Deprecated FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale (BANNED)

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Just wanted to respond cause I haven't been on here in a while, I kinda gave up on the run until Mimic emailed me. Really excited at the possibility of getting armor :) I have received a refund yet, but I was asking for the armor not a refund. Hope that helps any lists that are out there. Thanks!
So glad to see the guys that request refunds getting sorted out, for us die hards sticking with the run can we get any photos of the white stuff cast up? Its been over half a year since we have seen anything so a couple of photos wouldn’t go amiss
Can someone PM me the email address for Mimic, I did use it when I paid what seems like a lifetime ago but have long since used another PayPal, seems to be the only way to get any kind of response on this for sale thread
Do you know why it went quiet? You asked for pictures!! Lol And I have not received any armour or info as of yet.
You said it man, I am just trying to fathom what the **** actually happened that was stated in this last post below
I don’t know at what point to just jack this in a jump off, it’s almost three years now, I have pm’s that guarantee I would have a full set of armour for the premier of the last Jedi movie, am I a jerk for still thinking this is going forward?


The helmet parts are in the moulds, I’ll be doing a fuller update with photos of it when I get it demoulded in the next few days, and then that’s the final version of the last part. Then it’s back to casting components to make up full sets and ship each in turn.

I’m really looking forward to hearing the responses from every especially those who had the prototype armor as this final version blows it away- I’m sure you’ll all appreciate the changes made once in hand.

Bigkilo thank you so much for you kind words, however the PayPal account you made payment to has long since been closed so please don’t send a tip, I fear the ether would simply swallow it. Perhaps a donation to a good cause? or even better I would happily donate a set of armor for charity maybe if anyone has any ideas/avenues for that? With everything that’s going on in the world at the moment it would be good to make as much good as possible come from this whole thing.

Thank you all, speak soon, again best contact is payment email address if it’s urgent send it a couple of times!


1- Bigkilo
2- Empire
3- Jai
4- Sikes
5- Gijim
6- Al May
7- TKBennett
8- Lithiumus
9- Xpaladinx45
10- Ower
Do you know why it went quiet? You asked for pictures!! Lol And I have not received any armour or info as of yet.
Quote from Mimic

Hello Al - casting will begin in mid June with shipping throughout July... off of the top of my head you are 6th possibly 7th in line. I’ll be casting all components for one set and shipping a full set at a time.
Quote from Mimic

Hello Al - casting will begin in mid June with shipping throughout July... off of the top of my head you are 6th possibly 7th in line. I’ll be casting all components for one set and shipping a full set at a time.

Well it’s half way though July and none has been shipped, wait was that July 2020, or July 2021,or 2022
According to Mimic, Al May's refund cleared yesterday. I have updated the list. I've asked Mimic to send an update to the thread...
Could we get an update? Any update? I check this thread more than I care to admit:)
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