Limited Run John Wick 3 Russian Stash Book

Your not alone I am quite concern about no updates and utter silence. Situation like this make anyone buying from an Artsian nerve wrecking because as a buyer you are clueless to what is happening. It also gives other Artisans concern to other Sellers wanting to do something that no one may invest or buy their project/s.
The following folks on this run haven’t chimed in for whatever their personal reasons. Which is also even more concerning unless they have been refunded or still waiting.

This Run:
tennantlim - DEPOSIT PAID
PhantomPickle - DEPOSIT PAID
bpalangas -
enterprise0216 - DEPOSIT PAID
aetherdeus - DEPOSIT PAID
Pascal Kurosawa -

I have also paid my deposit.
When did people start calling out other backers on runs around here? He got overwhelmed last year and there was a 4 month gap in replies, its been one-ish now one since the predicted date, just about the same time since last update. Its unfortunate, but regular non-spammy requests for an update are reasonable.
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I read MR.Adrian post #68 he made back Oct 13th and understood what is going on his end. I am willing to stick it out regardless of how long it takes, but communications is everything. IE: Guys this going to be delayed, Guys I am not going to meet the deadline so it will need to be pushed back to blank, blank date as a buffer. An update is worth more to me than utter silence that kind of things makes most folks unsettled. I can work with anyone with delays as long comms line are open.

I did not call out any backers. I listed the folks who made their deposit on the run and curious as to if any of them had concerns or may have heard from MR.Adrian via PM.
As stated in an earlier post it looks everyone is in a holding pattern until MR. Adrian decides to chime in and give an update. Now it is all about patience.
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I contacted him a couple days ago on Instagram, see attachment. I went for a refund & he gave it over promptly.


  • Screenshot_20220117-174540.png
    276.2 KB · Views: 128
TopGear, Thanks for posting that pic and he communicated with via Instagram. At least he does plan to finish them, but it’s not a top priority at the moment. From what I read on what he said to you. Now folks know where to reach him at. I will continue to wait at least he acknowledged the JW Stash book needs to be finished. Many folks here will have to decide to wait or reach out to him. It be great he took time to post here and give folks a heads up. Thanks again TopGear
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I don't have a problem waiting a bit for the book, if he is going to finish them. It's the not knowing if he is ever going to finish them or ever reply to posts or messages. The lack of info is worrying. You don't know if you have lost your money and he will not be heard of again.:(
While it's always a worry when there is a big gap in posting times, he stated he's going to finish them. I don't mind waiting for a quality product. Now, if it's another 4-6 mo and we still hear nothing..
I would like some reassurance, I really don’t mind waiting at all. How ever…..I really would like to hear something
Ok this has gone beyond lame and worrisome! It's been going on over 5 months now and not a single effort of any kind of communications. I realize on his post dated Oct 13, 2021 he stated having issues. Gotcha no problem folks understand things happen. However, NOT ONE SINGLE EFFORT of communications of any kind has been made by him. The one exception RPF Member "TopGear" got in touch with him, but after that nothing. All we want as individuals who paid their deposit is either a solid deadline for completion. If that cannot be done then please refund all of us our hard earned money until you are ready to re-commit to the project. Adi_Stanescu aKa MrAdrian you have made no effort hell you might not even read this b/c you vanished with everyone's money that invested in this cool project that has obviously lost its way.
As of now no comms, not responding to any messages on Instagram, His Etsy page shut down, His business website homepage shut down. This has become another grim black stain on the TheRPF an Artisan failing to deliver instead of communicating what is happening and simply just refunding everyone's money back. Anything that deal with this guy is basically gone cold unless you live a few miles down the road from him. Not are we just in a holding pattern, but now not even a chance of a refund. Communications is everything.
When people invest on a run to make things happen there is a degree of trust that is invested in the Artisan and reflected back by completing a project and making the sale and closing the transaction. This is just WRONG!! This make fellow RPFers just reconsider at times is it worth it or is this person just going to run off with the money!
An ARTISAN reputation is all they have their word means EVERYTHING without it might as well forget about making a deal.
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Hello All,

Has anyone had any luck hearing from Adi_Stanescu aKa MrAdrian?? Its been another bunch of weeks gone by. This holding pattern blows and obviously no kind of communications let alone coming forward and giving everyone who paid deposit a refund. As of right now 8 people on the list are out that money unless he produces the books and collect the rest of the balance.

This Run:
tennantlim - DEPOSIT PAID
PhantomPickle - DEPOSIT PAID
bpalangas -
enterprise0216 - DEPOSIT PAID
aetherdeus - DEPOSIT PAID
Pascal Kurosawa -
Call me a pessimist but I don't think we are going to see or hear from Mr.Adrian again. Not much we can do about it either. Surely if he was going to finish the books or return our money he would have replied to messages or posted something on here.:mad:
I wholeheartedly agree with enterprise0216 and stussy.
Sorry for the strong language that follows.
I was not gonna say anything further, but I am thoroughly disgusted by Mr. Adrian’s unscrupulous behavior!!
In my short time as a RPF member, l have had nothing but positive and rewarding dealings with reputable, respectful, and reliable project run providers -
Magnoli, Feezle-nuts, Sarednab, Zenix, and Relicmaker to name just a few.
When someone as underhanded and dishonest as Mr. Adrian screws over buyers
(for a relatively low amount of deposits - less than $1,400 owed cumulatively to 8 people! - Just wow), it tarnishes not only the reputation of great vendors but the site overall.
Patrons come here because we are not finding this kind of wonderful service, craftsmanship, and rewarding interaction elsewhere.
Hopefully, lowlife scum bag scammers like
Mr. Loser Adrian will not dissuade people from supporting this wonderful forum, that champions free commerce and the celebration of our shared pop culture passions.
*To clarify my, “low amount of deposits” comment:
I am not disparaging nor making light of the amount of hard earned money nor the buyers that put down and lost on this project.
What l am saying is that if Adrian had just put in the time and effort to deliver his product, he would have made that money back and then some - plus ensured himself a good ongoing source of income on future project runs.
It would have been a win-win for all parties involved.

Also - I am really tired of hearing weak ass excuses that are given for not following through on promised projects: I was sick, personal issues, my goldfish died and l am distraught.
If l used such BS excuses at my place of employment, I would have been fired along time ago!
In the words of ‘Mater, “GIT ER DONE!!”
Hello All,

Has anyone had any luck hearing from Adi_Stanescu aKa MrAdrian?? Its been another bunch of weeks gone by. This holding pattern blows and obviously no kind of communications let alone coming forward and giving everyone who paid deposit a refund. As of right now 8 people on the list are out that money unless he produces the books and collect the rest of the balance.

This Run:
tennantlim - DEPOSIT PAID
PhantomPickle - DEPOSIT PAID
bpalangas -
enterprise0216 - DEPOSIT PAID
aetherdeus - DEPOSIT PAID
Pascal Kurosawa -

I have paid the deposit.