filing on a curves surface) I put a little FreeForm Air into the fileds grooves, the placed clear plastic over the FreeForm Air and made the grooves straight and at a set depth.

Once that cured, sanded it down. Made it smooth, then Superglued (verb?) tape to the tops (making a demold easy), applied release agent, let it dry, wrote a run-on sentence, and coated in Rebound 25.

The parts are upside-down in the mold. That way, if the glow worm powder or pigment settles, it will move UP, and bubbles will appear to have migrated DOWN.

After the Rebound cured, I used (you guessed it!) FreeForm Air as a crunchy outer shell.

Made a big ol batch of green resin, 16 oz, and viola!

There were some bubbles in the resin, so I may redo with fancy Epoxacast 690


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