Greedo Killer build with a real Mauser

Got my Weaver scope & rings today:


"She's a beaut, Clark!"

Really contemplating the finish now - there is definitely a nice contrast between the gloss black of the scope and the matte dark grey/not-quite-black of the Mauser:


Might have to work the flash hider over to lighten it up a bit. Still waiting for the Solo's Hold heat sink to ship. Scope mount and new grips have shipped from Field Marshall.
I sported the same Weaver on my GK for a good while, it's a solid replacement! Also, that flash hider looks right to me, you really can't beat its authentic, vintage state!
Yeah, I like the scope because it's real - with all of the components and the weight that goes along with that. Also the factory finish + the age and the "honest" wear... plus the accumulated dirt and grunge. :love:

As for the flash hider, my Marco doesn't have the "fold" in the steel of the cone like the LFC does (if I may use a bit of one of your pics):


And of course the Marco wingnut is cast, unlike the LFC stamped/folded wingnut. And the phosphate (?) on mine definitely looks darker than all of the LFC examples that I've seen.

I think I'm basically OK with that though, since I'm going with a Weaver scope and a real Mauser.
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So I finally received the Solo's Hold heat sink last week. It's interesting to compare it with the Field Marshall. I think I prefer the overall shape and proportions of the Solo's Hold, but does anyone know the reasoning behind the short left side and the resulting asymmetry?

heat sinks 01.jpg

The Field Marshall seems to have a better cut-out shape to fit the contours of the mag front:

fit 01.jpg

The Solo's Hold cut-out is definitely more square:

fit 02.jpg

Also, the Solo's Hold is slightly taller:

heat sinks 02.jpg

This presents a problem for me, since a real Mauser is smaller than a Denix or an MGC, and because of these flared areas on the front of the magazine:


So neither of the heat sinks fit particularly well, as-is. The Solo's Hold actually has a small scalloped area at the bottom of the cut-out:


This helps a tiny bit with getting it to mostly fit over the contours of the hump at the bottom of the mag, but its extra height prevents it from fitting very well at the top, with the flared areas there:

fit 03.jpg

And if I place the Field Marshall under the top flares it doesn't fit over the hump at the bottom:

fit 04.jpg

So both would require a bit of modification/grinding.

I also received the Field Marshall scope mount and grips. Unfortunately he sent Denix grips, when I ordered the grips that fit his C96 replica. Just a tad too big:


So does anyone have any experience with how quickly Chris responds to emails? I sent a message about the issue to his email address over a week ago, but I still haven't gotten a reply. I know people are dealing with a lot right now, but I was just wondering. :unsure:
I contact Chris via Facebook and usually he replies in 1 hour or so.

I used the FM Heatsink for mine, with the scope mount on I found It wasn't able to sit right, so I used Milliput to mould the rear of the heatsink to better fit the front of the Mauser, shifting it that extra 1mm from the mount and squaring it off. Also allows for better adhesion. If that makes sense?
The grill has been a hot topic lately, thanks for comparing

Never knew the asymmetric of the SH, rather cool!
For me the biggest issue on the Field Marshall grill is the positioning of the set screw on the side, it's so much forward, I wish he corrected that on his model.
looking forward to see the next steps :)
So it's been slow going, but I've been chipping away at it here and there. I also have a couple other projects in the works at the moment, which I don't usually do... plus I'm only at work part time right now (which is where I also work on stuff like this), so my personal project time has suffered.

