Dustin Stranger Things Roast Beef Costume

Oh wow! Great input! Those generic honor pins are spot on.

The NHS one looks like a good option as well!

EDIT: Mike J. Thanks again! I found some vendors and ordered “Science” and “Honor Roll” pins.

Excellent! I wish I had more information for you. I looked at a lot of patches and pins on eBay yesterday, and got nowhere.

The only other thing i can take a guess at is that the 'generic vintage computer' pin appears to be domed epoxy, from the way it reflects light.

Still working my way through season 3 – should finish tonight.
Excellent! I wish I had more information for you. I looked at a lot of patches and pins on eBay yesterday, and got nowhere.

The only other thing i can take a guess at is that the 'generic vintage computer' pin appears to be domed epoxy, from the way it reflects light.

Still working my way through season 3 – should finish tonight.

I was thinking the same thing about the computer pin. It also reminded me of those puffy stickers.

I’ll keep searching around while I Design it, and if I still haven’t found anything I may settle for a custom enamel pin.

Thanks for searching with me! The pins were an amazing help!
I'm glad I could contribute. I'm a late convert to Stranger Things, but I am really enjoying it. And I also enjoy this 'digital detective work,' though I do prefer it when I find what I'm looking for, LOL.

I feel you on that! This backpack has been driving me nuts!

Small update. I designed the computer pin and ordered a domed epoxy pin. The Nasa pin is 1" and the computer looks a tad larger, so I went with 1.5" for it. That's probably all I've got for awhile. Now it's a matter of waiting for the custom patches and pin. Wish me luck!
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Apropos of nothing, I'm watching the 1987 horror flick "The Gate," wherein kids accidentally unleash demons from a mysterious hole in the ground, and I noticed our hero (a young Stephen Dorff) has a jacket covered in space-themed patches, and a shirt with a NASA 'meatball' patch that seems to have no text. A possible influence on Dustin?


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Apropos of nothing, I'm watching the 1987 horror flick "The Gate," wherein kids accidentally unleash demons from a mysterious hole in the ground, and I noticed our hero (a young Stephen Dorff) has a jacket covered in space-themed patches, and a shirt with a NASA 'meatball' patch that seems to have no text. A possible influence on Dustin?

Look at that! Maybe.

Sorry for the lack of updates by the way. I've gotten a few things done on the bag, but I've been waiting for my custom patches. Still aren't in yet. I should have a nice good update once those get in. Then, i'll have to start attaching the battery loops.
Hey everyone! And welcome to the forum Live4Kawstoomz! I’m excited to see some interest in Dustin’s S3 wardrobe!

The patch actually isn’t as straight forward as it seems. There are two sizes of the Walker Garn (51D) patch, one being 5”x4” and the other 4”x3”. I’ve found a 5”x4” 51D that does share more similarities than the 4”x3”, but it’s way too big. And still, neither are an exact match to his, and both sit too large on the vest. Then we have the Baudry Garn (51E) patch. The 51E is a hair smaller than the 4”x3” 51D (and a slightly different shape) and includes the small details missing on the 51D. It looks like they combined qualities from the two patches and made the patch we see Dustin wearing. Here’s a comparison to show the differences and similarities:
View attachment 1041069
You can see that the continuous blue border, the version of the ship, the distance between the Earth and the three names on the bottom, and the distance between Bobko and the top of the flag, are all closer on the 51E. Although there are still details like the water on the Earth and the right portion of the flag on the 51E that aren’t an exact match. But essentially, if you took a 51E and replaced the bottom names with Walker and Garn, and replaced Challenger with Discovery, you would have a pretty good approximation. So that’s what I did here:
View attachment 1041077
The problem is that the Discovery is a little too big for the 51E, and I think Dustin’s patch is still even a little smaller overall. But it is a pretty good match. I haven’t ironed this onto my vest yet because I’m hoping that someone might take a stab at replicating this exactly. (Anyone? :)) In the meantime, here’s how it looks with the rest of my Dustin getup!
View attachment 1041080
I managed to identify his shorts, shoes, walkie, and vest, and got the Levi’s hat and screen accurate print of the t shirt! I also have a good chunk of other wardrobe and props from S3, (lots of Dustin!) but didn’t want to hijack this thread too much! :) Let me know if you want any info on anything!

