The One-Stop X-Wing Thread (1/24 original trilogy studio models only)

Re: The One-Stop X-Wing Thread

So I'm building my 1/48ish MPC X-Wing, and it's just...ugh...anyways, the R2 unit that comes with the kit is really just horrid, so I'm curious what some of the veterans have done with this, or if there's even a replacement option out there?
Re: The One-Stop X-Wing Thread

So I'm building my 1/48ish MPC X-Wing, and it's just...ugh...anyways, the R2 unit that comes with the kit is really just horrid, so I'm curious what some of the veterans have done with this, or if there's even a replacement option out there?

Best to ask in General Modeling, this thread is about the 1/24 SS models.
Re: The One-Stop X-Wing Thread

Best to ask in General Modeling, this thread is about the 1/24 SS models.

My bad...when I saw this on the 1st page -> ROTJ MPC X-Wing by Jm419 - , and then read that this kit was used in both ESB, and ROTJ, I thought this would be the place to ask my X-Wing being a One-Stop thread and all.
I'll ask elsewhere.
Re: The One-Stop X-Wing Thread

I haven't seen any in 1/48 scale that might be upgrades. I'm sure the fine molds 1/48 x-wing's artoo is probably an upgrade though. But it wouldn't make much sense to buy one for the artoo unit alone would it.

I would suggest searching shapeways for one, but I've just looked and couldn't find one on there. They have a Deagostini Falcon scaled one, but I think that'd be about 1/43 scale.
Re: The One-Stop X-Wing Thread

Sorry to be a hard ass; in a regular discussion thread there'd be some wiggle room, but this is a pinned depository of info on a very specific subject and it's best to keep clutter to a minimum. :)
Re: The One-Stop X-Wing Thread

I haven't seen any in 1/48 scale that might be upgrades. I'm sure the fine molds 1/48 x-wing's artoo is probably an upgrade though. But it wouldn't make much sense to buy one for the artoo unit alone would it.

I would suggest searching shapeways for one, but I've just looked and couldn't find one on there. They have a Deagostini Falcon scaled one, but I think that'd be about 1/43 scale.

Thank you for doing a little legwork for me!

Sorry to be a hard ass; in a regular discussion thread there'd be some wiggle room, but this is a pinned depository of info on a very specific subject and it's best to keep clutter to a minimum. :)

Yup, as I said, not a problem. I'll probably just open a project thread in GM and see if anyone can help in there.
Re: The One-Stop X-Wing Thread

Hi all,

First off, I'm new (hope this doesn't push anyone away!). I've been a Star Wars fan since I was a kid, and have been mostly involved in arts and craft since I was younger. I've never really done modelling in the professional sense (I've done maybe two or three in the past without the weathering and stuff) that I see all over this forum, but I am interested in starting and have finally summoned the balls and banished the procrastination to do so. And so, I've a few questions I thought would be relevant here.

With the new movie out and all, I was really interested in the new tech for everything, and so I'm really psyched about starting on a T-70 X-wing from TFA? With minimal research I found two models - one from Bandai and one from Revell (the level 2 one). My first concern was proportion. I would assume Bandai kits are to scale and brilliantly detailed, but I was worried the Revell wouldn't stand up to the same expectations. That said, I was looking for something bigger than Bandai's 1/72 model. Therefore: would you guys recommend the Bandai model, the Revell Level 2 model or just waiting it out and seeing what comes next?

Also, any tips when getting started? I really don't want this to turn out like one of the models I tried years ago - an incomplete mess of broken pieces all over my room.

Sorry for the long typing (I'm long-winded that way) but thanks in advance for any assistance. Also - I really respect the work you guys do! Truly artistic ****, gents.
Re: The One-Stop X-Wing Thread

Hi all,
Therefore: would you guys recommend the Bandai model, the Revell Level 2 model or just waiting it out and seeing what comes next?

I'm starting my own Revell lv. 2 X wing and had my concerns about the accuracy. I think the photos on Revel's website show the kits straight from the box with no modifications or any real TLC other than what come native. That being said, no kit looks shelf-worthy right out of the box, and any great project you'll find here has months of work put into it. Parts taken off and parts added, styrene added here, pipes added there, and so on. At modeler magic you can see some guys work where they've made Revell TFA kits look spectacular, as well as many on this forum doing the same. I chose the Revell 1:50 (48ish) over the Bandai 1:72 for the purpose that it would be easier for me to add details where it counts to a larger kit than a smaller. I plan to spend a lot of time in these pages to see how guys have modified, painted, and upgraded their own kits to make them beautiful and I plan to do the same, knowing that the kit out of the box will need a lot of love. As for future kits coming out, I'd be more than stoked to see a Dragon kit with more detail on the market or even more Bandai kits, and there's no reason not to enjoy building a Revell kit now even if in many ways it becomes practice for a better looking kit from a different fabricator 6-12 months in the future.

Regardless of what you choose to do I'll be sure to see you on the forums and we can trade tips and stories of how our kits come out finished.

Re: The One-Stop X-Wing Thread

Folks, please read the three or four posts preceding yours in this thread. This thread is about the 1/24 studio models in the original trilogy only.

I guess we need to ask a mod to rename the thread to make that clear.
Re: The One-Stop X-Wing Thread

Folks, please read the three or four posts preceding yours in this thread. This thread is about the 1/24 studio models in the original trilogy only.

I guess we need to ask a mod to rename the thread to make that clear.

I think some of the confusion here may be due to the number of General Modeling forum links that have been added to the main post. Just when did Hasbro toys become studio scale?

Maybe it's time to "unstick" this thread and move it to General Modeling.
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Re: The One-Stop X-Wing Thread

Folks, please read the three or four posts preceding yours in this thread. This thread is about the 1/24 studio models in the original trilogy only.

I guess we need to ask a mod to rename the thread to make that clear.

Sorry about that Jay will take note haha
Re: The One-Stop X-Wing Thread

Hi guys I'm looking for measurements of the x wing espesialy the wing size I would like to scratch build a studio size x wing .thanks .steve
I know this has probably been asked 100 times, but does anyone know if there is a good thread, or site to go to for building the giant x-wing that is shown in the Smithsonian? I appreciate any help on this.
Wow, those are some great ref pictures. I especially like seeing the inside of the Vader helmet!
Found these photos of Blue Leader floating around the Net. I've personally never seen them before:

Blue Leader1.jpg

Blue Leader2.jpg

Blue Leader3.jpg

Even in black and white, that's a gorgeous ship. Blue Leader has just jumped to the top of my most wanted list. I hope I can find a Salzo kit soon.