Limited Run ANTIDOTE VIAL from Temple of Doom Kit by Astyanax, chubsANDdoggers & cjunco1937

Tentative shipping date for Run #4 vial kits is TOMORROW! Get your payments ready!
Hi all, thank you so much for your prompt payments. All kits have been shipped!

That puts a bow on Run #4, and there are no more runs planned at this time. I do have a few kits left, which can be picked up on my Etsy page.

Thanks again to all who participated; I'm so glad we got a bunch of these out in the world!
Remember, the caps are a little fragile and prone to cracking if manhandled too harshly. Don't drop or over-tighten it!

If you crack yours, please DM me. Customer service is important!


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Mine arrived too! Looking great! Now find the time to finish them (probably somewhere in September ;-) )
Just a question for finishing these: did you use spray paint or just regular paint?
Just a question for finishing these: did you use spray paint or just regular paint?

I used Tamiya TS-21 spray. It seems to be nicely resistant to light rubbing, but will absolutely run if it comes in contact with the fluid that goes in. :)
It seems a few more folks have been asking for kits. I have updated the first post of this thread with an Interest List for Run #5. If I can get a couple more people interested, there WILL be a fifth run. If you want in, please DM me or let us know here in this thread.

Thanks for the interest!
Okay folks, Run #5 is ON! Give me 1-2 weeks to get all the parts in and some new lids printed.

Thanks for all the support!