I hope you have as much fun putting your wardrobe together as I have, and I wish you all the best!


jonnytrooper . I've gone through two of the Roast Beef shirts now and they're both not good. Where did you manage to find this version of the shirt?
Back on Dustin's watch. Got some more photos. I swear when I was initially researching I could find next to nothing on this watch. Suddenly it seems like a bunch were up for auction on various sites so now we've got some looks at the packaging (in case anyone sees one pop up for auction). They come with headphones!

Here's packaging for Armitron, Waltham, and a generic variation??:

Keep your eyes open!
Hey zeeky! I’m sorry I haven’t been more involved lately! Great work on everything man! And same to you Mike!

My Roast Beef shirt is from the eBay seller ng_min8 and while they don’t list it with any connection to Stranger Things, they told me privately that the graphic on Dustin’s shirt is the same as the graphic they offer. I didn’t ask for more information, but the graphic is indeed a perfect match. With that, there are still two issues with it - the size of the graphic is too large on the shirt, and Dustin’s shirt was raglan. I’m thinking that the eBay seller created the graphics and the costume department printed them on their own raglan shirts but I haven’t had that explicitly confirmed. I’ve looked for raglan shirts that match but haven’t been able to find anything accurate. I’m wondering if Dustin’s shirt was a current production or if they found multiple vintage shirts that they screen printed. I’d lean towards thinking they were true vintage, and/or maybe even altered and dyed by the costume department. In that case, they could’ve even been an all white baseball tee that had the sleeves hemmed and was then dyed. It’d be great to get some information from the costume designer or department if anyone has an avenue to them. My plan has been to scan the graphics from my shirt and have them screen printed in a smaller size on a correct raglan shirt, I just haven’t taken steps towards it.

And that’s right on the packaging for the watches! Isn’t that interesting! The Waltham and generic version as well as the Medana version all had the same packaging that had the “Selectrophonic Sound” copyright. While the Armitron version is the only one with different packaging, and they boast their “famous Armitron quartz accuracy.” Very interesting!

Hope you’ve all been well! I love seeing your progress!
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Hey zeeky! I’m sorry I haven’t been more involved lately! Great work on everything man! And same to you Mike!

My Roast Beef shirt is from the eBay seller ng_min8 and while they don’t list it with any connection to Stranger Things, they told me privately that the graphic on Dustin’s shirt is the same as the graphic they offer. I didn’t ask for more information, but the graphic is indeed a perfect match. With that, there are still two issues with it - the size of the graphic is too large on the shirt, and Dustin’s shirt was raglan. I’m thinking that the eBay seller created the graphics and the costume department printed them on their own raglan shirts but I haven’t had that explicitly confirmed. I’ve looked for raglan shirts that match but haven’t been able to find anything accurate. I’m wondering if Dustin’s shirt was a current production or if they found multiple vintage shirts that they screen printed. I’d lean towards thinking they were true vintage, and/or maybe even altered and dyed by the costume department. In that case, they could’ve even been an all white baseball tee that had the sleeves hemmed and was then dyed. It’d be great to get some information from the costume designer or department if anyone has an avenue to them. My plan has been to scan the graphics from my shirt and have them screen printed in a smaller size on a correct raglan shirt, I just haven’t taken steps towards it.

And that’s right on the packaging for the watches! Isn’t that interesting! The Waltham and generic version as well as the Medana version all had the same packaging that had the “Selectrophonic Sound” copyright. While the Armitron version is the only one with different packaging, and they boast their “famous Armitron quartz accuracy.” Very interesting!

Hope you’ve all been well! I love seeing your progress!

No problem mate! We all have lives :p

That’s awesomely convenient! I’ve got two more versions of the shirt on the way. One just happens to already be from that seller! Score!

I’m determined to find one of those watches now.

In other news, I should finally have a major backpack update this weekend! My custom computer pin arrived and I’m quite happy with it. I’d gladly share the design as well if anyone wants to have it made. My custom patches are also on the way! Really hoping they turned out well. I’ll post photos once everything is assembled! Then it’ll be onto the batteries, which has been quite an adventure.
No problem mate! We all have lives :p

That’s awesomely convenient! I’ve got two more versions of the shirt on the way. One just happens to already be from that seller! Score!

