Interest DL18 full conversion kits - Jabba guard blasters

The first batch of 12 kits is live on the website.
All parts are grouped into a category on the website for ease:

remember that the kits do not include the vacuum cleaner front sight greebly, you need to choose between the resin printed and the real cast part separately to add to your kit.

And finally, if you miss out tonight, no need to worry, another 12 kits will be released in a couple weeks or so, as soon as I finish the new batch of side plates and my wife manages to cast all the resin parts.

I hope you'll like the kits and I'm looking forward to seeing the first assembled super accurate blasters :)
cheers all!
thank you :)

Please all remember about the vacuum cleaner part that needs to be purchassed separately! already one order without it and I can't know if it's a mistake or voluntary.
Thank you so much to the people that ordered already, all orders are shipped :) Please check your spams if you didn't get a tracking number or feel free to contact me.
Still 4 kits in stock, SO surprised they haven't sold out quickly, it was a long list and few kits for the first batch. I hope I'm not doing the next batches for nothing as those are expensive to produce for me.
Thank you so much to the people that ordered already, all orders are shipped :) Please check your spams if you didn't get a tracking number or feel free to contact me.
Still 4 kits in stock, SO surprised they haven't sold out quickly, it was a long list and few kits for the first batch. I hope I'm not doing the next batches for nothing as those are expensive to produce for me.

I hope all, who expressed interest in a kit, will place their order! It is crucial for Matthieu as basically a one-man-business, so that he can keep on offering small runs of high end prop replicas!
I hope all, who expressed interest in a kit, will place their order! It is crucial for Matthieu as basically a one-man-business, so that he can keep on offering small runs of high end prop replicas!
Thank you Markus, I appreciate your kind word. I'm not too worried for this project but yeah, I'm surprised for sure, at least I hope I shouldn't be too worried ahah!

That being said, yes it's a whole debate. I know a lot of people are mad at all the runs that happened with money upfront and makers that disappear. Well, my wife wonder Knight and myself always fund our projects ourselves and ask for interest to have a precise idea of how much to do. And we don't talk often about the reverse situation of a project funded by the maker and people from the interest list not buying when the project is released, in this case it is the maker that looses money and we need to pay for food same way as the others.

It's all a complicated situation and there are a lot of parameters, we are small businesses and what can often happen with us is delays of course, and I understand that life changes with time and that when a project takes 6 month, people might not have the money anymore. But in the reverse situation when the money is taken up front and the run takes 6 months, well the money has already been paid.

My wife had a lot of trouble with this and she now took a basic full time job because she was just not selling her production. And yeah, it pains me that this happened, it's sad, she worked really hard, and yes, she had delays because it was complex projects, not much that can be done about this.

The Barbican project was very delayed as well, I understand and wish that it wasn't the case, and when the kits were release, I had over 20 drops out! And some people that are active on the forums never even answered to me when I contacted them several times. Just needed an answer to move on to the next person on the list, wasn't going to eat you...

Anyways, sorry, didn't want to rant, it's just a bit close to my heart right now because my wife just started her new job and I wished it didn't come to that.
But like I very often say, I love my customers! And I really mean it. At least half of the customers on each new project are customers that I know well already and have already have bought several times from me, and I trust and am really gratefull for them.

Thank you all :)
And I'm always there to talk and will always understand as long as there is communication :)
It was sold out when I looked Tuesday morning. I kept checking after you said there were four still available but the site has always shown sold out since Tuesday morning.
Hopefully, there’ll still be another batch.
It was sold out when I looked Tuesday morning. I kept checking after you said there were four still available but the site has always shown sold out since Tuesday morning.
Hopefully, there’ll still be another batch.
weird, no they never sold out and are still available, 3 right now.

But in your case, I knew you were probably waiting for the E11 stands. But yeah, those still need a bit of work, so as you want :) And I need to remember to add that screw you are missing this time!
received my full set today, I‘m very pleased with it. Thank you all for doing this great kit.

Hello there,
just posted a FULL kit in the junkyard with a RO-72 pistol with a converted back cap, full conversion kit and real phantom bombs, if anyone in EUROPE is interested:


This is one of the 2 blasters that I intended to assemble and paint for customers in Europe, I haven't received any interest yet so i'm trying to see if a kit is of interest.