ILM Model Shop closing : (

This auction is only what was left after the assets were auctioned off over a decade ago when the bldg left the LFL umbrella and the moron who had acquired it had no effing clue what to do. Sean and a few others made high bids to try to keep as much around as they could and not have to try to re-stock and re-organize. It's only a fraction of what was there.
If I were Bezos or Musk...I would have bailed them out...the world was more interesting with them in it as a group.

That or on my way out, green screen drapes and a video camera...put the biggest model in the center but with high explosives..the building filled with explosive gases...and go out with a bang so the building is unusable to anyone else.
Yes, the closing is very sad. I remember first reading about ILM in 'Starlog' and other magazines shortly after the original 'Star Wars' movie premiered in '77. I've loved following their work as they took part in amazing movies over the last several decades. I noted that Adam Savage and the team went on site a couple of times, making some video tours and interviewing some great folks. I look forward to their roll-out of that video series.
Even watching the video and I'm buzzing with the urge to build models. You can tell Adam is in heaven!
And he’s also preserving film history. It may not be a prop, a costume, a set piece, or something on screen. He preserved a piece of film history that no one would ever consider. A piece of behind the scenes. Every modeler who build everything seen on the screens from Star Wars, the Star Trek movies and more have touched those racks, have searched those shelves for pieces, to restock those shelves. Most people wouldn’t think about it. Adam saving those shelves would be like saving the desk of Edgar Allan Poe.
Remembered to finally watch Adam's video on saving the ILM shelves. Just that energy and excitement for the passion of doing it all, is so fun to watch. Really makes you want to go build something.
And of all the tons of people that could have ended up with all that stuff, he is really the best and most perfect person.

My work area is extremely so tiny vs his. After last years kitchen restore, which made a mess of the house and I couldn't really get to this space, I feel like him with the whole, I'll get cleaning and rearranging it....someday....
I've been using the space in front of my computer, moving the keyboard out of the way. While nice to have the monitors there for references, that space is just NOT meant for building things.

My super messy desk, which is in this little area in the dinning room, and underneath the shelf with all my AT-ATs.
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