Star Wars Outlaws (video game)

I'm the kind of player that takes forever to create a character. It definitely kills my enjoyment if my character looks lame.

If they gave me a great character design with a cool persona like Lara Croft, Cloud Strife, Solid Snake, Nathan Drake, Master Chief, etc. then awesome. However in this case, I really don't want to be average chick cosplaying as discount Han Solo.
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I don't care about the character's looks in terms of "But is she pretty?"

What I care about is that the animations and facial capture stuff have kind of an odd "uncanny valley" quality to them. It's not that she's ugly it's that something just Again, this is based solely on the trailer footage, which may be from an earlier build. Likewise, people may end up modding the game to fix some of this stuff.

But, there's also no way in hell I'm gonna shell out $120+ for a game with no reviews yet. These games are notorious for launching with a bunch of issues, and besides, I've got so many other games to play that I feel no particular urgency to buy this one now. Ubisoft in particular has a long and storied history of releasing games in a broken state, and frankly, given that you can often buy codes to get access to "pre-order bonus!" DLC, there's just no reason not to wait and see.
For some reason, I thought this was the Open World / Create a Character Star Wars game that was in progress. Perhaps there is another one I can't remember.

Still Ubisoft is one of those companies where I'll never pay full price for their games. Let alone a game that needs to be connected to the Internet all the time. Give it some time to get some sort of Complete Edition between $20 and $30 is my price point.
For some reason, I thought this was the Open World / Create a Character Star Wars game that was in progress. Perhaps there is another one I can't remember.

Still Ubisoft is one of those companies where I'll never pay full price for their games. Let alone a game that needs to be connected to the Internet all the time. Give it some time to get some sort of Complete Edition between $20 and $30 is my price point.
I think this is supposed to be "open world" (It's a Ubisoft game, so expect "Climb a tower" and "take out the bases" missions as a big part of that), but obviously not the "create your own character" game. But then, it's been advertised with her as the main character for a while now. Your post is the first I'm hearing of a "make your own character" game, but I'll confess that I don't pay especially close attention to video game development these days.
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what they basically did was give the actress a really bad nose job, she kind of has a bulby nosey tip. They botched the nose job.
Yeah, nobody asked for this game. For the last 5 years all I've wanted was an open-world Mando game where you can create a custom Mando and go around the galaxy doing bounties and upgrading your armor/ship, etc... Throw in the Nemesis system from the old Shadows of Mordor games with crime lords/bosses who you piss off along the way and it's gold. Thing would sell like hot-cakes.

Hard pass.

DLC locked behind a paywall at launch tells me all I need to know.
That's actually not uncommon for plenty of games these days. I think the question becomes "What's in the DLC?" If your objection is "It's already on the disc/in the game files, and you're just paying to get access to it," I mean...yeah, but that's also a practice that's been going on for at least 15 years if not longer. It sucks, but that's the biz.

Best bet is just wait a year or two for this game to go on sale or keep an eye on the places that sell legit keys at a discount, and buy the ultra-mega-platinum-diamond-GOTY version when it hits an acceptable price point. >shrug<
That's actually not uncommon for plenty of games these days. I think the question becomes "What's in the DLC?" If your objection is "It's already on the disc/in the game files, and you're just paying to get access to it," I mean...yeah, but that's also a practice that's been going on for at least 15 years if not longer. It sucks, but that's the biz.

Best bet is just wait a year or two for this game to go on sale or keep an eye on the places that sell legit keys at a discount, and buy the ultra-mega-platinum-diamond-GOTY version when it hits an acceptable price point. >shrug<

Maybe not uncommon, but no less repugnant.
Remember when DLC meant additional materials on top of a complete game experience?
It just seems wrong to lock the Jabba mission behind a paywall while featuring Jabba in the promotional materials and is the highpoint of the trailer. That's what makes it gross.
Maybe not uncommon, but no less repugnant.
Remember when DLC meant additional materials on top of a complete game experience?
It just seems wrong to lock the Jabba mission behind a paywall while featuring Jabba in the promotional materials and is the highpoint of the trailer. That's what makes it gross.
I thought I saw somewhere that they said Jabba is also in the game beyond the DLC? I dunno. I'm not really focused on the game. It's just been interesting to see how much pushback there's been in response to this one. It's weird. I guess folks love to crap on Ubisoft (understandably).
I thought I saw somewhere that they said Jabba is also in the game beyond the DLC? I dunno. I'm not really focused on the game. It's just been interesting to see how much pushback there's been in response to this one. It's weird. I guess folks love to crap on Ubisoft (understandably).
If the Jabba mission isn't locked behind a paywall then I feel bad about getting suckered by fake news.
Or maybe he's just in cutscenes of the core game.

