And you don’t even need to speak HovitosThis replica looks near perfect to me. Unlike Indy, I'm not letting this one slip through my fingers!
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And you don’t even need to speak HovitosThis replica looks near perfect to me. Unlike Indy, I'm not letting this one slip through my fingers!
Excellent news! I can't wait to see them!UPDATE:
The Idols are finished by the foundry and are being prepared for shipment!!! I'm hoping these will be here within the next week or two!!!
I'll add your name to the list and contact you when it's available to purchase. I believe all the Idols on this run are spoken for, but there's usually someone that backs out at the last minute, and make one available for you. So, cross your fingers!please advise me how I can get an aged one. Can buy an exuisting one or want to get in in the newest run
Same here! please advise me how I can get an aged one w eyes. I can buy an existing one or want to get in in the newest runI'll add your name to the list and contact you when it's available to purchase. I believe all the Idols on this run are spoken for, but there's usually someone that backs out at the last minute, and make one available for you. So, cross your fingers!
Price is set for 3 different versions on the first post.I looked an the first post and have scrolled a few pages but I don't see the price. How much?
Great news, so excited about this!!!UPDATE:
Idols are being shipped! I'll let you guys know when they arrive!
The studio did make their own eyes for the original Idol and the cornea and pupil is painted on, which is also why I couldn't find an exact match when looking for eyes for this Idol. If you do want 100% accuracy for this Idol, painting them like the studio did is the way to go! Good luck and post your results!Not to derail this sales thread (which I already own the Belloqs version ). And very happy with
The side by sides look like they painted pupils on the eyes. Has anyone done this to theirs‽
I dont want to ruin your art workThe studio did make their own eyes for the original Idol and the cornea and pupil is painted on, which is also why I couldn't find an exact match when looking for eyes for this Idol. If you do want 100% accuracy for this Idol, painting them like the studio did is the way to go! Good luck and post your results!