revision of Indiana Jones Lost Journal

1920 - New York
Kate Rivers to Indy


Rainstorm over the city,
The sky black as a witch's hat,
Concrete canyons stream,
Then, look, I see you running towards me,
My own, my true, my love,
Sunburst suddenly,
The city's a garden, glorious,
Even the sidewalks shine.


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1920 - California
Indy to Claire

Dear Claire
I've been thinking about our relationship. Nobody can stop me loving you Claire, but I'm not just the right man for you. You need someone steady, reliable and smart, like old Tony.




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Paris - September 1916
(Mata Hari episode - letter over 2 pages)

Henry Jones Sr to Prof Jacques Levi

Prof. Jaques Levi
12 Rue de Seine

Dear Jacques
I would like to ask a favor on behalf of my son, Henry Jones jr. When he has his next leave he will surely go to Paris. A a cultural center it is too good to miss.

War is a fools game. If he hasn't figured this out, have faith that he soon will. Any help you may give him in extracting himself from his obligations will be greatly appreciated by me. You may inform him that I greatly encourage him to renew his educational pursuits at the university of his choice. He need no longer concern himself about my view in this matter.

Thank you my dear friend for your kindness in helping with this most difficult personal conflict.

With great appreciation

Henry Jones

Emperor Karl of Austria to the allies.
This letter is on white paper with a crest on the top of the paper.

To the British, Belgian and French governments

I, his Imperial Majesty, Emperor Karl of Austria-Hungary sue for peace for which I am prepared to grant the following concessions:
1. Austria to recognize French sovereignty of Alsace-Lorraine
2. Belgian sovereignty to be recognized
3. Serbian sovereignty to be recognized.


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And a few extra bits from Egypt


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What the Emperor says are the demands from the Allies that Indy delivered to him. The top part of the letter is read out aloud on the train the end of the episode and a you see a brief section in the same episode where you see the Emperor writing the letter.
A lot of progress with new pages being made here. Someone on facebook is also tracking down new pages now. Hopefully at some point we'll get to see a full diary.
Here's an interesting map which might prove useful for diaries showing colonial Africa and the old names used.


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For those using a font for their diaries (which I am also doing) I found FG Rochelle regular to be convincingly close to the handwriting used in the screen used diary.

For indydiary51, I have all the text deciphered for that page, coming partially from a source I found, from Indy Magnoli’s photos of his work, and from matching and puzzling low resolution letters until it seemed to fit. I will post the text I have this week when I am next at my computer. I similarly have the giraffes text filled (though some was guess work) but I’ve been really impressed with the new pages found in the DVD set and from the screenshots! I’m excited to add them to my own diary though I’m going to have to figure out what to cut out since I’m trying to fit everything (all the way to Dial of Destiny) in one 300 page Magnoli Journal. I’ve got almost 280 pages filled in my master file so and I’ve yet to do DOD or the upcoming Indy Video Game! A fun problem to have though.
For those using a font for their diaries (which I am also doing) I found FG Rochelle regular to be convincingly close to the handwriting used in the screen used diary.

I’m going to have to figure out what to cut out since I’m trying to fit everything (all the way to Dial of Destiny) in one 300 page Magnoli Journal. I’ve got almost 280 pages filled in my master file so and I’ve yet to do DOD or the upcoming Indy Video Game! A fun problem to have though.
This is a problem. I used a Magnoli diary and wrote up a time line of Indy stories. My diary was written to end at Fate of Atlantis. Simply put there's too much Indy content available. TV, Movies, Comics, Novels, Games, Rides etc. I had to chop a lot to be even able to finish the book where I did.

I ended up dropping the Marvel Comics. I included the novels which filled in the gap at the end of the TV series until temple of Doom. Added in one of the small Dark Horse comics and 'forbidden eye' into the mix. But you also have the extra episodes outlined that were never filmed as well. To fit in the Magnoli diary you need to keep your stories concise and fit to 1-3 pages maximum. However the stories got big when it got to the movies as I had the 'lost diary' to work with and try and integrate. There are lot of different ways to do these books and you can choose any focus you want but you'll never get it all in there...
This is a problem. I used a Magnoli diary and wrote up a time line of Indy stories. My diary was written to end at Fate of Atlantis. Simply put there's too much Indy content available. TV, Movies, Comics, Novels, Games, Rides etc. I had to chop a lot to be even able to finish the book where I did.

