Limited Run Crystal Skull 1:1 - LIMITED EDITION - OPEN LIST!!

1. Shpider
2. Onkelpsycho
3. doriang
4. Heehoot12
5. Manmoo2
6. Kurtyboy
7. lmc3
8. hbw60
Seriously only 8 ? Any others ?

peter74 please finish this run !
If you have read the previous posts, I have already explained that I have not been part of this job for a long time and the reasons are written, if you want to know about the skull you have to contact Michelle, I don't know anything else
If you have read the previous posts, I have already explained that I have not been part of this job for a long time and the reasons are written, if you want to know about the skull you have to contact Michelle, I don't know anything else
You're right... I meant to tag him...
So, almost 6 years after this thread was started...

I see AdmeSidkit was here on Sunday without any word about anything.

I still believe this project is over, the money is gone... isn't time to think about a ban?
So, almost 6 years after this thread was started...

I see AdmeSidkit was here on Sunday without any word about anything.

I still believe this project is over, the money is gone... isn't time to think about a ban?
Sorry, did you see that Peter74 logs here every day? (Naturally for his selling threads..) this selling thread is not mine, you would have to read all to understand that I was only an helper.. read also the latest post: it is written where the other skulls are....
If the moderator will decide to ban me, there are no problems but I think you wrote something of really inappropriate because if the moderator will read the whole thread he could decide to ban Peter74 and not me..I haven't selling threads and I am no more involved to help Peter74; I won't work anymore with him or Sarednab.

Best regards
From my understanding and what Peter said, he was not involved in this project since 2021. If you say, things are different; what do you expect me to believe? Who should I believe?

I paid money to Michele Possanza, that is you, right? I don't paid anything to Peter74 or Sarednab.

And WHEN I paid something to one of these two guys, I always got the stuff after a short time.

And I'm very patient, I know best, that sometimes life throws some curveballs and things happen, that are unpredictable. No problem. It takes longer? No problem? It will take a year or two? Well, ok! But I don't feel like everything is being done to finish this project well.

No one knows if this project is still alive, you are giving no updates, no status, even the Interest list was deleted for some reason. And except a verbal fight with Peter74 in this thread, there was not a single word about the project itself. That's not transparent and looks more and more fishy.

I don't know who has the skulls right now, who owes who something. But putting this on customers heads is unprofessional.
Do you now consider yourself only a helper? I don't think I was like this when you took me out of work! I think people have understood everything about you by now. As Onkelpsycho wrote, in your last posts you only looked for scapegoats and threw mud at others, but never mentioned when you would run out of skulls. I created the thread, it's true, because I trusted the person who worked with me and I didn't think I'd get to this point, I can also accept being banned but only if this affects you too, in any case don't worry, I and others will no longer look for anything from you!
From my understanding and what Peter said, he was not involved in this project since 2021. If you say, things are different; what do you expect me to believe? Who should I believe?

I paid money to Michele Possanza, that is you, right? I don't paid anything to Peter74 or Sarednab.

And WHEN I paid something to one of these two guys, I always got the stuff after a short time.

And I'm very patient, I know best, that sometimes life throws some curveballs and things happen, that are unpredictable. No problem. It takes longer? No problem? It will take a year or two? Well, ok! But I don't feel like everything is being done to finish this project well.

No one knows if this project is still alive, you are giving no updates, no status, even the Interest list was deleted for some reason. And except a verbal fight with Peter74 in this thread, there was not a single word about the project itself. That's not transparent and looks more and more fishy.

I don't know who has the skulls right now, who owes who something. But putting this on customers heads is unprofessional.
I agree with this.

Managed to get skulls to everyone else, we’re not asking much, just that the run be completed and we get what we’re owed, please. We’ve been patient.
I was only an helper
I paid money to Michele Possanza, that is you, right? I don't paid anything to Peter74 or Sarednab.

I gave up on this thread long ago, but I saw it updated and decided to check in, because I lost a huge amount of money on this sale. I absolutely agree with Onkelpsycho here. We all paid money to AtimeSidkit, nobody else.

And in my personal case, I paid over $1000 to AtimeSidkit for a skull that he claimed to have in his personal collection, ready to ship. I paid more than the usual price, because I'd be getting it immediately. So even if AtimeSidkit was "just a helper" on this project, he cannot blame anyone else for the money he stole from me, because I wasn't part of the run. I was making a one-time purchase of something he already had in his collection. And he never sent it.

Back in 2021, after the run had closed, I asked to be added to a waitlist. Shortly afterward, Michele contacted me and said that I could immediately buy one that he'd already completed for his own collection. After months of delays, I received a notice saying that the order was delayed because he'd run out of materials - but the entire point was that I was buying one that had already been made! At that point, I knew that I was being lied to, and I just gave up. I really should have filed a Paypal claim at that point, because there was still time. But I decided to trust him to do the honest thing and send me what I'd paid for. I regret that decision constantly.

