Starfield spaceship build

I thought the studio shoot...was...ok
But kept seeing the model wiggle on the flimsy stand, and could not usee it.
The lighting was perfect. Paused, almost all of the shots looked gorgeous. But it was clear that the studio really wasn't ideally set up for a model shoot - like you said, it wiggled too much on the stand and the motion control was clumsy.
The lighting was perfect. Paused, almost all of the shots looked gorgeous. But it was clear that the studio really wasn't ideally set up for a model shoot - like you said, it wiggled too much on the stand and the motion control was clumsy.
It wiggled?o_O:unsure: Wait until you see my set-up for my little 2001 Orion entrance into the Space Station V landing bay:lol::eek::eek::whistle::whistle:
I was surprised with Adams's experience they didn't start the whole process with machining a robust armature out of steel or aluminum that aloominum to the Americas :). It would be the first place we would normally start for a motion control shoot model.
Models are just like stop-motion puppets, you start with an armature and hang the dressing off it.
I'm just being picky I know because normally we shoot 1 frame a second and nothing can move from pass to pass, the mass of a model grows quickly once you start cladding. I loved the lights and seeing the print supports killed me inside, sackable offense on a paying job.
My own personal videos are terrible I put stuff on YouTube that would never see the light of day at work. because I shoot on my own usually
in a rush for kicks. I miss the collaborative days of model shoots with Dave Stwart who always told me I would never be able to build it in time
only grumble into his beard when I did. Richard Yuricitch telling me to add a flare to hide crimes and David Sharp telling me to look through the camera. ( context back when I did models on film there was no video playback )
Oh I sound like the grinch.
All in all it was a fun watch and I think that was the point