I got my WSL coat today as well. Mine has similar modifications that nexusplexus has. I requested a dark green fabric, matching lettering colour, the alternate "sheep" style fur, a wider face guard, and no shoulder padding. I wasn't able to get any decent pictures tonight, but I will try and post some tomorrow. Until then, I'll tell you what I do like, what I don't like, and what I'm on the fence about.
I like: the alternate fur and the more subtle lettering. The colour of the fur ended up being a lot better than I initially expected from the photos, and the lettering is nice and subtle.
I don't like: the wider face guard and the waxing. The wider face guard just didn't come out as great as I would've liked. There's a pretty noticeable gap between the neck and the opening of the face guard, as it's just a straight barrel. I wasn't planning on wearing the face guard up that much anyway, so it's not a huge deal. I also can't even tell if the coat is waxed. Like nexusplexus said, if it's waxed, it's an extremely thin layer.
The fence: the darker green. This is more so just personal preference, but it's more of a brown/olive green than I was expecting. It doesn't look bad, it's just not quite what I wanted.
I'm also going to note that the fit isn't very good, but I'm gonna put the blame on me for that. It's short in the sleeves, and very wide in the chest. I double-checked my measurements before I sent them so I really don't know what went on there. This is what bums me out the most. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed at a tailor.
There's been some mixed opinions of the WSL coat as of late, and I'm equally mixed. However, it's important to remember the cost of the coat in comparison to the other options. The WSL coat ($179) is almost 1/3 the cost of the Magnoli coat ($495). With this in mind, it's reasonable to expect that it will also be almost 1/3 of the quality. I would've loved to have bought the Magnoli coat, but it was far out of my budget, especially after the exchange rate and shipping were taken into account. If you're on a budget, the WSL coat is still a pretty decent option. So, if you're planning to purchase the WSL coat my advice is this: keep your expectations reasonable and be specific with any extra requests.