Dustin Stranger Things Roast Beef Costume

Jonny, you’re a saint, and I’ve reached out I’m just waiting for a reply, I understand she’s very busy so I thought I’d try here, could you pm me the link as I can’t seem to find the belt?
Happy to help! And no link for the belt as it’s been out of production for a while. You’ll just have to look and wait for one to pop up. All you need to know is that it’s a Gap woven belt. You’ll know it when you see it. The wardrobe department didn’t modify it so it’s just like what you see Dustin wearing.
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Happy to help! And no link for the belt as it’s been out of production for a while. You’ll just have to look and wait for one to pop up. All you need to know is that it’s a Gap woven belt. You’ll know it when you see it. The wardrobe department didn’t modify it so it’s just like what you see Dustin wearing.
You’re amazing thank you so much!!
You’re amazing thank you so much!!
You got it! And actually here’s a photo of a variant of the belt just to give you an idea. They’re rare, but just keep looking. Best of luck!
Fantastic thank you so much!! I’ll let you know if I manage to get it!! You’ve been a huge huge help though!!!
Glad to hear it! Remember these things can take time. I’ve only seen one of the accurate belts in the past year and a half - so patience, persistence, and optimism are key. Happy hunting, and welcome to therpf!
Any chance anyone has seen the trousers for Dustin and the belt?


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Glad to see some of the Stranger Things threads popping back up.
I'm back as well! Looking to make some upgrades to Dustin's backpack thanks to new material from Season 4.

Already started by grabbing myself a Uni-Float Mark II Lantern!

I'm also back looking for thoughts and opinions.
So, last season I thought one of Dustin's pins resembled an ice cream sandwich with a bite taken out of it (circled with pink):

Bag Front Patches Pin_CIRCLE.jpg

However, thanks to Season 4... it appears we're seeing the pin at a harsh angle, the white is actually the side of the pin and it might be upside down as well.
Check out these new images:
Stranger Things 0406 - Backpack_1_crop.jpg
Stranger Things 0406 - Backpack_5_cropbright.jpg

At first I thought it might be some kind of stylized sneaker in purple and pink. But that doesn't feel very "Dustin" to me.
The second photo probably has the most detail, but causes more confusion.
Is it a boat? A piece of cake with a candle? A little radio with an antennae?

I'd love to hear what some of you guys think!

We also got a better look at one of the honor pins:
Stranger Things 0404 - Backpack Pin_1_crop.jpg

Anyone recognize this style of honor pin? I had grabbed the stand in one below in my 1.0 backpack, but I thought I'd ask if anyone has seen something closer.

Finally, check out the great new reference for the patches!
Stranger Things 0405 - Backpack_2b_Tower.jpg
Stranger Things 0405 - Backpack_2b_Scope.jpg

Stranger Things 0405 - Backpack_2b_Atom.jpg
Stranger Things 0406 - Backpack_1_compass.jpg

NEW - Dustin Backpack Reference 02_unwrapped.jpg

Designs are already in progress and I will be having new patches made soon!

By the way, I am still actively hunting for everything I'm asking about - just thought I'd post here to see if I could get anymore leads while I continue the search.

Lastly, as with my previous posts... I am still trying to find a more accurate version of Dustin's speaker.
I've looked at 100s and have not found it yet.
Stranger Things 0406 - Backpack_5-speaker.jpg
stfy302 (1206)_cropped2.jpg

It's chrome, square and has white and black wire coming off of it. Judging by the knubs on the sides, I would imagine it had a stand or was mounted to something. I also imagine, since it doesn't dangle it has some kind of clip or way of attaching to the bag pocket.
I've checked External CB Radio Speakers, Mini Speakers, Military Speakers, Car Speakers, etc. nothing! - it really could've been fabricated, but I just can't shake feeling like it's a real thing.

Happy prop and costume hunting everyone! Thanks for having me!
Hey everyone! And welcome to the forum Live4Kawstoomz! I’m excited to see some interest in Dustin’s S3 wardrobe!

