Unlimited Run Floating Jedi Training Remote BUILDER'S KIT

Have you thought of making a version without the electronics with a static base? The magnetic base looks awesome but when you loose power during an outage it can go terrible wrong for the remote.
There are plenty of people who make kits or castings for static ones. I'm trying to stick to "my thing" and stay off of other people's toes. ;)
Just want to share the final results of my first ever kit, I decided to take a different path from the original one like painting the red circles instead of using the provided stickers. Made a ton of mistakes in the process but I think they ended up adding it a great prop personality. Due to some problems with the base white layer weathering didn't result as I wished but at the end of the day I'm happy with it. Right now I'm trying to find a suitable base for it since with all power outages lately I don't want to take any risks leaving it floating. This is a great kit, very fun to put it together and the videos are awesome, pretty straight forward to follow, not many kit makers take the time to make such incredible guide. I hope Trent can make another batch since I'm thinking to make the red one from the last trilogy. I leave you a picture from different angles in case you are curious about it. Feel free to give me some input if you want.
2023-09-21 15.36-tile.jpg
Just want to share the final results of my first ever kit, I decided to take a different path from the original one like painting the red circles instead of using the provided stickers. Made a ton of mistakes in the process but I think they ended up adding it a great prop personality. Due to some problems with the base white layer weathering didn't result as I wished but at the end of the day I'm happy with it. Right now I'm trying to find a suitable base for it since with all power outages lately I don't want to take any risks leaving it floating. This is a great kit, very fun to put it together and the videos are awesome, pretty straight forward to follow, not many kit makers take the time to make such incredible guide. I hope Trent can make another batch since I'm thinking to make the red one from the last trilogy. I leave you a picture from different angles in case you are curious about it. Feel free to give me some input if you want.View attachment 1742401
Great job!
Get a backup power supply. It’ll give you several hours to take it off the base or for the power to come back on before it falls.
NEWS ALERT: New "BYOB Kit" in the works!

Hey everyone,
Just dropping a quick note to say thank you for all of your patience, comments, and messages. I have heard all of your requests and will be soon releasing a BYOB (Buy Your Own Ball) version of the floating jedi training remote Builder's Kit. All of my equipment and materials are out of storage and reorganized in a new dedicated place in my house ( I remodeled my office and can't keep everything in there anymore) and I'm currently busy working on parts for these kits.

The original Builder's Kit project is still 100% retired. I will not be offering that particular kit again.

THIS "BYOB Kit" will be the exact same 3D printed parts, styrene, decals, alignment jigs, tutorial videos, etc. as the Builder's Kit, except YOU supply the floating globe. Doing this will allow me to offer kits at a greater discount, passing the savings on to you, and keep more supply on hand without it taking over the house. I will be amending the video tutorial series to include a new video on selecting and purchasing a 6" floating globe (where to find them, what to look for, and which ones to avoid, based on my research so you don't make the same mistakes I made) as well as how to prep the globe so that you're at the exact same starting place you would be with the original Builder's Kit.

As these kits do not include the floating globe, the packaging will be different and shipping should be cheaper, but everything else included will be exactly the same. The total price of the kit (with shipping) plus the cost of purchasing your own floating globe will be LESS than the price of the original Builder's Kit, and will result in the exact same product, with you doing one more additional step.

Doing it this way will allow me to continue making these for the foreseeable future.

Thank you again for your patience while I have been going through some personal family issues and renovating my office, which is all now resolved to a point where I can start to focus on the hobby again. I look forward to getting the first batch of these out soon.

NEWS ALERT: New "BYOB Kit" in the works!

Hey everyone,
Just dropping a quick note to say thank you for all of your patience, comments, and messages. I have heard all of your requests and will be soon releasing a BYOB (Buy Your Own Ball) version of the floating jedi training remote Builder's Kit. All of my equipment and materials are out of storage and reorganized in a new dedicated place in my house ( I remodeled my office and can't keep everything in there anymore) and I'm currently busy working on parts for these kits.

The original Builder's Kit project is still 100% retired. I will not be offering that particular kit again.

THIS "BYOB Kit" will be the exact same 3D printed parts, styrene, decals, alignment jigs, tutorial videos, etc. as the Builder's Kit, except YOU supply the floating globe. Doing this will allow me to offer kits at a greater discount, passing the savings on to you, and keep more supply on hand without it taking over the house. I will be amending the video tutorial series to include a new video on selecting and purchasing a 6" floating globe (where to find them, what to look for, and which ones to avoid, based on my research so you don't make the same mistakes I made) as well as how to prep the globe so that you're at the exact same starting place you would be with the original Builder's Kit.

As these kits do not include the floating globe, the packaging will be different and shipping should be cheaper, but everything else included will be exactly the same. The total price of the kit (with shipping) plus the cost of purchasing your own floating globe will be LESS than the price of the original Builder's Kit, and will result in the exact same product, with you doing one more additional step.

Doing it this way will allow me to continue making these for the foreseeable future.

Thank you again for your patience while I have been going through some personal family issues and renovating my office, which is all now resolved to a point where I can start to focus on the hobby again. I look forward to getting the first batch of these out soon.

Very interested!
I swear I've been trying to get that ball to float with a friend for about 1h this weekend. Watched all tutorials, checked other peoples issues. I find that sweet spot but it never feels safe on there, once I let go it slides off. I really wonder what I'm doing wrong. I might have to send you a video some day. Never got it floating and gave up. We tried rotating etc. but it just seems extremely difficult.
I swear I've been trying to get that ball to float with a friend for about 1h this weekend. Watched all tutorials, checked other peoples issues. I find that sweet spot but it never feels safe on there, once I let go it slides off. I really wonder what I'm doing wrong. I might have to send you a video some day. Never got it floating and gave up. We tried rotating etc. but it just seems extremely difficult.
Don't worry, you are not alone. I bought the kit like six months ago and I only could make it worked twice and all of those before I put it together. I tried to make it float many times since them but without success. I have the theory that it only works under certain circumstances but unfortunately I couldn't figure out which they are or maybe the base is faulty but it doesn't seem to be the case. Frustrated as I was I gave up and I left it on a static stand I bought it on amazon. Anyway the kit looks terrific on it although it doesn't float.
They are definitely tricky until you finally figure out what you're feeling for. I've had several people ask the same question over the years. All I can say is that I tested every single one multiple times and only send out ones that I know work properly. I've had I think 3 people send theirs back, 100% certain that it was broken, and I'll open the package (on camera) and instantly float it the first time, haha.
Only once was there a dead base (no power at all) because it was treated horribly during shipping.

Absolutely, send me a video and I can usually spot what you're doing.

the main two tips are.
1. if you think it's in the sweet spot, but the ball jumps to one side, then the ball was rotated off of vertical
2. if the base jumps up to meet the ball, then the ball wasn't centered over the base.

Re-evaluate how subtle and controlled your movements are. get it in the sweet spot and hold it still for a bit. go slow.
Hi, will the kits be available with UK shipping from your Etsy store?
Yes, and since this BYOB version doesn't include the ball and base, shipping should be significantly less expensive to the UK. You'll just need to make sure you can source a suitable levitating globe as well.
Great news thanks, I'm hoping that I'll be able to match up whichever globe you specify when I get a kit. There seems to be quite a few globes available here so shouldn't be too difficult.
Great news thanks, I'm hoping that I'll be able to match up whichever globe you specify when I get a kit. There seems to be quite a few globes available here so shouldn't be too difficult.
Awesome. Yeah the new supplemental video covers what works and what doesn't. Yes there are quite a few options and the recommended one in the new video works quite well and is readily available.

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