I’m determined to find one of those watches now.

In other news, I should finally have a major backpack update this weekend! My custom computer pin arrived and I’m quite happy with it. I’d gladly share the design as well if anyone wants to have it made. My custom patches are also on the way! Really hoping they turned out well. I’ll post photos once everything is assembled! Then it’ll be onto the batteries, which has been quite an adventure.

Thanks man! Glad to hear you’ve got one of the shirts on the way! And with your backpack too, your Dustin getup has gotta be looking killer!

Are you after any variant watch, then? I’d be happy to give you a heads up if I find any!

And amazing work on the pins and patches and all things backpack! You’re knocking it out of the park, man! I haven’t even started on one for myself, but I’m sure I’ll be bugging you when I do! Can’t wait to see more photos and updates!
Thanks man! Glad to hear you’ve got one of the shirts on the way! And with your backpack too, your Dustin getup has gotta be looking killer!

Are you after any variant watch, then? I’d be happy to give you a heads up if I find any!

And amazing work on the pins and patches and all things backpack! You’re knocking it out of the park, man! I haven’t even started on one for myself, but I’m sure I’ll be bugging you when I do! Can’t wait to see more photos and updates!

Yeah I’m after any variant. Armitron or Waltham (the ones with orange coloring) is the ideal, but at this point any will do.

The bag is looking pretty good! I’ve definitely gained a lot of insight and I’ll have some better and more accurate designs for things in the coming days so feel free to ask away! I’ll make sure to share all the patch and pin designs once I’m more happy with them!
Hey everyone! Update time. No patches today. They decided to just hang out a few cities away for an entire day, so it looks like I won't get them until Monday. Still. A lot to cover in this one!

Here's the current state of the bag:

And now some detail shots and notes!

PATCH 06A Camp Old.jpg

This is a fun Amateur Radio patch I found. I thought it matched the spirit of the patch that resides in that place on the show, since there aren't quite enough details present for me to be comfortable going with a custom one. I dig it! This is clearly not going to be a perfect screen accurate replica anyways.

Left Pocket reference.jpg

The honor pins! Special thanks again goes to Mike J. for pointing these out to me. Upon a side by side examination, the "Honor Pin" isn't quite right if you're going for screen accurate, but the "Science" one is spot on! I've clearly got the Ghostbusters button too high up, but that's easy enough to move. Also note the black and red wire!

Ice Cream Sandwich Pin.jpg

Now of course this pin isn't quite right, but this is such a small detail that I'd rather spend my time and money elsewhere for now. Fun though!

PC Pin.jpg

This is the second version of the computer pin. It's close enough for my taste, but clearly the monitor is a little too round on mine, and the screen used one seems more sketched and less like an illustrator graphic, but I'm pretty happy with it! It's certainly much better than anything I could find online.

Now, as I said, this was the second version. My original go came out really ugly and dark. Check it out:

So I touched on the color, tweaked the design a bit, and the new version is much better. Although neither looks quite how the original art does digitally of course.

And finally, the big art project since I last posted. You may have noticed the right pocket in the overall bag image. No, I did not ever find the correct speaker. I kept getting leads that went nowhere. I even asked around some radio communities and got mostly snarky answers about how inaccurate radio use is in the show (so helpful). Ultimately, it's some kind of rare CB Radio external speaker or even a car speaker of some kind judging by the wires hanging off it on the original prop. So, I opted to make one.

Step One: Find a grill. I ended up liking the grill that you can find on the Astatic D104-M6's:

Now, these go for anywhere from $35-70 and I couldn't find any parts of just the grill. So that seemed like too much of an investment. However, I got lucky and found one among 7 CB Radio Mics that were not working / for parts for just $15. So, I had them shipped and wonderfully ironic enough, when I picked it up the grill fell off immediately. Poor thing was in wretched shape. Side note: I now have 6 other CB Radio Mics that I haven't a clue what to do with now. Lol.

