Kosh Play

Workin on some vents. I want the center to be open and debating if I will cast in rubber of silicone.
I want them to move around slowly and maybe puff out air. Also, I will see what one sculpt for both side vents look like.

I used drink cups for the rounding support on the sides. Once I have an anchor on the sides for the curve, I can tape aluminum to bridge the rest of it over.


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Secretly I have been adding more n more to the body to make it rounded. Now that I have the side cup/support areas I can work on a true 3D model. The pic I used was at an angle, so recreate the angle, and then round everything off

The head piece and fun with a hole saw for the eye.

Then make the hole saw eye piece part o da FACE!!!
Now Kosh can ask, "who are you?"
who-who, who-who?

***CAUTION***Posted video has an F-Bomb



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Used foil and stirrers to bridge gaps between sections and meet where I placed a plastic cup.

You can see the ink from the plastic bag that was the protective layer between FreeFormAir and the 5" ball I used to make the shoulders. I guess the bag's creators wanted them to leave a lasting impression on anything they touched. ;P

Kosh lookin more like Kosh.

Also, RedBulled to the bottom of the helmet where the aluminum was, I gave it wings

more terrible puns to follow


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What ever happened to that crazy blackening out details for a 3D print ?

Just clean em up. Put some xtc 3D on them so the casting material doesnt get stuck in them, and I will have perfect stained glass


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Broke down and did the left bib.

Originall was just gonna do two right bibs (one mirror image) but Dark Pope has a perfect shotbof the clearly larger left Bib.


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Coated the bibs with xtc 3d. Couple of reasons why:

To make it stronger.

Less nooks and ridges to grab onto when demolding. I still want ridges and nooks, but no enough to tear it apart while de-molding.

I have also been purdy-ing up the other parts.

There is s thread about "idealized" props. Funny how sculpted stuff is full of assymetries and flaws that you debate over keeping for the sake of legit, street-cred vs a million year-old creature prolly wouldn't have such obvious flaws or imperfections in a suit designed to hide its identity vs would it care?


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New part designation, the back pieces will be called "Scapulas' or "scaps."


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Have you done a search on this forum for other
Kosh cosplay? I reasonably sure there were at least two others that did full costumes.
Have you done a search on this forum for other
Kosh cosplay? I reasonably sure there were at least two others that did full costumes.

I found a thread asking about fabrics and DarkPope's wunnerful thread with a ruler!!!

I can use a computer instead of my phone to search, but I feel like I already have what I need depending on how *perfect* I want the costume to be.

If you have any input or ideas I'd love to hear them.

I found an instructables website for 8-panel, 2 inch iris door templates.

Prolly gonna make the neck vents/slats out of aluminum using a bendable copper pipe as the lower ring on the inner body..

Am I missing any riddles to this quest?
I found a thread asking about fabrics and DarkPope's wunnerful thread with a ruler!!!

I can use a computer instead of my phone to search, but I feel like I already have what I need depending on how *perfect* I want the costume to be.

If you have any input or ideas I'd love to hear them.

I found an instructables website for 8-panel, 2 inch iris door templates.

Prolly gonna make the neck vents/slats out of aluminum using a bendable copper pipe as the lower ring on the inner body..

Am I missing any riddles to this quest?
No, far from it. You seem to have a plan that you are following and are perfectly capable when it comes to your costume. I meant more so as inspiration as you get further into it. I have no doubt when completed it will be a masterpiece. Do you plan to motorize the iris?
No, far from it. You seem to have a plan that you are following and are perfectly capable when it comes to your costume. I meant more so as inspiration as you get further into it. I have no doubt when completed it will be a masterpiece. Do you plan to motorize the iris?

I think it will be okay. I have already taken some liberties at modifying it from the original. Edit : removed a second "already."

The iris will be motorized. I also want a sound and lighting system and hopefully a paint job that changes color as it moves. But all things in time.

I have a tendency to eat, sleep n breathe stuff til my brain is done. Then I pause and come back to it later.

I still have the bug for this project, I am trying to balance how I would do it, with how it was done, with how a million year-old would have done it.

I appreciate you following the thread, and once again, if you have any ideas,

Love to hear 'em
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Spent the past few days reviewing reference pics and trying to make things slightly above the projected 37% accuracy.
Fighting the urge for perfect copy of asymetircal prop vs symmetry that seems pretty implied.

Lots of touchup. I like that I can sculpt with sanding, it is a slower process than clay, but with a rigid sculpt, I can sssllllooowwwllly cater it to the design I want. Harder to overshoot what you want.

I like applying the XTC with a pigment that stands out, it pools in cracks and makes peaks and valleys come out with gloss. I know, the stuff is getting pricey, and to sand off some of it seems wasteful, but a little goes a long way.

Also, thanks to TheDarkPope 's reference photos with a ruler, I can make templates for things like vent openings that are, atleast, a good 43% accurate.

You see this stuff on tv, and you get a rough idea of size, but the ruler really, really helps


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The next step will be to add the Greens - the green, side thingys- so, I have been adding crap, then sanding/filing. Adfing more FreeForm Air, then sanding/filing.

Not very exciting, but the Greens will be based on what is already built, but if I build on crappy foundation, it compounds the inaccuracies.


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Sand, add stuff, repeat

I will hold off on pouring stained glass sections out of Task16 until I get the sash part ready.

Task 16 is getting more n more pricey and it starts going bad once you open it.


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