This looks amazing!!

One question, how do you plan to break it down into parts for printing/assembly?

This looks amazing!!

One question, how do you plan to break it down into parts for printing/assembly?

Thanks...I'm still working on that. I'm modelling it so u can light the interior for the windows at the front and insert the 'glass' and probably it will be in several largish parts to be printed as whole pieces...there are just too many greeblies to print separately. This model is 1/2 scale of the 11 foot restored prop but it could be printed smaller and maybe in resin for really small

I have uploaded the Narcissus files to my shop if anyone fancies a go at building this; ALIEN NARCISSUS Studio Scale 3d Model - Etsy


Hey Scott when will the Nostromo files be done for purchase?
Just as soon as I've finished the marathon that is modelling the main hull...probably another week or so.

So Topside, Underside and Starboard side all done...just the port side to do, which is very different from the starboard and maybe detailed by a different builder. Even more artistic license used on the right flank due to the paucity of pics for that area but I think I'm getting a feel for it now and I've focused on several known kits;


and just like the real model I've left an access hatch for lighting etc
Bloody hell this detail work is fantastic.

You mentioned using Blender combined with ZBrush. Are you doing the larger shapes in Blender and then adding panel lines and greeble shapes in ZBrush? I used to do some (very unskilled) spaceship modeling in Blender back in 2005-2006, and I remember panel lines being a right pain in the butt. Have things improved?
So Topside, Underside and Starboard side all done...just the port side to do, which is very different from the starboard and maybe detailed by a different builder. Even more artistic license used on the right flank due to the paucity of pics for that area but I think I'm getting a feel for it now and I've focused on several known kits;

What pics do you need?
What pics do you need?
Well, I think I've gone as far with the Nostromo that I can go without going mad but any good ref pics of the Refinery would be most welcome, as that is next.

So, yes the modelling is finally done, for the Nostromo...much more tricky and laborious than expected but a very worthwhile subject. I have a whole new level of admiration for the guys that built her

One thing, and I think it's been mentioned already, is that the 'Docking Tube' on the nose doesn't come out perpendicular to the face, it comes out straight, parallel to the probes

The restoration got that bit wrong, unfortunately!
yep, Promod mentioned it before and I am aware of it but there are definitely 2 versions of the original ship, predating the Prop-store restoration it seems...there's the large, cockpit only, model made for the hero shot on the planet, with the probe parallel tube, and another full made ship, probably the restored ship, with the docking tube perpendicular to the face, which still has traces of the original yellow paint job

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