Limited Run Blade Runner 2049 - K's Metal

If he was offering COMPLETE kits I'd take one.
So brandomack , if you really wanted to solve this situation, who don't you just send out kits to people that agree on that solution? You told here in the thread that you have kits available! You don't need a lot of money to send these out, right? This would be a perfect signal that indeed you wanted to solve this.

But until now you also avoid answering question about kits, so what's up with that? Can you elaborate on this?
He is not offering complete kits only partial ones.
As far as I read in previous messages from Brandomack, only the grilles and under-shroud is missing and he is offering the 3D-files to print them (have them printed) yourself. That's pretty close to a complete kit, no? I think there are quite some people here that would gladly accept such a kit instead of a refund, but as far as I know, only one member got a kit.

The question was asked how many more kits are available for those interested, but until now, brandomack did not respond to that question.
To print those parts professionally won't be particularly cheap.

The carbon fiber grip is not included either and those have a minimum order of 10.

So no, he is not offering complete kits.
To print those parts professionally won't be particularly cheap.

The carbon fiber grip is not included either and those have a minimum order of 10.

So no, he is not offering complete kits.
He told people before that the carbon fiber grips would be included in the kits... So that's not the case anymore? Those are indeed a substantial part of the "kits".

But even then, I've seen people mentioning that they are OK with a kit (even a partial one), but even those are not offered anymore it seems. So no (partial) kits, no refunds... Looks like no solutions for anybody.

This thread really is going nowhere at all...
I’m still here, haven’t forgotten about anyone.

I’m no longer offering kits. Everything is in the process of being taken to the dump. I’m in the process of moving to a basement suite and do not have the space to bring any of this with me.

I’ve found a real world job, albeit one that pays far less and am in the process of getting my finances in order. Priority one is paying off the child support i’m behind in, after that i will be able to start distributing refunds again as i can afford them.
Is there nothing you can sell to pay back some of what you owe to people? Rather than just taking stuff to the dump?:unsure::rolleyes:
I don't have any horse in this race, as I ducked out early due my own lack of funds at the offset, so I'm declining to take any sides other than compensating those that are out of pocket, and taking steps to restore your reputation, but sureley something was produced during this run that could be salvaged to sell as parts that could be incorporated in other builds? No moulds, components or castings? It didn't appear that many kits were sold, what was actually produced? What, in fact, would you actually be putting in the trash?
Yep. But you got your refund right? So pound sand, bucko.
Yep, but there are dozens and dozens of others that did NOT get a refind right? So stop being a smartass and start refunding EVERYBODY!!!

Sorry that I'm not an RPF member that thinks: "Well, I got my money back, so I don't care of all others loose their money or not." I know you hoped to silence me by refunding me as soon as possible, but unfortunately for you, I'm not that kind of person.

I noticed that you have two "modes" to handle this:
1. You are being arrogant and kicking around to people asking you to do the right thing.
2. You are being petiful and come up with all kind of excuses why people should feel sorry for you.

Well, I would advise you to add this option:

3. Actually REFUND a member from time to time! Do you really want people here to believe that in all these months you were not able to refund one single RPF member? You are just not trying mate! And that makes me angry as hell, even if I'm refunded myself! Because as I said: I DO care about other RPF members here! :mad: :mad:

I also do not undertstand this, mate!

I’m no longer offering kits. Everything is in the process of being taken to the dump. I’m in the process of moving to a basement suite and do not have the space to bring any of this with me.

So you rather throw pieces in the dump, than actually deliver pieces to people that are interested in it? Come on, man! Do you really expect people to believe you are working on solutions, when you rather throw these solutions in the dump than offering them to people here?

Again now you come up with the story that you will have money in the future. Did we here that before? YES WE DID!!!! Did anybody actually got refunded? NO!!!! This thread is just a joke. You should have been banned months, even years ago, because nobody will see his money back. Even getting a kit instead of money is out of the question now, it seems. :rolleyes::rolleyes:(n)(n)

Nope, nothing. No castings, no tools, nothing.

So you literally threw away everything that could make you some money? Nobody believes this, mate!
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Tom you are so right. I offered Brandomack a repayment plan.But guess what,he never bothered to answer it.
If i got what i paid in a timely fashion,i would be satisfied. I already made an offer to take a monthly payment of $50 a month until i was refunded. At least that would show Brandomack is fulfilling his commitment to refund me. 2 years and nothing is i'm affraid taking the P*ss. I am not a bank and i don't have the extra cash to give away. He is not the only one struggling at the moment. In the 5 years since the run started peoples situations may have change and their disposable income may not be the same. Mine certainly has. I just want what i'm owed.

Remember this Brandon? $50 a month,you probably spend more than that on snacks.:mad:
I'm pretty sure he maybe answers a few times this week, and then goes silent again for over a month. That's his strategy! He can stretch this years and years, withouth any consequences for him. His reputation here is destroyed anyway (and with good reason), so why would he bother doing the right thing? He just claimed he dumped all his machinery, all his kits, ... Things that he could have sold to refund people here. But he just doesn't care anymore. That's pretty clear. I think only legal action will give people a chance to get their money back.
Brandomack i hope you are ashamed of the way you have treated the people who trusted you with their money! It is disgraceful the way you don't even seem to try to pay back what you have taken!:mad::mad:
Brandomack i hope you are ashamed of the way you have treated the people who trusted you with their money! It is disgraceful the way you don't even seem to try to pay back what you have taken!:mad::mad:
I have been open and painfully honest about where i’m at in my professional and personal life, and finances. As a result, i’ve been mocked and criticized. I’m done with this hobby, and holding on to the past does me no favours. I have everyones information, and will be able to start refunds again hopefully in the next few months, but beyond that, i don’t care what TomVDJ has to say as our business has concluded. Everyone else that i owe is an entirely different matter.

I was criticized for not offering kits, but i had a total of 2 carbon fibre grips, both were sent out to customers. Everything else is just extra stuff i had to let go of in order to fit into the new place.
Djeezes, mate. What a bunch of BS again! "Open and honest" was not more than "excuse after excuse to not pay back". You don't care what I have to say, but apparantly you also don't care about refunding anybody here!

And you had to let go these parts "to fit into the new place"???? Oh, come on! This was not a replica of a tank you were offering, but of a gun! All thos parts should easily fit into one big box! No room for one or two boxes in this "new place" of yours? I don't think anybody here believes this, mate!

Anyway, the ony correct thing you said, is that our business has concluded. But that doesn't mean I won't step up for the community, mate!

But I understad how you look at this: only a few people here are making "noise", right? Most people you owe money to, just abandoned this project too and took their loss, it seems. No way you are going to refund all those members that do not speak up here. Pretty sure of that! So in the end, the community donated you a few thousands of dollars. Even when you refund the few people here that didn't give up yet.
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I'd like to know how many people who are owed money are actually still watching this thread. Who is still waiting on a refund? Who hasn't given up wanting their money back?