The patch actually isn’t as straight forward as it seems. There are two sizes of the Walker Garn (51D) patch, one being 5”x4” and the other 4”x3”. I’ve found a 5”x4” 51D that does share more similarities than the 4”x3”, but it’s way too big. And still, neither are an exact match to his, and both sit too large on the vest. Then we have the Baudry Garn (51E) patch. The 51E is a hair smaller than the 4”x3” 51D (and a slightly different shape) and includes the small details missing on the 51D. It looks like they combined qualities from the two patches and made the patch we see Dustin wearing. Here’s a comparison to show the differences and similarities:
View attachment 1041069
You can see that the continuous blue border, the version of the ship, the distance between the Earth and the three names on the bottom, and the distance between Bobko and the top of the flag, are all closer on the 51E. Although there are still details like the water on the Earth and the right portion of the flag on the 51E that aren’t an exact match. But essentially, if you took a 51E and replaced the bottom names with Walker and Garn, and replaced Challenger with Discovery, you would have a pretty good approximation. So that’s what I did here:
View attachment 1041077
The problem is that the Discovery is a little too big for the 51E, and I think Dustin’s patch is still even a little smaller overall. But it is a pretty good match. I haven’t ironed this onto my vest yet because I’m hoping that someone might take a stab at replicating this exactly. (Anyone? :)) In the meantime, here’s how it looks with the rest of my Dustin getup!
View attachment 1041080
I managed to identify his shorts, shoes, walkie, and vest, and got the Levi’s hat and screen accurate print of the t shirt! I also have a good chunk of other wardrobe and props from S3, (lots of Dustin!) but didn’t want to hijack this thread too much! :) Let me know if you want any info on anything!

I hope you have as much fun putting your wardrobe together as I have, and I wish you all the best!

Hello...what size are your vest, shorts and shoes...any way we can rent it from you for a commerical?
Glad to see some of the Stranger Things threads popping back up.
I'm back as well! Looking to make some upgrades to Dustin's backpack thanks to new material from Season 4.
You're doing amazing work here! Going to start my own setup as well so I'll definitely "Piggyback" off you're hard work if you don't mind!
Hey everyone! Finally had time to put my latest update on Dustin's backpack together. Not gonna lie - I was putting it off a bit because I was hoping for maybe one more breakthrough, but I think there's enough now to warrant one.

Firstly, let's talk about the elusive Chrome Speaker. As many of you know, I've been searching for this thing since 2019.
I tried every search term I could think of. Any combination of "retro", "vintage", "chrome", "silver", "cb radio", as well as "extension speaker", "car speaker", "mini speaker", etc. I got as detailed as I could think of... and apparently this was my mistake.

I was doing another very late night random search session, and maybe this is just stars aligning at the right time, but I tried simply "vintage "extension speaker"". And I swear my heart skipped a beat. Lol. In the middle of the top row on Google Images was this:

I couldn't believe it. I checked the listing and got it straight away, in fact, I got a couple of them in hopes that one of them would be in ideal shape (not pristine, but not too worn) and that proved to be a good choice. Before we get to that though, let's talk about the speaker itself!

Bag Speaker_color fix.jpg
IMG_2900_crop, scaled, color.jpg

Can't convey how excited I am to find this. Searching for such a long time and even getting some very sassy responses from CB Radio forums saying they probably just grabbed a metal tin, added a grille and some wires. So helfpul. Lol.

This is a vintage Fedtro RSP-1 Speaker from the 1960s. Check out the retro packaging:
Fedtro Front_small.jpg
Fedtro Back_small.jpg

As I noticed, it has black and white speaker wires coming out of it. The "nubs" on the side are not actually anything to do with a stand or handle, but are simply screws to hold the front casing onto the rest of the speaker. Additionally, I thought there might've been something on the speaker itself that would assist with mounting onto the backpack's side pocket. The Fedtro has a perfect clip for this very purpose.


