Unlimited Run Blade Runner inspired light up chessboard

Hi all. Right i've finally got an up to date figure of materials and as I thought the huge hike in materials is going to bump the cost i'm afraid. This board has been difficult to price as I'm not looking to rip anyone off, but materials and time need covering so the boards are going to retail at £350 (gbp) with shipping on top.

While I realise this may make this item too pricey for some, any cheaper and there is little reason for me to devote so much time into making them. As mentioned before each board is hand made, assembled and finished to ensure quality.

I havent sorted an up-to-date mainland shipping quote as yet but will sort later this week when i'm home. International shipping will be an option but obviously due to the weight will cost more than UK shipping.

The board will have mains power, LED remote and made from Black American Walnut with a chamfered edge (see pics 1 and 2 on the first post).

I'm not offering different wood options on the board as in all honesty if I do that they'll just never get done, however I'm happy to include or exclude the Tyrell Owl logo on the front of the board as you prefer.

I'm going to update the list on the first post and can add / remove people as they so wish; so let me know!

Thanks for the patience guys,

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Also, guys who are on the old list will keep their place and receive their boards first as it's only fair to do so. If you are on the original list and have changed your mind i'm happy to remove you and bump everyone up a place.


***I've updated the list on Post 1 guys, let me know if you'd like to be added or removed***
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Thanks Bash, I am still in. By “mains power” do you mean battery power? Just confirming because I would need a US plug type if not. Will also need to know what cost is for shipping to US. I’ll message you.
Thanks Bash, I am still in. By “mains power” do you mean battery power? Just confirming because I would need a US plug type if not. Will also need to know what cost is for shipping to US. I’ll message you.
No I mean mains power as in plug in the wall dude! No sense in having these battery powered plus it adds problems with shipping.

I'm going to see if I can get some US adapters that work with the LEDs so you dont need to run an extra converter on the plug socket. Leave that with me for now and i'll let you know.
Wood and acryllic ordered today, gonna be a little while before it arrives but it's a start. I've ordered enough material to make 10 boards so should be able to turn those around in the coming weeks.
Hey guys! I haven't flaked out I promise! Wood is ordered, acryllic has proved difficult to obtain and expensive but has also been ordered. I have enough for 10 boards to begin with on a first come first served (as per list) basis.

I WILL NOT be taking money in advance for these boards. Once I have completed a batch they will be for sale at the advertised price. I'll add some more accurate shipping quotes in due course but they'll be roughly £25 for UK and I guess double for the states but dont hold me to this yet! You can make a final decision once i've got them built and ready to go.
This is the Acryllic I use and as you can see its pretty hefty. This guarentees the board wont dip or bow over time and it actually gives a nicer feel for playing on if you choose to actually use the board to play chess as well as display.

Screenshot 2023-10-14 at 16.37.57.png
Hi guys. Lil update. Work has been busy as always but I have the wood and acrylic finally in stock so hoping to be starting on these as soon as the weather in England perks up a bit. I'm hoping to take a week or two off and just make a bunch of these all at once for people who have been waiting for a long time. I'm using black American walnut which is a lovely wood so these pieces should be really good.

In response to hexagonal chessboards though I could do this it'll honestly just never get done as I won't find the time.
Hi guys. I have a few weeks off work coming up at the end of July and start of August. As the weather is improving I should be able to make the first 10 boards around this time and then I can see who still wants one!

Hi guys. I have a few weeks off work coming up at the end of July and start of August. As the weather is improving I should be able to make the first 10 boards around this time and then I can see who still wants one!

I definitely still do!