no worries....

Check your email... one of the two files you sent is done... the other is password protected, so I can't edit it in Pepakura Designer.
Got a question and I can't find an answer to it. I am doing my first ever pepakura project and have just started assembly on a Genji helmet. I am using hot glue and I am about 1/5 or so through assembly. I have noticed that there are some slight gaps or maybe glue thicker on some tabs than other, or that there is a bump of hot glue on the outside of the helmet. I've stopped total assembly until I find the answer to this but will this effect me when I go to resin it later? If so, in what way? Do I need to redo the parts I have assembled and use a different glue to get rid of the thick glue on tabs, gaps, glue on the outside of the helmet? I can post some pics if needed. Like I said, this is my first time ever trying this but I want to learn and do it right. Is it worth heating the glue up and try to salvage (this could be a pain and may be more worth it to print out the pieces I've assembled thus far and redo with a different glue. It's all done with cardstock if that helps clear any questions

Hi Waffleman,

could you please post some photos of your project?
I currently have a few models I would like to papercraft with decals or logos as separate textures used on a 2D plane floating just about the model itself. Does anyone know how or if it's possible to "merge" these two pieces of geometry in 3DS Max or Blender so that pepakura views them as one and the decal is displayed properly on the model?
I currently have a few models I would like to papercraft with decals or logos as separate textures used on a 2D plane floating just about the model itself. Does anyone know how or if it's possible to "merge" these two pieces of geometry in 3DS Max or Blender so that pepakura views them as one and the decal is displayed properly on the model?

If I'm understanding you, it sounds like you're looking to apply those textures (the decals, images, whatever) to the actual pieces so they print in the correct spots in Pepakura? If so, here's a couple of ways to do it.

First one, you would UV unwrap the model in your modeling software, this will give you a 2d template of the model that you then would use in Inkscape/Photoshop/whatever to add your decals to. That then gets plugged back into the modeling software where you can apply it to get your images on the model, and then you can export the model and materials for Pepakura. If it sounds like a lot of work, it is if you are not familiar with how all of that works. There are other ways to do this right from within the modeling software that could work, but once again it will take a bit of youtubing and tutorials to figure it out if you are new to UV work.

Second one, and this might work a lot better for you if you are only adding a few decals on flat surfaces, is to do it right in pepakura. Once you have your base model in Pepakura, scaled and unfolded, you can manually import images, rescale them, and place them manually on the unfolded 2d templates. In Pepakura, you go into (if I remember right) 2D MENU>IMPORT IMAGE, that'll let you get your logo/decal/whatever into the program. After that, you can relocate it and orient parts to make it print where you want it on the paper templates. This is a workaround that won't help you too much ion curved and complex surfaces, but it's a fast way to do something like adding a label to a can of beer/whatever.

These are not the only two ways to do this kind of thing, these are just two that I've personally done.
You understood me perfectly and these definitely seem like viable options, I think I'll ask around in the Autodesk forum to see if there are any other methods to try. Thank you.
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has adjustable pep files for the Snake Eyes armour from Retaliation? I know BlackKaos used to have them, but his profile shows he hasn't been active since mid last year.
Hey RPF, I just painted a few pep pieces and I really messed up on some. A gust of wind blew a tiny pebble into the painted surface on one. The paint started to drip on the other piece (I think I may have sprayed too much paint). All of them are primed and wet sanded to 660 grit prior to painting. As of now, I'm waiting for the paint to dry.

Should I sand of the imperfections and start over with the paint? What is the ideal course of action that I should take?

Suggestions are highly appreciated :D
No idea if this has ever been asked before, But I have a Pepakura Question:

I want to export a TEXTURE IMAGE. I have a model, that has the UV Map ( or ''Material'', or whatever it's called) that Colors the 3d model, in Papakura Viewer.

I have already tried to find the Texture by its Name, with no luck.

I dont want to export the Model, nor the Vector Image of the Printed Pages. Just the Models Textures.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks

I just needed to ask before I buy the resin and fibreglass, how much (in ml if possible) resin you would use for a anh stormtrooper helmet and how much fibreglass matting? Thanks in advance.
Alright so I'm working on a Red Ranger helmet for my husband using Pepakura and the first time I printed this thing out the number placement and such was a nightmare. I can handle a bunch of finicky parts when I can see why they're so finicky but around the mouth, I feel like there's a bunch of unnecessary spots where it really doesn't need to be that complicated. I'm using the Eye of Sauron red ranger helmet file (Of course I am. I legit can't find any others)

This is what I'm talking about


How would I go about simplifying some of the shapes around the mouth?
Re: WHAT Is Pepakura, And How Do I Get Involved???

Use wineskin winery... a good .exe emulator, or you could give the pdo's to someone and have them converted for you.

- - - Updated - - -

yeah, use wineskin
Is there a tutorial that will help me take an existing 3d model made by someone else and making a pdo of it to print easily. I've gotten this doom gauntlet before but idk where to go from here. Not sure if I needed to scale it prior to opening it in pepakura or what. I also know you need to use the open edge tool but Im not sure what parts you use it on.

Is there a tutorial that will help me take an existing 3d model made by someone else and making a pdo of it to print easily. I've gotten this doom gauntlet before but idk where to go from here. Not sure if I needed to scale it prior to opening it in pepakura or what. I also know you need to use the open edge tool but Im not sure what parts you use it on.

View attachment 733775

I am also super interested in how to start unfolding 3D objects.
Im new to pepakura and im trying to make a stormtrooper helmet. I finished the top of the helmet last night, but realized that the edges dont properly meet and match as i havent glued the pieces perfectly (see picture below).
What would be the best way of fixing the displacement issue? Or do I need to start over?
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