Judging by the way the speaker wire loops up over the speaker and back into the backpack pocket in the reference photo from the show, I assume it was indeed the clip that was used to mount it to the bag, since the wires would come out of the bottom this way and need to loop up in a similar way. I'm unsure if the screw mount is just hidden from view or if it was removed entirely though.

As I said earlier, I bought multiples. I did this to ensure I would get one in good shape as most of them on eBay were out of the packaging. Very glad I went this route. One them was unfortunately cracked on nearly every panel (this wasn't fully apparent in the sparse eBay photos).


The one pictured with the packaging graphics above was new in the package. However, it must've gotten moved around a lot because it is overall just a bit too warped for my liking / slightly dented around the edges. Not a bad option though at all. If anyone would like it, I'm more than happy to send it along. It also came with a switcher. I had to get rid of the packaging unfortunately - it was not in great shape, very dirty, and had tons of rusty staples in it.

IMG_2914_crop, scaled.jpg
IMG_2913_crop, scaled.jpg

The one I went with for my backpack replica itself (pictured in the comparison further up this post) is in remarkably good shape, just need to remove some gunk in some areas (residue from a piece of tape, that sort of thing).

Mystery solved!
I just knew I couldn't shake the feeling that this was a real vintage piece and not just something fabricated for the show.
Next up, some general prop updates. I finally got the proper Micro-15, new in the box, to replace my incorrect (but very close) Micro-18:

Micro-15 Comparison.jpg
IMG_2910_crop, scaled.jpg

Those of you with eagle eyes may also notice that I grabbed the correct Microcassette inside the Player as well:
Minicasette Comparison.jpg
IMG_2911_crop, scaled.jpg

This is just a Panasonic RT-604MC. Very easy to find. Make sure it's on Side B for maximum accuracy. Lol.
Panasonic Minicasettes_crop, scale.jpg

I also picked up Dustin's new Realistic TRC-212 Walkie and grabbed a couple of close approximations to the flashlights from Season 4 to go with my correct UniFloat Mark II - since Dustin seems to be the flashlight provider of the group.

IMG_2916_crop, scaled, edit.jpg
IMG_2901_crop, scaled.jpg

I am not 100% on this, but I wouldn't be surprised if the lights from the show were created in partnership with Energizer (parent company of Eveready) as I have not found a single one of the specific variants from Season 4, Episode 5 in the wild. The fact the Netflix released a branded version as partnership with them seems to make this assumption even more possible, but perhaps they're just really rare.

So... the patches. I have not had any new ones made yet. I have been holding out to try and get some better reference. I've even reached out to the Prop Master to see if they would be willing to be of some assistance. That being said, here's where I'm at with the best reference I could get from Season 4. I'm pretty happy with the Radio Tower, Atom, and Compass designs. The additional Camp Knowhere patch is pretty good considering the lack of detail I'm working with - I think there's more to it, but I simply can't make out anymore detail. The telescope, however, I think needs another pass now that I look at it again.

Forgive the colors in the reference images, I've messed with some of these in photoshop and the colors have lost some accuracy, but I tried to use these for the design and other shots for color reference.

Patch NEW - Tower-REF.jpg
Patch NEW - Tower.jpg
Patch NEW - Atom-REF.jpg
Patch NEW - Atom.jpg

Patch NEW - Green Compass-REF.jpg
Patch NEW - Green Compass.jpg
Patch NEW - World Knowhere-REF.jpg
Patch NEW - World Knowhere.jpg

Patch NEW - Telescope-REF.jpg
Patch NEW - Telescope.jpg

Any of these would be much much better than what I have now, so if I don't get any more leads then I may go ahead with these as is or slightly tweaked.

On a somewhat related note, here is my most recent design iteration of the Computer Pin. This is the one I had made, but I may revisit it as well to see if I can get it a bit closer. I do think this may be a true vintage pin, but I have not found it yet.

