One-Stop 11' TOS Enterprise Reference Thread: NCC-1701, No Bloody A...

Interesting, as damned if I can make that hole out in this screenshot from "Obsession" that otherwise shows a great deal of detail, no matter how much I try to brighten it or change the contrast.

It did not appear to be there after the Miarecki restoration, however the following image taken at the time of his resto. does show a hole:

If it was indeed a hanging point from some early part of the model's life, I guess whether it was really still visible at the time of the last FX work would require photographic evidence most of us don't have access to.

Upon review, it appears as if there was a wire going into a hole there, for lighting or whatever.

enterprise_hole01.jpg enterprise_hole02.jpg
Very "illuminating" screenshots, VanDam.

Feek, you said it makes perfect sense; do you think this how the electrical feed for all the saucer lights originally entered the saucer, then?
Bad news, guys -- all of my Dropbox-hosted photos are going to vanish on Sept. 1 because they're changing their whole scheme. I don't know when or if I'll have time to repost more than a few of them, so if you want them, now's the time to download them. For the time being, I'll go back to just posting via the RPF uploads, and that'll have to do. Sorry about the inconvenience, folks -- and thanks a lot for nothing, Dropbox.
These are the pictures I was expecting earlier and was disappointed in so few released at the time of the unveiling. They aren't quite as large as some of the previous pictures. There are some interesting details I hadn't noticed before. There seems to be a small white pin-stripe outlining the saucer landing gear to paint an outer area. The "vent systems door" looks as if it really is a door. It appears to be recessed. The question then is; could this have been originally considered to be a window. The window above the #1837 has a green block inside the hull giving the window a green tint.
Gary Kerr's complete paint color guide for the TOS Enterprise was recently posted on

The first part goes into a lot of detail about how the colors were identified during the Smithsonian restoration,
The second part has a detailed breakdown of the Testors Model Master paint matches and color mix percentages.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Gary Kerr's complete paint color guide for the TOS Enterprise was recently posted on

The first part goes into a lot of detail about how the colors were identified during the Smithsonian restoration,
The second part has a detailed breakdown of the Testors Model Master paint matches and color mix percentages.

Part 1:
Part 2:
every starship modeler needs to read that article, trek modelers or not. great stuff.
Interesting, as damned if I can make that hole out in this screenshot from "Obsession" that otherwise shows a great deal of detail, no matter how much I try to brighten it or change the contrast.

It did not appear to be there after the Miarecki restoration, however the following image taken at the time of his resto. does show a hole:

If it was indeed a hanging point from some early part of the model's life, I guess whether it was really still visible at the time of the last FX work would require photographic evidence most of us don't have access to.
A wire used to exit this hole, see photos of the lady when she first arrived at the smithsonian after uncrating
Yes, thanks, I realized that after my post...that wire I THINK fed power to the saucer, and in some eps you can see what looks like tape trying to hide it and where it creeps up the dorsal. Silly that I didn’t realize / notice that before.
My great friend Ollois sent me these images of the restored Enterprise at the Smithsonian. I don't know if they show anything different than what is already on this thread, but thought I would share them with everyone. Please note these images are by kind permission of Ollois.
I don't think I've noticed that dot before just below the painted lines on the bottom.
Is it a screw or painted? or is the photo screwed up. This was straight from the hi res stuff the Smithsonian put up.
