HI everyone.
Is there a pepakura request thread anymore?
Im having a problem finding a pep file and need some help.
Figured I'd start here.
Seeing as how this was stickied at the top of the forum, I figured I'd ask here first and see if I can get an answer...

I have encountered this a few times, and while for my own projects it doesn't bother me as I know enough to cut where I should but I'm in process of creating a pep for the community here that hasn't been done, and understanding that some people are better at "figuring it out" than others, I want to correct as much of it as I can.

I unfold my object, and placement is a nightmare. Simple enough fix as EVERY unfold is a mess at first. However, as I join/disjoin faces and move pieces around for proper page placement, I notice a number of edges don't go from "point a to point b" as they should. Like, one end of the edge will start off where it should on a corner, then, at the other end, it runs at a different angle than it should and it leaves a gap. I've tried reopening the 3d image to normalize everything, and that doesn't fix it.

Is it something I'm doing wrong in the unfolding process, or something else? Any help would be appreciated. I've about exhausted all of the options I can think of.
Printing trouble. Big black bars on every file I've tried

Can anyone help? I'm an absolute beginner with pepakura, but have been googling and banging my head against the wall with this problem for the last two weeks. I scoured the internet, including this thread, but apparently no other pepakura user has ever had this issue. Lol.

When I attempt to print anything, these huge and obstructing horizontal black bars occlude the entire print preview, as well as the physical printed out copy. I haven't purchased the full version, as I'd like to make sure I can work the program. Things are not going well so far. Any help? Thanks in advance

Hello, I'm new here. I found a clip in youtube how to make a pepakura Star Wars Stormtrooper helmet and really wanna try it. Never before to that so I'm learning for clips and articles. I download the file and now I have to print it I dont have a printer (I will buy one if I make this correctly and enjoy it.) So I got few questions:

1. I watcher different tutorials and on most of them the numbers must stay in the front of the helm?

2. What is the best easy to find glue?

3. What is the best easy to find paper? Must be A4 or the size doesnt metter just the tickness? I think that it will be easier to find somebody with A4 printer or to buy some. Can I do it on standard office paper?

4. What is the best source for pepakura ready to download free files? Specially Star Wars, movies and games related?

5. Is there any order that I need to follow? By pages or by parts?

6. I should cut on the line or next to it?

7. Is there anything else that I need to know or be careful at the beginning? I'm really new with the paperwork but I got some skills with the bondo and painting.

8. Approximately how much hours I will spend on that project?

9. Is there any non toxic good alternative on resine?

Here in the description is my file:
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HI everyone.
Is there a pepakura request thread anymore?
Im having a problem finding a pep file and need some help.
Figured I'd start here.
Here you go:

Hello, I'm new here. I found a clip in youtube how to make a pepakura Star Wars Stormtrooper helmet and really wanna try it. Never before to that so I'm learning for clips and articles. I download the file and now I have to print it I dont have a printer (I will buy one if I make this correctly and enjoy it.) So I got few questions:

1. I watcher different tutorials and on most of them the numbers must stay in the front of the helm?

2. What is the best easy to find glue?

3. What is the best easy to find paper? Must be A4 or the size doesnt metter just the tickness? I think that it will be easier to find somebody with A4 printer or to buy some. Can I do it on standard office paper?

4. What is the best source for pepakura ready to download free files? Specially Star Wars, movies and games related?

5. Is there any order that I need to follow? By pages or by parts?

6. I should cut on the line or next to it?

7. Is there anything else that I need to know or be careful at the beginning? I'm really new with the paperwork but I got some skills with the bondo and painting.

8. Approximately how much hours I will spend on that project?

9. Is there any non toxic good alternative on resine?
Hi there, I am by no means an expert so I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to all of your questions. However, I will do my best.

1. I’ve no idea, but if that’s what most of the tutorials say, go for it.

2. DIY shops, hobby/craft stores (and if there are none of those nearby, try Amazon.)

3. Office supplies stores are the best for this. Most people recommend thick card stock for Pepakura, however if you’re using foam you will only need to use paper as you’ll be tracing the pattern onto the foam anyway. The size of the paper depends on what size your printer can print on. There are options in the Pepakura software to set the paper size (A4, Office, etc.)

4. This forum is by far the best source for free Pepakura files. Just do a quick search at the top and you should be able to find the files you want.

5. I’ve no idea, sorry. I tend to just build in a random order - but that doesn’t always turn out for the best so it would be better to get a second opinion on this. :p

6. Always cut on the line.

7. Take your time and don’t rush. That’s the best advice anyone can give you when it comes to Pepakura.

8. That all depends on your skill level, really. I built an Iron Man gauntlet using the Pepakura method and so far it has taken roughly 18 hours over the best week. (And that doesn’t include the filling, sanding, painting, etc.)

9. I have no idea.

Again, sorry I can’t be of more help - but I’m really not an expert in this field.

Frankly, to me this thread seems fairly pointless. Why do we have a “Pepakura questions” thread if nobody can be bothered to answer them? All I see is post after post of unanswered questions.
My apologies if this has already been discussed....Has anyone seen pep files for Capullo style Batman Rebirth/ Dark Knights Metal gauntlets? Thanks in advance...
has anyone built the Infinity Gauntlet?

i have some foam files etc but im more interested in making it out of paper then resin etc. ...

Idk if this has been asked yet but are there ant pep files for the Batman DOJ cowl, I'd want it to use it as a base for sculpting so then I can cast it into urethane or latex
Hello RPF, I have been looking for a tutorial dedicated to unfolding complicated 3d objects and i havent found anything so far. (the destiny fandom has made an stl generator and those things are much more wild than any of the tutorials ive found)
Psygnosis here's a link to a 3d model that you can use.You'll have to unfold it yourself though:

The only unfolded file I could find was the mask:

Enjoy ^_^
Hello there. Just wanted to ask how to figure out the size of a foam template on the printer to make it my own size?