Unlimited Run Jurassic Park Cryocan

Hello everyone,

I don't deny anything that people have posted. If you read back through the forum I posted about how this was my first time doing a run of parts like this and I got a lot more orders then I was able to handle. I also have a full time day job and 3 kids that I am trying to raise. Honestly, I made a lot of mistakes along the way. It is a lot harder than I thought to try and make these in any sort of scale and keep up with orders. I also mentioned having some health issues along the ways. I posted this back in July and apologized to everyone that felt like they got scammed. I should have been better about communicating for sure. I don't think I appreciated the importance of that. When I did have free time I felt like it was more important to work on getting the orders completed rather than sending messages about the delay. Obviously, that was a big mistake.

But I have tried to learn from that. I have tried to reply to people much faster and I went back through messaging anyone that didn't get an order or had not already got a refund. I admit I messed up. I spent the past few months trying to make sure all the old orders were taken care of and get some other things in life cleared up before I posted about these again. I wanted to make sure that if I did get an order I would be able to ship it out right away.

But I also spent years pouring my time into the design, countless redesigns, hundreds of prototypes parts. I taught myself how to use a CNC lathe to make these parts. I also shipped a lot of these out to many people. I wish some of those people would speak up, but I also am not going to try an influence anyone post on my behalf. I got myself into this mess and I will own that. But I am not a thief.

Apollo You said that only time will tell if I am a scammer or not.

I guess my question to the community is how can I show that I am not a scammer? Perhaps if I offered net 30 terms. So if you message me I could ship you the CryoCan and send an invoice that isn't due for 30 days. That way people wouldn't pay until after they had the CryoCan in there hands.

Would that be an acceptable way to prove I am not a scammer? This puts all the risk on me. But I would be willing to take that risk for the chance to prove to the community that I am not a thief or a scammer. Just a guy that go in over his head and is trying to get better.but your rep here is pretty much ruined here except for the newbs who you by your posts keep trying to lure in.
Your rep here is ruined, except for the newbs who do not know any better

You ARE a thief and a Scammer as evidenced by members having to get the credit card companies involved for refunds
If someone wants to engage in buying, just follow the golden rules:

1. Pay with PayPal and pay FOR GOODS (no Friends & Family).
2. Never, EVER let the 6 month period of buyer protection pass! If you don't get anything after 5 months, open a claim. ALWAYS!!!

I read here that some people actually got what they paid for, some things not in very good shape, and others did not receive what they paid for. So personally I would not know what to think.
If you call this run a “scam”, you infer that I’m lying when I stated I received the can as promised. After all, those of us posting on here that we received what he promised must be in on the “scam”, right?

I did receive the can as ordered. Some obviously didn’t and got ripped off, but in reality he did make these and sent an unknown number of them off. This run was not a scam.
If you call this run a “scam”, you infer that I’m lying when I stated I received the can as promised. After all, those of us posting on here that we received what he promised must be in on the “scam”, right?

I did receive the can as ordered. Some obviously didn’t and got ripped off, but in reality he did make these and sent an unknown number of them off. This run was not a scam.

"pics or it didn't happen"
If you call this run a “scam”, you infer that I’m lying when I stated I received the can as promised. After all, those of us posting on here that we received what he promised must be in on the “scam”, right?

I did receive the can as ordered. Some obviously didn’t and got ripped off, but in reality he did make these and sent an unknown number of them off. This run was not a scam.
I received mine too. But if there are a number of people that got ripped off and never received theirs, that justifies deterring future buyers from purchasing it. Even though I got it and like it, I can't recommend ordering one based on the information in this thread.
If you call this run a “scam”, you infer that I’m lying when I stated I received the can as promised. After all, those of us posting on here that we received what he promised must be in on the “scam”, right?

I did receive the can as ordered. Some obviously didn’t and got ripped off, but in reality he did make these and sent an unknown number of them off. This run was not a scam.
Juvatwad if it’s any conciliation I called it a ‘possible’ scam. Also, not that I care or really expected it, but as I did not receive anything the first time he contacted me a second time promising of a free item to make up for it, nothing received yet. Meanwhile, the paragonfx can was billed for and delivered in that same time, so I figured others might want to consider that.
I see no harm in warning people that this run is not going smoothly. Scam or not, people should be very careful when proceeding in ordering. Just follow these two rules and you should be fine:
1. Pay with paypal for goods or services (NEVER friends or family)
2. Open a paypal case / claim if you did not receive your can within a few months (NEVER let the 6 months protection period expire)
I’m still waiting on project runs for going on 2 years here. Nobody calls the guy out, though, because he’s well liked. At some point in time, it may come to pass that I got ripped off, too.

I agree, let people know you got ripped off. A scam is something different, though, and it implies he never had any intention of delivering product.
Well, it's not because a run takes a bit longer, that it's a scam! If there is regular communication and status updates, I think most of the time, things are fine. As soon as communication starts to fail, this is a sign that the run is derailing...