
Finally got on board to therpf. I am just discovering a lot of the work done on this particular forum. And because I coudn't figure out how to make a note on my avatar the Avance Ships and Shipping logo is for a company that made up within the 'Verse, and designed by the one and only Y
Hi all,
Wondering if anyone in the 'verse still has a version of this? As i understand there was an offical promo map, but there was also a shiny fan made version by Whitefall.
Any help would be awesome!! Thanks everyone, Keep Flying!!

Worlds of Firefly 02_zpstuj2q3ed.jpg
Also, i know this is the free paper forum, but i just thought ppl who arnt on the facebook groups would like to see the nerf vera i tried to make, i had seen a few ppl had done them before so thought id have a crack too, hope you like it!
I have seen some postings of some stamps on here before, thought I would try my hand at one. So I created the attached stamp modeling after my fictional company Avance Ships and Shipping, hope you guys like it


  • Avance stamp sheet.pdf
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I just got here and maybe someone can help me on this one. I got this from someone around August 2020 and now I can't find it. Someone help me out here? Thanks.


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Just started a rewatch of "Firefly" since purchasing it on Vudu digitally. That prompted me to come back and revisit the RPF after years since I had previously picked up some Jayne cosplay items (old 'Talking Heads' shirt and some old bills.) from here. As with many of us, life has intervened for the most part, (divorce, health issues, job struggles, etc..) but the Verse has always had a way of feeling like home to a degree. I know that most of my Firefly/Serenity items are in our storage unit, but will have to check them out when I get the opportunity. I do have some screen used bank notes from "Serenity" as well as chopsticks from the mess hall and a PAL unit. Everything else is reproductions... come to think of it, I do have one of those 'Heart of Gold' blasters that were done on here way back when....I may have to see if I can find that as well. Some good stuff that was done from some good people on here. Not sure why I wanted to post after so many years...just keep flying.
Just started a rewatch of "Firefly" since purchasing it on Vudu digitally. That prompted me to come back and revisit the RPF after years since I had previously picked up some Jayne cosplay items (old 'Talking Heads' shirt and some old bills.) from here. As with many of us, life has intervened for the most part, (divorce, health issues, job struggles, etc..) but the Verse has always had a way of feeling like home to a degree. I know that most of my Firefly/Serenity items are in our storage unit, but will have to check them out when I get the opportunity. I do have some screen used bank notes from "Serenity" as well as chopsticks from the mess hall and a PAL unit. Everything else is reproductions... come to think of it, I do have one of those 'Heart of Gold' blasters that were done on here way back when....I may have to see if I can find that as well. Some good stuff that was done from some good people on here. Not sure why I wanted to post after so many years...just keep flying.

A small handful of us are still flyin' and currently making props from the verse, myself included. I've got a thread here somewhere detailing my active projects. There's a fairly active FB group dedicated to FF props that I highly recommend.

You can't stop the signal...
A small handful of us are still flyin' and currently making props from the verse, myself included. I've got a thread here somewhere detailing my active projects. There's a fairly active FB group dedicated to FF props that I highly recommend.

You can't stop the signal...
Shiny. :) More than any of the other franchises out there, this one seems to resonate most with me. Going to take a while to go through and find most of my stuff.... I know I have a repro of Jayne's knife sheath that I had Adam sign when I met him a few years back. I have a casting of Boo that really needs a LOT of maybe this coming summer will provide me with some time to actually catch up a bit.
Shiny. :) More than any of the other franchises out there, this one seems to resonate most with me. Going to take a while to go through and find most of my stuff.... I know I have a repro of Jayne's knife sheath that I had Adam sign when I met him a few years back. I have a casting of Boo that really needs a LOT of maybe this coming summer will provide me with some time to actually catch up a bit.
It feels like there's not many of us left these days. We're 20+ years on, and there are fewer and fewer Browncoat groups. But it's nice to see some folks are still out there in the Verse, still aiming to misbehave.
It feels like there's not many of us left these days. We're 20+ years on, and there are fewer and fewer Browncoat groups. But it's nice to see some folks are still out there in the Verse, still aiming to misbehave.

The revelations about Joss pretty much ended the organized fandom, at least out here.

I'll still always love the show. Buffy too. I can differentiate between a person and his creations.
The revelations about Joss pretty much ended the organized fandom, at least out here.

I'll still always love the show. Buffy too. I can differentiate between a person and his creations.

Well said. Firefly was more than just Joss. A LOT of talented people worked on it in front of and behind the camera. Let the fair weather friends and fans fall by the wayside. There's always a lot of people who CLAIM to be fans of a thing, movie or TV show. But if no new "content" is produced or isn't produced in a timely enough manor for them, they bail. Or bail at the first sign on some controversy. I call them content consumers. Many don't really care what they consume as long as their content hole is filled. Nom nom nom. Not me. I'm pretty much a sci-fi lifer. I love new, good sci-fi, but still love the old stuff I started watching as a kid: Star Wars, BSG, Trek, Space: 1999, etc. I'm currently doing a Doctor Who run at the moment. Pertwee era. You see a lot of turnover in cosplay people. That's fine as those people move on and then sell off their old stuff cheap sometimes. I pre-date the term COSPLAY. I actually HATE that term. I refer to myself as a person who collects and builds props. I occasionally do costuming to go along with them. BTW, I suffer from EOG - early onset grump. Gonna go take my Geritol and catch a nap. :D
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Well said to both of you. I’m fairly picky when it comes to content consumption. If I like something enough to remember character names, I am pretty invested. If I know the actors names, I’m all in. And separating the art from the artist is the only way you can find a shred of joy in anything these days. There are limits, of course, but I try not to be the gatekeeper for things other people accept or do not accept.
The revelations about Joss pretty much ended the organized fandom, at least out here.

I'll still always love the show. Buffy too. I can differentiate between a person and his creations.
I have no idea if the accusations against Whedon have merit, but a whole lot of people have complained about him.

But either way, when a fan of a show stops being a fan because just one of the people behind it turns out to have been a dirtbag, it indicates to me that that "fan" was never really a fan of the show.

And Joss Whedon, for all his faults, is still a great scriptwriter. Firefly's scripts are works of genius. That would still be the case if every single accusation against him turned out to be true.

More importantly, as Drsyn71 says, the show was the work of a cast and crew of hundreds. It's silly for fans to cancel a show because one dude on it is a jerk. EVERY show with hundreds of people working on it has to have at least one complete jerk.

Speaking of the cast and crew, I heard the other day that Shawna Trpcik (costume designer for Firefly, The Mandalorian, and more) died late last year. Very sad. She was only 56.

As for me, I will never stop being a fan of Firefly. I have spent hours and hours rewatching the show, rewatching the movie, reading the comics, and I intend to read the novels at some point. Added to that, playing the boardgame (Firefly the Game) has produced many "episodes" that were never written for the show, but that I saw happen on the board. Firefly is part of our collective imaginations now, and that makes it mighty.
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Since I've been going through the rewatch with my girlfriend, she's been getting a crash course in who everyone is and it warms my heart to hear her laughing at different points throughout the show. Something about introducing someone new to the show and hearing them enjoy it as much as I did just warms me to my core.