Done / Completed Crystal chamber for Romans New V2 Luke and MK1 OBI **"NOW SHIPPING"** have Extras if your interested!! 4-13-20

I signed up on FB for one before reading this thread. I'm specifically wanting one for my MK1. How exactly are these different from the previous runs since they fit the V2 as well? Is it just a case of the dimensions being different or are there significant changes? I definitely want to make sure this is going to look just as good in my MK1 as the earlier version...
There's no difference, you just have to raise the chamber up like 2 mm
I had mentioned my interest over on FB in Thin-necked sabers, but I'll confirm interest here, definitely want to be on the next run. I'm in the process of upgrading my MK1, and this seems like a good next step. After this, neopixel!

Sign me up!
Tried going back through the thread, so apologys if this has been covered or maybe im missing something.

How is everyone attaching the left transistor with once the chamber is installed. Theres no hole on mine it seems.

Absolutely love the chamber though.