Spider-man (Raimi) 3D Print Files/Pattern - FREE

Updated the flat jpg file to the display colors. Did the best I could with a FOD color swatch in hand and the display in front of me... also considering movie ref, etc.
Trim lines and web guides are subdued. Rearranged parts to fit within FOD print guidelines. File is in CMYK and ready to upload as is...
If you want to print your webbing I suppose you could take the psd and move the webbing layer over top. I am sending it to FOD myself, so I will update with pix when it arrives.

Link is on first page of thread.
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Here's also my attempt on a more accurate raimi colors, since I printed out the original version with some tweaks.
I completely revamped it
I edited the red a bit after this but this is basically how it looks.

- - - Updated - - -

And I also saw that spidey figure in new york last month at the midtown comics.
Beautiful suti and colors but webbing was terrible, not taken care of.
Updated the colors again, touched them up. Think I will be going with this, also idk why the brick pattern came off track but I'll fix that.
Still trying to fix them, as someone how then bricks got messed up on a flattened jpg? Even though in the version before they weren't messed up.
is part of the one hand missing???and are you gonna do updates on your progress??? and steps you use to finish it?
is part of the one hand missing???and are you gonna do updates on your progress??? and steps you use to finish it?
yes they cut it kind of close on one of the palms but it looks like it will be okay. And yes I will be updating things as I progress I'm just kind of knee-deep in Ironman stuff at the moment.
i know you released some iron man parts for 3d creation ... you plan on releasing a whole suit for 3d?

No, not at this time... Several parts on shapeways though and all are scaled to the movie model too.
...i've added a few more that are not listed on my thread and plan to throw a few more up soon... But the whole suit is a ways off.
I noticed paint has a resize feature which gave me the idea to upload a jpeg file for the mask only if anyone's interested, I haven't tried it before so it may not be perfect, I also have a question for ken, when you uploaded that mask file for tasm 2 why did it have no back?
I noticed paint has a resize feature which gave me the idea to upload a jpeg file for the mask only if anyone's interested, I haven't tried it before so it may not be perfect, I also have a question for ken, when you uploaded that mask file for tasm 2 why did it have no back?
I dont' understand? All of the parts are labeled, including the back.
Whenever I round the mask file I made it freezes my pc but Ill show u what I've cropped and those are the parts that should complete the mask