Spider-man (Raimi) 3D Print Files/Pattern - FREE

It's goin' slow... 50% at the moment. I will leave the link up, but just realize it will be a while. Flat file is 69.93MB zipped.

Layered file is 545.22 MB zipped.

Could you upload the files via google drive or dropbox and give the link? Might make things easier.
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Just a quick look at the image in your post, I think you might be missing a web line across the top of the arm/bottom of the head side pieces.

And file size is the single greatest challenge with the full layered versions of these patterns, so I feel your pain right now.

Just a quick look at the image in your post, I think you might be missing a web line across the top of the arm/bottom of the head side pieces.

And file size is the single greatest challenge with the full layered versions of these patterns, so I feel your pain right now.


Thanks Nick. I was wondering about that. Looking at webbing reference, it doesn't look like you need that extra line... with a printed web I suppose you do.

View attachment 296112
I added it on there and it is now available!
Layered .psd (colors, muscle shading, bricks, webbing all separated)

Flattened (with webs) .jpg
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This is fantastic, thank you very much!

I'm so excited, but I have just a question. I'm not an expert on resizing and photoshop is not a friend of mine, so I must ask what is the size of your pattern, 'm 5'9 and hope I don't have to modify your file much.

Thank you again, you are awesome

This is fantastic, thank you very much!

I'm so excited, but I have just a question. I'm not an expert on resizing and photoshop is not a friend of mine, so I must ask what is the size of your pattern, 'm 5'9 and hope I don't have to modify your file much.

Thank you again, you are awesome


I sized it for someone around 6'.
If I remember correctly, there is a chart or something in a thread here that tells you if you measure from the middle face to the point on the bottom of the belt it should be ____? I am sure someone here has seen it and can point you in the right direction.

EDIT:Found this for you.
...and this is from here: http://theleagueofheroes.yuku.com/topic/7648/spiderman-suit#.Ux8u7oVF9WI

The way to resize Spiderman patterns is fairly simple once you know where to measure.

There's a point in between where the eyes are (and the costume's mask kind of pulls apart) that's the top of the line you're going to measure. The bottom is just under where the red belt stops.

Here's what I mean.

For a large costume, that length needs to be 29". For a medium 27". For a small 25". A lot of spiderman suit makers will tell you they have custom patterns, but after hanging out for years on the SHH forums, I've been told by more than one source that these three lengths are all they use.

Hope that helps. Oh also, you might want to make sure the saturation on your file gets set to 100% (this may mess with the colors, but you can fix that afterwards)
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I think I'm the only one who doesn't use the "nose-belt" lengths to scale. So, I'll share my method so people can try it out and see what works best for them.

I choose a se a point roughly 1/4 of the way from the top of the face (approximating the top of the head) and then measure to the heel. I make this measurement 90% of the height I am trying to get to.

Try it out and see what nose-belt lengths you get, I've never compared the two so I don't know how they stack up against each other. Try it and see...

For small deviations these methods of resizing are okay, but nonlinear effects take over rapidly. Your body does not scale in proportion. A 6'4" male does not have a head which is 15% larger than a 5'6" male, nor are his feet guaranteed to be longer by that much.

If you are making large deviations, I recommend you separate the mask and do not resize it with the rest of the suit.
I also want to express gratitude to Ken for continuing to help this community with access to these and other files he's provided.
For small deviations these methods of resizing are okay, but nonlinear effects take over rapidly. Your body does not scale in proportion. A 6'4" male does not have a head which is 15% larger than a 5'6" male, nor are his feet guaranteed to be longer by that much.

If you are making large deviations, I recommend you separate the mask and do not resize it with the rest of the suit.

Feet and hands are the other problem areas. Hands can be solved with the finger gussets, but the feet can get iffy. If someone is, say 5'3" and has US size 9 feet! that's not going to work well. The only solution you be to selectively scale that area. (A big ask)

in general, if someone is between 5'7" and 6'1" they shouldn't have too many issues with scaling the pattern to them.

And Ken, you're a better man than I...I couldn't possibly imagine giving away this level of work for free, but more power to you for doing so. It adds yet another option for Spideys out there, and that's always a good thing in my mind!

Some people have actually asked me if I'm angry about you releasing this. HELL NO! I'm a Spidey fan first and a pattern maker second. I think it's awesome that 10 years later there is still interest in this suit. Keep doing what you do, Ken.

"No Webbing" file is up.
"with Webbing" file updated.
Layered file updated.

Planning to consolidate web vectors into one zipped file soon.
"No Webbing" file is up.
"with Webbing" file updated.
Layered file updated.

Planning to consolidate web vectors into one zipped file soon.

Every time I open the layered file in Photoshop it's all black, same with when i open the flattened image with no webs.