Interest Blade Runner ID Card from Earl Hays Press

Puh.. +40 USD for NOT being on the RPF list + 57 USD for shipping to germany (without an other option) is a lot of extra money.
Sorry have to drop out here, but I am happy for everbody who "is closer" to EHP and shipping is less! So one spot more for somebody else ;)
hmmm that looks like Amberlith to me. It may be a tiny shade darker than the sample you've laid next to it but still reads very orange to me. Rubylith is VERY dark red
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or just the age of it and exposure (or lack of) to UV light over the years.
Maybe. I have an embarrassingly large amount of both products in the studio but none of the Amberlith (cool storage in the original black tubes) are as red/dark as what is I have on my card. For what that may be worth. To be clear, I'm nitpicking because (as was called out in the videos) it is a known issue with many reproductions of this item. "I want to believe," as this is my only concern about this otherwise very cool product.
Maybe. I have an embarrassingly large amount of both products in the studio but none of the Amberlith (cool storage in the original black tubes) are as red/dark as what is I have on my card. For what that may be worth. To be clear, I'm nitpicking because (as was called out in the videos) it is a known issue with many reproductions of this item. "I want to believe," as this is my only concern about this otherwise very cool product.
Do you have some Rubylith handy that you could overlay like the photo above? just to see the difference?
I did an averaging of the colors of both and overlapped them. there is a subtle difference but it still very much looks like Amberlith to me.
Just saw the card that Sebastian, a member here, has received. why is the card trimmed right down to the black paper with no clear plastic border? I wanted to use my slot punch and add a pocket clip.

I guess I made an assumption. I remember them saying pocket clips were not available for this first run so just assumed I could add my own. How difficult would it be to just send them out untrimmed so buyers could decide for themselves?
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Just saw the card that Sebastian, a member here, has received. why is the card trimmed right down to the black paper with no clear plastic border? I wanted to use my notch punch and add a pocket clip.
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I guess I made an assumption. I remember them saying pocket clips were not available for this first run so just assumed I could add my own. How difficult would it be to just send them out untrimmed so buyers could decide for themselves.
I sent them a mail for that as I'm absolutely not interested in a completely trimmed badge, they never replied and just shipped the badge.
If you notice, the real badges, not the plastic, the badge itself are trimmed much closer to the details, they left a lot of black here.
Do you have some Rubylith handy that you could overlay like the photo above? just to see the difference?
I did an averaging of the colors of both and overlapped them. there is a subtle difference but it still very much looks like Amberlith to me.
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Not as handy as my Amberlith (I mean, who uses Rubylith for anything these days? ;-) ) so no additional comparisons, at least not yet. This has just not met my expectation, also at least not yet. ;-) I don't imagine there is anything to be done about it other than come to terms with myself. I'd still rather have it than not.
Not as handy as my Amberlith (I mean, who uses Rubylith for anything these days? ;-) ) so no additional comparisons, at least not yet. This has just not met my expectation, also at least not yet. ;-) I don't imagine there is anything to be done about it other than come to terms with myself. I'd still rather have it than not.
I don't have mine yet to look at in person. I'm shocked at how quickly these are going out and it seems to be an a random order.
Has everyone gotten their tracking numbers yet? Mine still says "Pending fulfillment". Tho I did order one other item with it. :(
I'll be contacting Earls Hayes Press if mine isn't as described as I ordered from them directly, at full price with another $60 shipping plus import taxes pending once it's in the UK. Consumer rights and all that. I hope i'm not disappointed and i'll reserve judgement until I have it in hand.

I have to say it doesn't seem to be boding well if they aren't paying close attention to detail however. Especially when the whole premise of the prop is that it's exactly screen accurate.

For those that ordered more than one, are you having issues with the discount being applied to each badge? This site will only let me apply it to one badge.
Mines been shipped with a tracking number, ordered a few days back on the site however NOT through RPF
Thanks Bash. I ordered thru the site too but also added another item. I'm sure it'll ship soon. #49. I'm sure there's a couple hundred they have to do.
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This run of 'original replica' badges is turning into a real mess. There are so many little niggles as we go forward that I'm starting to regret spending such a significant sum of money on something so badly handled. The list of issues with the badges continues to grow as people start receiving their copies;

* The $200/$240 price of the badges is an issue because the promised 'limited edition' run of 75 pieces on the Replica Prop Forum is actually no such thing and EHP is selling them on it's website with no restriction (how many will they end up making? hundreds, thousands?)

* The $57 cost of international postage (it's just an envelope!) is a rip-off.

* The 'Amberlith' being used for the X has been pointed out by several people as being too dark. Did they maybe use Rubylith instead of Amberlith (or did they just use a close-match in new acetate instead of actual vintage materials because they thought no one would notice?).

* The badges have been trimmed right back to the black paper with no clear laminated border so anyone (such as me) who wanted to use a slot hole-punch to add a pocket clip is **** out of luck.

* EHP has used a mocked-up photo of Harrison ford when we may actually have the source of the real thing within reach at PropStore for the want of asking as there's a large binder of continuity pictures of Ford in costume coming to auction in November which may well contain the correct image for the badge.


As a friend of mine in the States said, it's "a shame Adam Savage lent them so much credibility and then stepped back and let them screw it up. He should have stayed on for quality control."
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I have to agree with User1402 on his points here. Is there anyway we can get Michael to comment as he obviously has worked closely with Earls Hayes on this?

As I said in my previous post, selling something using such a strong notion of originality (with not only materials but also original equipment being used) to enthusiasts who are obviously going to scrutinise every little detail if it's not right means the item really has to be spot on.

I noticed in the Tested video that Adams ID card was correctly trimmed with a laminate border left, and I also noticed as per the attached image that they definitely HAVE Amberlith; whether they used or not is the question but I very much doubt the guys would be that underhanded as to swap materials out. I feel like someone from Earls or Props to History really needs to comment on this.

So ill start with the amberlith question. They are only using amberlith. The Rubylith on site is extremely dark red.

As for the excessive shipping some people are experiencing. Thats is set by the shipping company, not Earl Hays.

To the edges. When i made the badge with Adam i trimmed it that way because i felt that was the way

Earl Hays is trimming the IDs the same way they have been trimming ID cards for decades for wallet inserts. The way seen with Adam was done by an amateur (me) the way theyre being done is by professionals who have been doing it this way for forever.