Limited Run John Wick 3 Russian Stash Book

Hey, checking in to see how its going, hope your job is at least giving you a little time to breathe now if nothing else!
Hey everybody sorry for the radio silence, I have not forgotten about the project or you guys, thank you for your patience and I apologize for the delay. The past 4 months have been the most *****ed months of my life unfortunately. I have been trying to get my feet back on the ground and I've had to move everything for the shop from the space I was renting back home to the garage (photo below), I've still got the paint booth and a little more stuff to contend with. Things are getting a little better now and I've carved out a little bit of a workspace to be able to continue working on the books. I very much intend on finishing them, working on them between everything else I've got going on, the realistic deadline that I've created for myself to have them done by is Christmas. I've got the covers done, I need to complete the centers. For those of you who want photos I've taken note and will include those.

I understand it's been a while since the project started, If anyone wants a refund for their deposit, I'd be happy to refund you, I may not be able to do it right away but I'll get it to you ASAP. If you're willing to stick it out, I appreciate the patience.


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Hey just wanted to say great work! I can't afford the book but I thought I would post the picture insert for the stash book for those who wanted it. I appreciate this community and like to contribute anyway I can.

let me know if you have any issues downloading in a PM.

Great work again MR adrian! Thanks for sharing your work.
Hi there MR Adrian! I know your super busy it has been a long while since your posting on this thread Oct 29th. Just wanted to know if you have any info or pictures to share of the progress on the JW Stash Book. Thanks hope to hear from you when time allows.
Yes, I too have been patiently watching this thread for any new developments!
I hope to purchase one when some new information comes to light
Hello MR_Adrian,

It’s Jan 3rd 2022 I am not sure what your status is or what‘s going on with John Wick Stash Book. Your last post communication was way back Oct 13th 2021. Little over 11 weeks ago any word on the progress of the JW Stash book? I am sure many us will appreciate progress pics and some kind of a estimated completion date. According to the list of participants. You have collected a deposit from 8 folks totaling around $1,360 I am sure your busy with real life issues, but communication means a lot especially when you have our deposits. I am sure you can understand especially if the roles were reversed. Hopefully you will chime in and let us know or if your offer to refund still stands so we are not bothering you all the time. If you can’t complete the project for personal reasons let us know honesty goes along way.
Hope to hear from you soon. Saw your YouTube video talking about the JW Stash Book I thought it was cool.
Here is a pic below in case other folks want to check it out.
Am i the only one of the backers of this run who is more than a little concerned with lack of response from MR_Adrian?:(
Your not alone I am quite concern about no updates and utter silence. Situation like this make anyone buying from an Artsian nerve wrecking because as a buyer you are clueless to what is happening. It also gives other Artisans concern to other Sellers wanting to do something that no one may invest or buy their project/s.
The following folks on this run haven’t chimed in for whatever their personal reasons. Which is also even more concerning unless they have been refunded or still waiting.

This Run:
tennantlim - DEPOSIT PAID
PhantomPickle - DEPOSIT PAID
bpalangas -
enterprise0216 - DEPOSIT PAID
aetherdeus - DEPOSIT PAID
Pascal Kurosawa -
I was prepared to send my deposit,
but now I’m relieved that I didn’t!
Below is a screenshot of my last personal correspondence with Mr. Adrian.
I am concerned that I have not heard
from him since.


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I was prepared to send my deposit,
but now I’m relieved that I didn’t!
Below is a screenshot of my last personal correspondence with Mr. Adrian.
I am concerned that I have not heard
from him since.
Basically now looks as if we are in a holding patterns of sorts. Not cool, but will have to wait it out until he lets us know what is going. Thanks for sharing the screen capture conversation.
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