Anyway, I got the Mauser completely stripped down...

mauser breakdown.jpg

And I did a little grinding on the Solo's Hold heat sink so it fits a bit better now.

fit 05.jpg

The metal fab department at work had some steel that was the exact same dimensions as the cross bar of the Field Marshall scope bracket kit. Got a piece chopped down to length and I got the holes drilled and tapped.

cross bar.jpg

I eventually received the proper grips from Chris and I got them fit to the grip frame with a tiny bit of sanding. The walnut was already pretty dark, so thanks to tennantlim for the tip on using shoe polish for stain - I think if I had used actual wood stain, they would have turned out way too dark. I gave them a couple coats of Birchwood Casey Tru-Oil and then a light buffing with superfine steel wool. I also ammonia fumed the brass escutcheons for about an hour to knock down the shiny "newness" before I installed them. Yeah, I'm neurotic that way. :p

I know you're kinda down on that Mauser, but I think it'll look just fine when it's all assembled and ready to display.

I walked over to my prop display and pick up my GK for the first time in years. :) . It's Han's best looking blaster to my eyes. Mine is just a Denix with a Gavidoc scope bracket, though. I took the Weaver K 1.5-1 route, as well.

Looking forward to more progress pics.
I know you're kinda down on that Mauser, but I think it'll look just fine when it's all assembled and ready to display.
Yeah, I think I've made my peace with the condition of the Mauser. I've also decided that I'm gonna take a crack at refinishing it myself. How hard could it be, right? (famous last words :p) Plus, if I'm not happy with the results, I can still send it to newmagrathea and have him work some magic.

I walked over to my prop display and pick up my GK for the first time in years. :) . It's Han's best looking blaster to my eyes. Mine is just a Denix with a Gavidoc scope bracket, though. I took the Weaver K 1.5-1 route, as well.
Sweet! Please post a pic of yours - I'd love to see it.
On the solo's hold grill: Aaron determined that the original part is not symmetrical side to side. I provided the reference photo of the original prop to him for that along with the MGC reference measurements to determine scale, and that's what he came up with. I can't fault his finding, as when you do proper scaling and measure it certainly looks like one side overlaps longer than the other. (shrug)

Anyway... the SH at least is scaled to the proper proportions for an MGC since that is what the original prop was. I don't 100% know about the FM, on what he scaled from, but I know initially he was making things to fit Denix, since he told me no one has MGCs. Those were his words at the time.
On the solo's hold grill: Aaron determined that the original part is not symmetrical side to side. I provided the reference photo of the original prop to him for that along with the MGC reference measurements to determine scale, and that's what he came up with. I can't fault his finding, as when you do proper scaling and measure it certainly looks like one side overlaps longer than the other. (shrug)
Thanks Scott! That's what I was wondering - I stared at those pics until I was cross-eyed, but couldn't really make a determination one way or the other.
Yeah, I think I've made my peace with the condition of the Mauser. I've also decided that I'm gonna take a crack at refinishing it myself. How hard could it be, right? (famous last words :p) Plus, if I'm not happy with the results, I can still send it to newmagrathea and have him work some magic.

Sweet! Please post a pic of yours - I'd love to see it.

Not a great picture, but it's hot outside, lol

If my memory is right, I bought the scope, flash hider and the scope bracket/hardware from Gavidoc. 95% of this forum were not around back then to know him, but he knew his stuff and helped me quite a few times. A great guy.

I remember gavidoc doing obi pommels?

anyway this is a really cool project - props on making a steel mount bar too
I remember gavidoc doing obi pommels?

anyway this is a really cool project - props on making a steel mount bar too
Gavidoc was one of the OG Obi ANH saber crowd like JK1138, Serafino, M-pire, Romansempire, Teecrooz, Blaxmyth (identified the balance pipe), Jediscout, and myself, and a few more I'm sure I've forgotten.
Gav did replicas of the pommel in chromed brass and figured out the construction of the emitter years before the balance pipe discovery.
I really miss Gavidoc's and Serafino"s input.
Gavidoc was one of the OG Obi ANH saber crowd like JK1138, Serafino, M-pire, Romansempire, Teecrooz, Blaxmyth (identified the balance pipe), Jediscout, and myself, and a few more I'm sure I've forgotten.
Killdozer - he identified the booster section, and I acquired his Obi-Wan saber when he let it go.

Wasn't Gavidoc an industrial designer IRL?