Hey guys. Thank you all for your comments, it is all very much appreciated & I'm very happy to know folks are getting joy from seeing videos like this. It's not easy for some to do I know, it's weird to see oneself on screen & even harder to be fluent enough to not be a bore!. But, subsequent videos will be much easier now I feel I have my feet wet!.
I do want to see the original sometime in my lifetime & hope that opportunity comes up. But, with all the info & reference out there & others amazing skills in getting accurate measures etc... I didnt need to see it beforehand. It's not like you can measure directly off the model at these touring exhibitions anyway, but I do have kind folks private photo sets & an extensive library of original shots.
crackerjazz... well thank you for complimenting my boyish smile & joy or wonderment talking about the model. Yes you are right, it still brings a sense of amazement to this guy & truly does bring smiles & joy to others, not just me, this miniature is loved worldwide!.
Stormy320... the kit parts initially helped in finding key measures to obtain an accurate blueprint, along with other techniques of course. Each section is worked out very carefully with the plating & kit parts combined, everything has to gel to fit as it should & I will go over the process of this in a future video.
3DImpact... you would be very welcome to visit me if you ever get here again. Always great to talk shop with others & meet up faces to names.