I ended up dropping the Marvel Comics. I included the novels which filled in the gap at the end of the TV series until temple of Doom. Added in one of the small Dark Horse comics and 'forbidden eye' into the mix. But you also have the extra episodes outlined that were never filmed as well. To fit in the Magnoli diary you need to keep your stories concise and fit to 1-3 pages maximum. However the stories got big when it got to the movies as I had the 'lost diary' to work with and try and integrate. There are lot of different ways to do these books and you can choose any focus you want but you'll never get it all in there...
Yeah, I agree there are countless ways to do it. I’m including the TV, Movies, YA English novels, English novels, some but maybe not all of the German novels, the dark horse comics but not the marvel, the video games, and I think that’s it. I’m also not including the non-filmed TV episodes. It’s very tempting but at the end of the day it requires a lot more guesswork, and they weren’t actually made, so I had to draw the line somewhere. I’ve been using Magnoli’s work as a guide since it’s what first inspired me to do this, and have been including the Lost Journal. My approach has also been, for the most part, to put inserts over text, which helps a bit. And since im doing it all digitally I expect to have too many pages to fit, then pare it down.
Yeah, I agree there are countless ways to do it. My approach has also been, for the most part, to put inserts over text, which helps a bit. And since im doing it all digitally I expect to have too many pages to fit, then pare it down.
You have to be careful with the inserts they can bulk up the book very quickly. They are a fun part of doing this but the choice of what to use can be tricky. I ended up with a combination of pages I could find...some margoli, some lost diary, some comic, some props I lifted from the TV series like letters etc. And the tv series also has some diary entries in it like the one in Feburary 1919 at the peace conference where he writes Arnold Toynbee's quote at the top of a page: "Those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it".

Also there are some errors and time line glitches in the lost diary to watch out for.


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Nice. Do you have digital versions of the pages, that you would share with us when you have the chance to?
I do have digital versions of all my pages, unfortunately I don't expect to be able to share them here. The main reason being that I got most of my material from other sources. I saw your giraffe page drawing/text looks like it's from the same youtube video that I used as the base material for many of my pages. That source has a lot of typos and also skips over sections of Indy's life, so I've been correcting, editing drawings and fonts, and creating new pages from whole-cloth where needed. I am only making this for myself and I don't want to betray the trust of others here by sharing something I don't have the right to share. I'm happy to share material that is from carefully reading or my own work though!

To that end, here's what I have for some of the pages I saw you mention here. Seems you actually have more than me with that addition on the giraffe spread so I'll have to add that! Also, sorry the text looks so deranged. Each word is scaled and placed (and condensed) to look as close to the original as possible using the font I mentioned earlier. It's incredibly laborious but I want it to look just right, but for sharing I converted them to Calibri so they're easer to read.


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Found another diary page. It's the same one on the DVD boxset but this one is in color like the orignal page, the only difference is the handwriting isn't correct like the boxset one.
This page drawing looks like it is actually in the YIJ Interactive Timeline! You can get at the photos by putting the DVD in your computer and opening the folders in the explorer. I attached them here but I'm really surprised to see one in the real prop. I thought they were separately made for the DVD. Makes me wonder how many of the rest are in the original...


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To that end, here's what I have for some of the pages I saw you mention here. Seems you actually have more than me with that addition on the giraffe spread so I'll have to add that! Also, sorry the text looks so deranged. Each word is scaled and placed (and condensed) to look as close to the original as possible using the font I mentioned earlier. It's incredibly laborious but I want it to look just right, but for sharing I converted them to Calibri so they're easer to read.
some really good new pages there. Thanks for sharing them.

This page drawing looks like it is actually in the YIJ Interactive Timeline! You can get at the photos by putting the DVD in your computer and opening the folders in the explorer.
I tried doing that and couldn't get the disc to read. The format seems to be aging out. I did lift some entries from the DVD packaging for my book though.
Just made this. It's a recreated page of the drawing and what was written on the left side. The drawing was done by ai.
But if someone would like to redo the page with the accurate drawing and handwriting. That would be very helpful.
How were you able to see and decipher the text for the page on the left-hand side? It seems incredibly difficult with how blurry they are in this scene and how much text. I'm also curious because I want to include it in my journal but the language is much more refined than my existing entries by young Indy, so I'm afraid it would feel jarring.
Just made this. It's a recreated page of the drawing and what was written on the left side. The drawing was done by ai.
But if someone would like to redo the page with the accurate drawing and handwriting. That would be very helpful.

Not perfect, but better than the one generated by AI (Topaz Photo AI was used on my image to enhance it):
Young Indy Diary Page Writing.png Young Indy Diary Page Clean.png

This page drawing looks like it is actually in the YIJ Interactive Timeline! You can get at the photos by putting the DVD in your computer and opening the folders in the explorer. I attached them here but I'm really surprised to see one in the real prop. I thought they were separately made for the DVD. Makes me wonder how many of the rest are in the original...
Thanks for sharing Airman! One question please : is that all the pages you can extract from DVDs? (I don't own them...)
Thanks for sharing Airman! One question please : is that all the pages you can extract from DVDs? (I don't own them...)
Of course! It is, with the exception of a background map (like a map of the world that a sub menu sits on, not a drawing or insert). This is all the “diary pages” from the interactive timeline. This review of the timeline shows how it works and the map I mentioned.