Yea, I've still got one left if you're interested. You can find pics in the junkyard.
PM Sent.
Yea, I've still got one left if you're interested. You can find pics in the junkyard.
I keep hoping they'll show some of the RS diary pages on the show but I don't think they're going to, unfortunately.
Nah, going out is overrated. I'd much rather stay home and work on nerdy stuff any day of the week. I figure if I'm going out I'll only be drinking and wasting money anyway. If I stay home I can work on something and it still gives me enjoyment. Plus I don't have any friends out here anyway so that helps. I've only been out here for 2 whole years lol. Having a kid means you can't really have a social life and never have money for anything haha.
I checked my mail on my way out the door for work today and I got Pack Animals! And then I left it at work. And I don't work again until Thursday. :cry Probably for the best though, I've got papers to write.
Some pages have repeated lines of text.. looks like someone babbling. yes each page is different but certain pages have text that repeats itself.
My wife noticed it when I first got the journal and she hated it, thought it made it looke "fake" and to be honest, I agree.