And just to demonstrate that I'm not lying, here are screenshots of some of the messages:

Screenshot 2024-01-06 143625.png
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True, but most sellers take money or a deposit long before everything is ready to ship.

But that's not the Problem. Problems appear, if the seller is not willing to ship or finish stuff or at least communicate with people or offer a payback.

This is the first time that happened to me and I'm in the RPF for over 17 years now... thank god there are a lot of great and trusted sellers here.
I gave up on this thread long ago, but I saw it updated and decided to check in, because I lost a huge amount of money on this sale. I absolutely agree with Onkelpsycho here. We all paid money to AtimeSidkit, nobody else.

And in my personal case, I paid over $1000 to AtimeSidkit for an idol that he claimed to have in his personal collection, ready to ship. I paid more than the usual price, because I'd be getting it immediately. So even if AtimeSidkit was "just a helper" on this project, he cannot blame anyone else for the money he stole from me, because I wasn't part of the run. I was making a one-time purchase from something he already had in his collection. And he never sent it.

Back in 2021, after the run had closed, I asked to be added to a waitlist. Shortly afterward, I received the message saying that I could immediately buy the one that was already made, and in his collection. After months of delays, I received a notice saying that the order was delayed because he'd run out of materials - but the entire point was that I was buying one that had already been made! At that point, I knew that I was being lied to, and I just gave up. I really should have filed a Paypal claim at that point, because there was still time. But I decided to trust him to do the honest thing and send me what I'd paid for. I regret that decision constantly.

And just to demonstrate that I'm not lying, here are screenshots of some of the messages:

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Dear Sir, I repeat for the last time that the thread is not mine. Only because I received the money from people who bought the skull, it doesn't mean nothing.
Thanks to me and my honesty people received their skulls except for 5/6 guys . You have to read the thread from the start to your latest post. I am not a thief; during a long period ( COVID was also a terrible moment), I always tried to help and finish this thread. I would like to tell the whole story but I am not like you because in Italy, the privacy and sharing private emails is considered a huge crime. So, I don't want that Peter74 be in the right to denounce me. So, I don't want to go on to talk to explain what happened. What I can say, to be very kind, is that me and Peter had a big misunderstanding and he wants I have to resolve all troubles.
Now I hope this is the last time I see someone that posts something, says it is my fault etc.. Under the skulls there is not his talent but there is mine. And I'm really sorry to have accepted to help who I considered as a friend. The friends that I helped in this forum took money and glory from my works and in the most of the cases my name never appears. Here my name appears so I am responsible for a thread that I repeat IS NOT MINE.
Dear community, I'm really tired to be targeted from some people that probably are Peter's friends or that have been bad-informed. So, this is a really short story: years ago, who I considered a friend Peter74, asked me about a possibility on making this skull's replica. This was a very hard challenge. I had a simple idea: as you surely know, there is a limited edition of a DVD with a miniaturized skull replica. This DVD and its skull is advertised like an original screen used skull scanned and then sold with the DVD. So, I said to Peter74 that we can use that little skull, re-scanning it and bring back that skull to 1:1 size. So, I said to Peter74, as I have no time because me and my wife have a big firm in Italy, to re-scan it going to a specialized firm. When this work has been done, the firm sent me a file. (I am a computer technician) I took the file and I worked more than 200 hours on it to resolve the troubles shaping only. Naturally, when you make a scan of an object you'll receive a solid object. The trouble was re-working on the file, hollow the object and then divide it in 2 parts so I could print them with an high resolution 3D printer. This can appears very easy but the real thing is that you have to work a lot to understand that a mold after printing the resin inside, when dried, can be removed without squared parts or every other things that oppose resistence. I think that around here there are prop masters and I'm sure that they know what I mean. Also, if you are not prop masters, this means that probably your mold won't be usable for the first time. People that received the skull know that the skull is hollowed, transparent and with no bubbles. If I thought that I involved so much work and money in this project I didn't accept this challenge. If I really was a man that steal money you would see this skull for sale on the most known selling platforms. To understand how much difficult is making this skull you just probably know that I am the Sidkit Blade Runner Metal Blaster creator and the unique miracle after my blaster is the crystal skull. You have to know that when the prototype was shown some people on this forum said: "the theeth aren't right" "the eyeballs cavity werent't good" etc..
At this point the great Peter74 master said to send him the prototype so he could re-touch it. He attached a lot of clay, one ocular cavity was bigger than the other and the teeth remained substantially the same. So, when the skull returned to me I saw it and I decided to re-print it, spend other hours of work to make in the way it could be molded and printed. That's the whole story........
Naturally I casted them, finish them ect..
Now, as I am an honest person and Peter74 's solution has been to defame me only, I can also for my own defence show you the 3D images of this skull. To re-pay the people that haven't got the skull, I can offer a 3D file in STL format to print the 2 sides of the skull already carved and ready to be printed.
I hope you'll use these 3D files for your own use only, or probably you'll become rich...


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