The cap has a short bill. 2.5 inch. This may be one piece I leave off depending on how final pose pictures turn out. My cap bill is 3.25 inches but clearly shows as different at specific side poses.
Scalloping a curve into my shirt pockets may be as easy as placing two ruffle stitches (basting stitch) along the lower edge from center to edge. Two sets per pocket. Then pulling the threads not to the point of ruffling but just to shorten the distance. This, in theory, should scallop the curve.
I put some time into the shoes tonight. Closeups show the originals not only did not show the blue stripe on the sole but also no blue decoration on the canvas. I have painted my blue canvas to tan. I have painted the blue stripe white. When the paint dries, I will soak the canvas with a dilute of black magic marker in alcohol and let it dry then oil and charcoal powder but very light. I will then magic marker some of the sole and then tape off the sole for spraying a very thick layer of black enamel that I can then chip away. It feels like the right steps but I will post if I change any steps. The shoelaces will get the same marker, alcohol, oil charcoal treatment as the canvas.

I do not have an airbrush setup but if so, I would spritz the canvas with alcohol then lightly spray black alcohol paints on top and let it randomly and naturally soak through the already alcohol soaked surface. This will give it a permanently wet look.
The cap has a short bill. 2.5 inch. This may be one piece I leave off depending on how final pose pictures turn out. My cap bill is 3.25 inches but clearly shows as different at specific side poses.
Ya, no. So I cut the stitching between top and bottom on the front visor edge. I peeled it back and cut back the bill leaving the full length of the outer cloth to then fold over the edge again and glued it down. It is now a 2.5 inch bill. I will do some touch up paint tomorrow.


And his comp view:

I also noticed that the sculpture of Robert has bright blue eyes but his onscreen appearance shows light green in all photos I have seen.
The blackboard scene is a MUST for poses so I am doing my best to get the attitude right. He doesn't play well with others and it eminates off him in this scene. The look is so antagonistic. He just poked the bear, acted completely antisocial and admittedly unstable but the slight smile says he is waiting for everyone's half hearted and socially fake response and they do not fail to do exactly as he expects. The scene is brilliant and awkward.
Hat looks the part(y)(y) Now a few strands of wispy hair (on ears and sides) and you'll be good to go;)
This will be trickier than it seems so I might add the side curls into the hat. Of course my Will Turner hair isn't going to work here..... so maybe some wiglet additions. His hair is definitely a defined portion of the look so it will be worth it. I tried to test rolling out some small portions of my long hair but it is too obvious.
Well, spoiler alert, this is a bit sad, at least for me, so you can skip this one and scroll on if you wish. Today, I went to town, shortly after the shirt pocket picture, above. While in town, my wife asks if I want to got eat, so we stop at my favorite Mexican restaurant. She's not surprised that I am in costume and we start talking about my plans for the upcoming costume parties, Quint or Will Turner or Adam or maybe even Bard. We tangent onto a conversation about the ability to know when you finally look like the character. We talk about that little trigger or switch in your brain that recognizes a face. I said that if that trigger goes off and I can finally see the character and not myself, it is finally time for pictures. So, of course, I say to her "Take my picture and we will see." She breaks out her phone, takes the picture, and as she flips it around to show me, says "Wow......." Then I see the picture. I know I should have seen it coming but I didn't. I even joked about it with Pengbuzz, saying Quint looks just like several of my uncles, and I still wasn't prepared for it. That little switch of recognition went off, with enough force to drop me. My dad passed on Christmas Day, last year. Here was a picture of my father, smiling, wearing a Quint costume. Her "Wow...." ended right after the recognition sank in, "it actually looks like your dad". Then she looks away from the phone and sees my expression. I had a full meltdown, in public, over my plate of Carne Asada chips. Everyone has always said I look like my mom's side of the family so it just never occurred to me that this was even possible even after my comment to Pengbuzz. So here is the picture of me looking exactly like my dad when he was about 35, wearing my custom shirt and hat.

Buttons were far too bright so I colored them with a marker. I made a slide on shield to keep from coloring the cloth:

First Quint:


Then mine:


My shield:


And final color:

Well, spoiler alert, this is a bit sad, at least for me, so you can skip this one and scroll on if you wish. Today, I went to town, shortly after the shirt pocket picture, above. While in town, my wife asks if I want to got eat, so we stop at my favorite Mexican restaurant. She's not surprised that I am in costume and we start talking about my plans for the upcoming costume parties, Quint or Will Turner or Adam or maybe even Bard. We tangent onto a conversation about the ability to know when you finally look like the character. We talk about that little trigger or switch in your brain that recognizes a face. I said that if that trigger goes off and I can finally see the character and not myself, it is finally time for pictures. So, of course, I say to her "Take my picture and we will see." She breaks out her phone, takes the picture, and as she flips it around to show me, says "Wow......." Then I see the picture. I know I should have seen it coming but I didn't. I even joked about it with Pengbuzz, saying Quint looks just like several of my uncles, and I still wasn't prepared for it. That little switch of recognition went off, with enough force to drop me. My dad passed on Christmas Day, last year. Here was a picture of my father, smiling, wearing a Quint costume. Her "Wow...." ended right after the recognition sank in, "it actually looks like your dad". Then she looks away from the phone and sees my expression. I had a full meltdown, in public, over my plate of Carne Asada chips. Everyone has always said I look like my mom's side of the family so it just never occurred to me that this was even possible even after my comment to Pengbuzz. So here is the picture of me looking exactly like my dad when he was about 35, wearing my custom shirt and hat.

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I understand where you come from man(y)(y) I lost my father and my mother, last year also...I have his voice; every time I'm calling my family in Europe, I scare people thinking that it's my father calling them:(;)
Picture flood ALERT: I spent far too much time working on facial hair color and fill and then quite a bit more time matching facial features. I did not put in the colored contacts and have not found a boat worthy of pictures, so no full costume shots yet. My shoes are now complete.... which might mean a trip to the coast soon. However, I did get a lot of pictures where I was happy with face shape and expressions.... so, I apologize if you have a slow connection... here it comes (please tell me anything that needs to change):

This first is a side by side. The rest are me goofing around in the mirror.




I am hoping to actually get on a fishing boat soon but I might need to put Quint on hold until after Halloween as Bard, Will Turner and Adam Ant are asking me to cut the chops off for now.
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I was remembering the wrinkles needed in some pictures and forgot in others. For final pics I will need to use some wrinkle cosmetics because it is too hard to remember to make scrunchy face all the time.
I was remembering the wrinkles needed in some pictures and forgot in others. For final pics I will need to use some wrinkle cosmetics because it is too hard to remember to make scrunchy face all the time.
I don't know if you want to trim your mustache (a little bit to be over the upper lip)...but it would look closer to him.;)
The shoes are looking good but for the laces: more wear and tear please(y)
I don't know if you want to trim your mustache (a little bit to be over the upper lip)...but it would look closer to him.;)
The shoes are looking good but for the laces: more wear and tear please(y)
Yes, thank you on the stash. I just noticed he also has no bald split. It is full hair across so I will need to do some fill.