Greedo Killer build with a real Mauser

Thanks - I'm pretty happy with it too. Of course it was the result of necessity - with all of the pitting, sandblasting the surface was really the only way to go. Would I have preferred a pristine Mauser? Of course... but this is what I've got. Plus, if I had a pristine Mauser, I'm sure that I wouldn't have converted it into a blaster! :D
Happy coincidences, really. It truned out great though and is a great centerpiece.
So I confirmed which friend it was that shared the anecdote about the hand in the insert shot being ILMer Bill Shourt's. He got the info from a fellow long-time regular of Grant's shop - the guy printed out a screen cap of the insert shot and asked Bill to autograph it. Bill didn't deny that it was his hand and he signed the print. Good enough for me. :D

Finally got around to having a case made for it...

GK case.jpg