Hi, guys.
I received my coat from Magnoli last January and I do like it a lot. First of all, thanks to everyone on this thread, because thanks to your research I was able to decide which coat to invest my money on. I never posted any pictures before, but sadly I lost all photos from last winter, so I decided to take new ones. I took them today, so excuse my
face in agony. It's August and I'm in Spain, so I was about to faint... Also, I'm not any good with selfies. I feel like the stupid selfie stick put my body in an awkward position and it wouldn't extend enough for me to show the coat properly.
Anyway, I will upload these today and I'll try to ask someone next winter to do a proper shoot.
I decided on the faux fur version, since I was not a fan of the faux shearling. That camel color and texture were a bit off for my taste. Also, I just wanted the coat for normal wear, not for cosplaying, so the 100% accuracy was not what I was going for. I chose the dark green fabric, which I think is pretty screen accurate and looks elegant.
I must say that I got a lot of compliments in person while wearing it. Like people would ask me where did I buy it and such. They found it cool and trendy. Nobody who asked me had seen the film, so they just liked it for itself. I will keep wearing it because it is so well constructed that it even protects me from cold and rain.
Hope you are enjoying yours!!!