Limited Run John Hammond Bone Cane (Made out of real bone)

I'm getting really close on a few of them. Got some more antler in yesterday so I'll probably be turning those tonight and see how they come together.
Yeah, there was one person who needed it asap. So that might jump. But im making three right now to get the best pieces to fit. So in reality once I get these three done they will ship at the same time. And the new antler I just got will probably have 4.
Ahh, somehow just saw this... If there's any chance of getting in on this, I would LOVE to have a 36" one...
I'm in no hurry, so the timing doesn't matter...
Or if someone wants out, I can buy their spot! :)

Thought I would give an update along with pics of how it's made.

Basically you start with a piece like this:

The get it to the size you want which is 2.5 inches.

It then goes on the lathe and this is a progress of the bottom piece of one:

I normally sand them down to 400 grit after that.

After I make a bunch of sections, I takes ones that match up well and line them up to make sure they go together nicely.
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Once I picked the ones out I like together, I check them for size and adjust accordingly. Then I drill holes through the center on them. This will be for the metal rod that combines them all and adds the strength.

Once the holes are set then I put them on a rod and see how everything fits.
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Then depending how it fits on the rods, I'll make adjustments so it's fit and is snug. I also check for a slight taper in the cane.

But they are coming along. I have a bunch of pieces done and just need to match them according. After that they just need to be sealed and attached to the rod. I seal them with CA glue, which is the typical way to seal turned pens and it adds a slight outer shine and protects them.

Should be soon. Just need to make sure the pieces match up and look great together.
Ok ,thanks for the update.
I was getting worried something had gone wrong as when i paid eta was end of sept.
Yep, finally getting a couple out (thank god). And two more are about a little more than halfway done. I'm sending notices shipping soon. Thanks for every ones patience.