Computer Pin compare.jpg
Finally, of course, here's what is still not identified. Pretty much same as last time. We've got two pins that have very little detail to go on and no strong leads it seems.

Award Pin
Missing Pin Mockup.jpg

This is a very rough mockup to attempt and clear up the design.
Definitely we've got a blue enamel shield with a lamp of learning/knowledge on it.
Around that is maybe a wreath or a banner of some kind. And up top is striped row of blue and gold/brass and some kind of crossed shape?

I assume this is some kind of vintage school pin, but maybe it's some kind of military pin? A scout pin? No idea. But this is the best we have.

Mystery Domed Epoxy Pin
Mystery Epoxy Pin.jpg

Still no clue what this is at all, appears to be pink and purple. Maybe orange and purple?
Looks like a shoe sometimes, also looks like a weird robot dinosaur head with an antenna, or maybe a desert landscape with a sun and...something tall?
Well...I think that's finally it for now! Thanks for having me everyone!
Such a stellar job when it comes to the research, accuracy, and dedication to get things right down to the smallest detail! You've definitely paved the way to make it easier for the rest of us! If you do any orders on any of the patches or pins, let us know so we can get in on them! My backpack should be here by Friday!

Okay I can hardly believe this myself, but on a whim tonight I decided to run my mockup of the missing Award Lapel Pin through Google Lens.
And I FOUND IT. It's an ROTC Pin from the University of New Hampshire?! It's vintage and I assume was selected due to the "Science. Arts. Industry." text and looking generic enough. Maybe this implies it belonged to Dustin's dad??

But check it out!

Already snagged two variants off eBay, but either way this is the design and it's insanely close no matter what variant you get.
Another mystery solved! PitKempo
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Just to add an update on Dustin's watch in case you were looking for it. I came across a post from a guy on Twitter and it looks like "Nelsonic" is another brand of the same watch. He was actually willing to sell it but said he had someone offer him $350 "as is" even though it's also missing the band. Craziness!

9-10-2019 Update!

Obligatory I changed my username notice. Lol. Still me though!

Now, onto the patches. So. I finally received the patches. Here's the overall bag!
View attachment 1057739

Here's a look at the compass patch. Please excuse the poor stitching. The pockets are a massive pain. Heads up to anyone else who tries to tackle this.
View attachment 1057740

And here's the Radio Tower patch! I'm very happy with this one. It's not screen accurate, but it actually looks pretty cool.
View attachment 1057741

So that's the good news. The bad news is also sort of a blessing in disguise...The fonts on the Camp Know Where patch got changed and...ugh.
View attachment 1057743View attachment 1057742

As I said though. Blessing in disguise. As I pointed out before, I had actually sent them the more complex T-Shirt design, and not the simplified hat design, which is what is actually on the patch in the show. So, since this one didn't turn out, I discovered after I had ordered the patches that there's a great local patch maker. I sent the design their way and before even placing my order they sent me back a proof of how it will look (roughly):
View attachment 1057744

SO much better. Looks phenomenal. Better in every way. So I will be ordering from them! AND special extra good news. The minimum order is 12 for $60, which isn't bad at all.

However, I don't have much need for 12 of these. So, would anyone here be interested in one?
Hello! I fell upon this chat while searching for SA details for my son's Dustin cosplay. I am in Dustin detail heaven to say the least, lol! I would be interested in all of the patches, pins etc. because that is a piece we are working on next. I've been taking notes as I read through this conversation. Super impressed!!
Hello! I fell upon this chat while searching for SA details for my son's Dustin cosplay. I am in Dustin detail heaven to say the least, lol! I would be interested in all of the patches, pins etc. because that is a piece we are working on next. I've been taking notes as I read through this conversation. Super impressed!!

Stick around! I am completely rebuilding my bag this summer using a lot of the new finds and new patch designs. I've got some weeks off coming up soon so I can finally post a ton of stuff that I haven't had time to get to.