Unlimited Run Jurassic Park Cryocan

Has there been any updates on shipping these, or has anyone been in contact with Dino?
I’ve been chasing through the forums, through the online store, emails, PM’s and heard nothing. My orders been sitting in limbo for months now.
I’m putting a refund request through my Credit Card and looking at the Paragon can instead.
I understand folks do this as a side business and sometimes life gets in the way but months without ANY contact is a red flag for me.
Considering the Paragon Can also. Its a bit pricey, but I'd prefer a well made can from a builder.
Credit Card Transaction dispute has been lodged with my card company and a refund demanded.

The site information shows the OP has logged on multiple times in the last month, most recently on the 23rd of March, but no communication to any members, no response to this thread or to the multiple PM's, emails, or messages through his website store.
If the OP had been completely absent I might believe personal issues interfered, but the OP having visited the site recently and still ghosted paying customers, I'm assuming fraud.
No idea what, if any, methods theRPF site has to report this type of thing (I'm assuming there's none, especially given the sales are done off-site), but anyone interested in a CryoCan, steer clear of DinoDino and look elsewhere for a more trustworthy alternative.

If anything changes and the OP resurfaces with a valid explanation I'll certainly share it but personally I would write this one off as a scam.
Hello everyone. I apologize for my lack of responses and those of you who messaged me and didn't get a response in a timely manner. Unfortunately, I had some health issues and really was unable to do just about anything. I know it doesn't make up for the trouble it has caused any of you. But I am going back through my messages and trying to reply to everyone. If you placed and order and didn't receive your order, please reach out to me. I am gong back through my notes to try and make sure everyone gets what they wanted. If you would prefer a refund I completely understand that as well.

Once again, I am sorry and hopefully I can make it up to you all.
Apollo I am sorry that you feel that way and I don't doubt that it is a common enough excuse. I can't change what you think. But I am trying to at least make amends to the people that have waited for something from me.
Apollo I am sorry that you feel that way and I don't doubt that it is a common enough excuse. I can't change what you think. But I am trying to at least make amends to the people that have waited for something from me.
Time will tell, another strike against you is being on the forum without replying, let me guess it was a friend or family member, right?
Hello everyone. I just wanted to share that I have about 50 cryocans left. It has been a wild ride making these and I learned a lot. But I am at the point where I would like to move on to other projects. So if anyone wants one you can follow this link to place an order.

I want to say thank you to everyone that supported me and helped me with this. I had a lot of fun, but it also turned into a lot more work than I was expecting.

If you want to pick one up before they are gone here is the link: Order here
Apollo I have already responded to your concerns previously. I have nothing to hide. I got a lot of orders in a short time, I tried to keep up with them all and for a few people I didn't do that very well. I have apologized to those people, made sure anyone that didn't get a cryocan got a refund, and gave a discount to the people that had to wait longer than they should have had to wait.

Not much else I can do about the past.
Did anyone who purchased one of these ever actually receive one? I would love to hear from ANYONE who received what they ordered.

For my story?
I paid upfront in January, through the OP's offsite online store and was ghosted for months. No communication at all. I reached out through the online store, private messages on theRPF, and public posts in this thread. Silence.
Eventually, I processed a refund through my bank in April. I informed the OP I was doing so with a final opportunity for them to make good, but nothing. I did eventually get my money back, not through any efforts by the OP but due to my banks own internal refund process.
Months after that, in July, I was contacted by the OP apologising for what happened, with excuses about being sick and offering to send me a Cryocan free of charge as an apology. I figured, "eh, nothing to lose" so I agreed. I provided a mailing address and... silence.
I have heard nothing since then. Needless to say nothing ever arrived for the free offer.
Now, roughly 5 months after THAT, the OP crops up again claiming 50 units in stock, and trying to sell them, through a link off-site.

I can only speak to my own experience, but nothing in that experience would lead me to trust the OP even slightly with a purchase. I would go so far as suggesting that the mods should post a "buyer beware" warning, lock this thread and keep a close eye on any future runs offered by this member. I'm not normally one to criticise a maker and I can only imagine how hard a run like this must be, but this was pretty much a textbook case of a scam run, at least from my experience.

I cannot stress enough how little I would recommend that anyone attempt to buy one of these. The Paragon Can is $100 more but has the benefit of actually existing:
Jurassic Park Cryogenics Canister | Officially Licensed | Buy Cryo Can
There's a whole thread on it and the other products from that company:
Jurassic Park Replicas Coming From Paragon FX Group, plus! (UPDATED Post # 11)
Apollo I have already responded to your concerns previously. I have nothing to hide. I got a lot of orders in a short time, I tried to keep up with them all and for a few people I didn't do that very well. I have apologized to those people, made sure anyone that didn't get a cryocan got a refund, and gave a discount to the people that had to wait longer than they should have had to wait.

Not much else I can do about the past.
You cut and ran with the money PERIOD, starganderfish is one example.

You are a thief AND a liar
Ordered mine without the can last December. Received in January. I didn't get tracking. The packaging was extremely poor, shipped in a essentially a bubble mailer. So just one single layer of bubble wrap, no box. The prop was surprisingly unscathed but the can label was badly wrinkled.
My story: I contacted Dino back in March ‘22 to ask about the slightly unfinished prototypes he made trying to get one and he said wait he was going to make them and sell them. So then I get on the list (#5) for the innards and a can. Then he decides to sell them on whatever site he listed them on and I missed out on the can but got an order in for the innards only… after over a year (must have been some sickness) with no contact I got my card/bank to refund the money. Still no word from him except the posts on here for people to keep ordering.
Hello everyone,

I don't deny anything that people have posted. If you read back through the forum I posted about how this was my first time doing a run of parts like this and I got a lot more orders then I was able to handle. I also have a full time day job and 3 kids that I am trying to raise. Honestly, I made a lot of mistakes along the way. It is a lot harder than I thought to try and make these in any sort of scale and keep up with orders. I also mentioned having some health issues along the ways. I posted this back in July and apologized to everyone that felt like they got scammed. I should have been better about communicating for sure. I don't think I appreciated the importance of that. When I did have free time I felt like it was more important to work on getting the orders completed rather than sending messages about the delay. Obviously, that was a big mistake.

But I have tried to learn from that. I have tried to reply to people much faster and I went back through messaging anyone that didn't get an order or had not already got a refund. I admit I messed up. I spent the past few months trying to make sure all the old orders were taken care of and get some other things in life cleared up before I posted about these again. I wanted to make sure that if I did get an order I would be able to ship it out right away.

But I also spent years pouring my time into the design, countless redesigns, hundreds of prototypes parts. I taught myself how to use a CNC lathe to make these parts. I also shipped a lot of these out to many people. I wish some of those people would speak up, but I also am not going to try an influence anyone post on my behalf. I got myself into this mess and I will own that. But I am not a thief.

Apollo You said that only time will tell if I am a scammer or not.

I guess my question to the community is how can I show that I am not a scammer? Perhaps if I offered net 30 terms. So if you message me I could ship you the CryoCan and send an invoice that isn't due for 30 days. That way people wouldn't pay until after they had the CryoCan in there hands.

Would that be an acceptable way to prove I am not a scammer? This puts all the risk on me. But I would be willing to take that risk for the chance to prove to the community that I am not a thief or a scammer. Just a guy that go in over his head and is trying to get better.