Then again, it's Ubisoft.
I think it's weird they hired such a beautiful actress then altered her face so much. Like why? Just get a random mo-cap artist.
Yeah, nobody asked for this game. For the last 5 years all I've wanted was an open-world Mando game where you can create a custom Mando and go around the galaxy doing bounties and upgrading your armor/ship, etc... Throw in the Nemesis system from the old Shadows of Mordor games with crime lords/bosses who you piss off along the way and it's gold. Thing would sell like hot-cakes.

Hard pass.

Nobody asks for most games, shows, and movies so it's kind of a pointless argument. I mean, did anybody ask for ANH, the original BSG. Star Trek, Diablo, Half Life, and every other popular piece of media?
That's actually not uncommon for plenty of games these days. I think the question becomes "What's in the DLC?" If your objection is "It's already on the disc/in the game files, and you're just paying to get access to it," I mean...yeah, but that's also a practice that's been going on for at least 15 years if not longer. It sucks, but that's the biz.

Best bet is just wait a year or two for this game to go on sale or keep an eye on the places that sell legit keys at a discount, and buy the ultra-mega-platinum-diamond-GOTY version when it hits an acceptable price point. >shrug<
DLC on release is a pretty uncommon practice because it gets alot of deserved backlash for purposefully locking out content. DLC is meant to be additional content added to the game after release due to not finishing it in time, story or elements that do not vibe with the main game, or just added content that would only appeal to a minority of the audience. Even DLC created later but is pretty critical to the main game gets a ton of backlash (FF15 DLC and KH3 ReMIND story content come to mind). DLC on release is just greed on full display and already indicates a bad game made for money and not the desire to make a good game.

This game has way too many red flags to even bother playing for free though to be honest.
- Need to always be online - when the servers go down, goodbye game
- Day One patch - even if you buy the game on disc, you are out of luck if the servers go down in the future because the files on the disc only are an unplayable mess
- Day One DLC - Ubisoft is purposefully forcing customers to buy already made content
- made by Ubisoft - get comfortable not owning your games

Even if you are ok with only online, Ubisoft has shown that they can take this game away from you in the future. This might just be news for gamers but Ubisoft recently shut down their online only game "The Crew" which is a paid racing game. Fans who love these online games can usually still play the game after the servers go down by setting up private servers to play the game. Ubisoft has taken away the licenses from customers who legitimately PAID for the game so they cannot play the game even if a server is set up in the future.

GIven the fact that these online-only games have also shut down within a year if they arnt successful (Babylons Fall is a recent example), as a customer you cant be sure that your $70 to $120 game wont become permanently unplayable to you a year or two down the line because it didnt sell gangbusters (which is out of your control btw).

I think it's weird they hired such a beautiful actress then altered her face so much. Like why? Just get a random mo-cap artist.
I really dont know if this is intentional or not to be honest. It could be intentional given that MJ is also "ugly" compared to the voice actress in Spiderman 2 as well as Aloy in Horizon Forbidden West.

It could be incompetence by these developers. Insomniac is not good with faces and the face models for Peter and other characters also really suck compared to their model counterparts. Square Enix's final fantasy characters look amazing but Square has always been better at visuals (Lightning on PS3 still looks better than many characters on PS5) so it could be just a talent issue.
DLC on release is a pretty uncommon practice because it gets alot of deserved backlash for purposefully locking out content. DLC is meant to be additional content added to the game after release due to not finishing it in time, story or elements that do not vibe with the main game, or just added content that would only appeal to a minority of the audience. Even DLC created later but is pretty critical to the main game gets a ton of backlash (FF15 DLC and KH3 ReMIND story content come to mind). DLC on release is just greed on full display and already indicates a bad game made for money and not the desire to make a good game.

This game has way too many red flags to even bother playing for free though to be honest.
- Need to always be online - when the servers go down, goodbye game
Needing an internet connection is, unfortunately, par for course these days for pretty much all games these days, both single-player and multi-player. I don't remember the last time that I actually played a game that I didn't have to be online to play. The only difference between Outlaws and others is that you can only play it using the Ubisoft launcher/store app. CDPR games give you the choice of GOG or Steam depending on where you bought it, but you still have to be online regardless. But the games themselves are played through your computer and don't require an internet connection once it's started and I strongly suspect that this would be the case for Outlaws as well.