Step Two: Find a housing. I knew what I wanted to find was a square box tin. The plan was to use the bottom of the tin and discard the lid. So ultimately I settled on this one:


Now I wasn't fully happy with it. It wasn't as Chrome as I wanted and it was more rounded than I was wanting.

So then I found this guy! But unfortunately the image online was deceiving and the bottom actually has a lip. :(

Would've been quite good too! Oh well.

Step Three: Epoxy and Assembly. I grabbed some epoxy for metal as well as some leather studs to add some knobs to the side (the original prop seems to have some nubs where I assume a bracket stand or handle would've gone)

And here's the final! I also epoxied a bracket so that it would slip into the pocket and hang there.

And here it is on the pocket:
Speaker close up.jpg

Couple notes: Definitely not perfect or anywhere close to accurate. I realize that. But in the sign of no progress on a found item, I opted to just get something together that would work. Definitely not shiny enough, too rounded, and also about a good inch too small. The tin was about 2.25" so a proper size should've been about 3". Oh well.

As far as the antenna. I grabbed a super cheap, for parts, Realistic TRC-505 FM Transceiver. Perfect size and very similar antenna for the pocket.

So that's where I'm at everyone! Hopefully the patches finally come in on Monday and I can add those and start work on the batteries.

Fun side note! The Astatic D104-M6's I mentioned earlier are more popular in Black...and you may recognize it from somewhere...
Astatic Ref.jpg

If you just pop the logo off and replace with a Rotex "CEREBRO" label, you've got yourself Dustin's Cerebro Mic!


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Absolutely unreal!!! You have done such a fantastic job putting this all together!! You’ve totally captured it! Amazing work!! And such a fun tidbit on the cerebro mic! Can’t wait to see the rest of the patches!
Absolutely unreal!!! You have done such a fantastic job putting this all together!! You’ve totally captured it! Amazing work!! And such a fun tidbit on the cerebro mic! Can’t wait to see the rest of the patches!

Thanks! Your enthusiastic comments certainly help get me over the small frustration that it’s not screen accurate. Oh well! I’m sure we’ll get better reference eventually.

I’m excited to see the patches as well! Haven’t seen them yet xD
9-10-2019 Update!

Obligatory I changed my username notice. Lol. Still me though!

Now, onto the patches. So. I finally received the patches. Here's the overall bag!

Here's a look at the compass patch. Please excuse the poor stitching. The pockets are a massive pain. Heads up to anyone else who tries to tackle this.

And here's the Radio Tower patch! I'm very happy with this one. It's not screen accurate, but it actually looks pretty cool.

So that's the good news. The bad news is also sort of a blessing in disguise...The fonts on the Camp Know Where patch got changed and...ugh.
Camp Know Where Patch.png

As I said though. Blessing in disguise. As I pointed out before, I had actually sent them the more complex T-Shirt design, and not the simplified hat design, which is what is actually on the patch in the show. So, since this one didn't turn out, I discovered after I had ordered the patches that there's a great local patch maker. I sent the design their way and before even placing my order they sent me back a proof of how it will look (roughly):

SO much better. Looks phenomenal. Better in every way. So I will be ordering from them! AND special extra good news. The minimum order is 12 for $60, which isn't bad at all.

However, I don't have much need for 12 of these. So, would anyone here be interested in one?
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And one more thing for today. I'm seeking some more advice and insight. I will begin sewing the batteries on this weekend and will be dealing with the simpler, more straightforward additions on the shoulder strap and on the left pocket of the bag:

Bag Left Side, Patches Pins Tool Roll_crop.jpg
Bag Left Front Patches Pins_crop.jpg
Batteries on Shoulder.jpg

I'm not too worried about these, as I said, pretty straightforward. I have the grey elastic, I have the batteries, shouldn't be an issue.

However, I'm still a bit new to sewing and stitching and what not. And I am a bit puzzled by how the C Batteries are sewn on:
Battery stitching.jpg

They have these elastic loops, which seems straightforward enough, but what is with the rectangle that's stitched around? Just for design? Or is it creating some support from inside the bag? Any suggestions on wether I should bother with that rectangle or should I just do something similar to the other loops?