ALIENS: USCM M40 Grenades - screen accurate machined aluminum

If the red caps are included, I am in for 6 please.

Red Caps are in stock. I will have to find more, but for those asking, yes, the dummy M40 Grenades will come with red caps, as supplies last. I will try to find more, and if needed, follow up with an additional shipment to make sure everyone gets red caps.
Put me down for 2 long as you can ship to the UK...I'm sure the postage will probably be as much or more...but let me know.
The machineshop kicked my project out another week or two. They have some demanding customers in the medical industry that needed some parts for pacemakers made.
Hopefully at the end of this week or next weekend, they'll have started or finished the production run.
I wrote to the OP via PM on May 4th & received a reply on May 6th, which was "I'm expecting them to be ready any day now".
That's 3 weeks ago so at this point, I can only assume that I won't be getting the 10 grenades I paid for and that this run won't happen.
It's disappointing that OP won't provide an update, month after month, despite repeated requests, and despite apparently being online and contactable. Doesn't everyone here know that this isn't how to run a run? Even if there are legitimate delays, "no news is good news" doesn't apply to the RPF -- silence just generates doubt, frustration, and ill will.

Oh well. A tale as old as time. This is why I almost never participate in prop runs; when I do (like this time) I consider the money lost as soon as it's spent, and if the prop eventually does show up, it's a bonus and a pleasant surprise.
Yeah. I PM'ed him again on June 6 but no reply. He hasn't been on the site since May. Not happy I lost 100 bucks but nothing I can do about it
I just messaged Aaron yesterday to at least keep some degree of pressure. Looks like his profile's listed IG and personal site are no longer active. His Esty store is currently operating and will attempt contact there as well. I paid for 20 of them, so certainly a bummer it this turns out to be a cash and dash (regardless of the original intent).
I wish you luck but I think we’re SOL as the saying goes. He never saw or responded to my last message so he’s off in the wind.
Ive ordered 9 of these 8 months ago and i keep chasing him. He keeps saying the manufacturer is delaying him due to back orders and then the machine breaking, getting repaired, worker getting sick, blah blah. Its already passed the time to open a paypal case.
Refuses to refund me because "it will be out of his pocket"?. Well we are out of our pockets for 8 months now and we dont have the product!
Really such a let down - thought he was a good dude.
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Give us the product or our refunds


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Look at him, he's trying to play dumb.
Anything we can do to get this guy reported?
He's still active on instagram and selling on etsy.


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